Photos of ghosts and their exposure


On the network walks a lot of photographic creation "with ghosts". The earliest of these pictures made a sensation in the 19th century, but in our time, people who are involved in photoshop masters and to more sophisticated fakes can only laugh at such photos. Nevertheless, progress does not stand still, and with the development of art photographs of falsification becomes more and more complex.

Ghost girl

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In this photo and without the arrow, it can be seen that a translucent girl attached the baby. However, due to the fact that the baby has already acquired an anatomical additive in the form of sewing, it itself is partially translucent. Such photos occur if you shoot with too long exposure. During that time, the shutter is tickling, the baby has time to change the pose a couple of times, and quite a lively and healthy girl - enter and go out.

Monster in the forest

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The human brain is designed so that having met familiar outlines, quite independently drawing the rest to see a familiar image. It is thanks to this phenomena, people often discover that, say, the plastering plaster reminds them the late grandmother. At this photo, it is just such a principle, plus, obviously, the minimum of retouching in Photoshop.

Ghost in the mirror

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Ghost, it exists, translucent - everything will agree with this. But if it is translucent, it means that the light passes through it. And since the light goes through, how can such a ghost be reflected in the mirror? The ghost cannot. But the opaque man, standing in a certain place, can easily be reflected in the mirror, without getting into the frame - which is visible on this photo.

Night phantom

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Three people were removed on this photo, and all of them are alive. Just on the courtyard night, the excerpt is big, and one of them moves too much. It is quite possible, this is a baby from the first photo, which has already managed to grow and even take pictures with school buddies.

Ghost Rynes Holla

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This is one of the most famous ghost pictures. For quite a long time, he was considered irrefutable proof of the existence of the spirits while his secret did not solve a professional photographer, making a whole series of similar photos using photocollage technique. Nowadays, this technology seems to be a stone age.

Ghost Lincoln.

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And here is another famous photo. On it we see the ghost of the famous man - the sixteenth president of the United States Abraham Lincoln. He stands, putting his translucent hands on the shoulders of his beloved wife. Sorry, widow. You do not need to be an expert in the field of photomontage to notice that the face of the late president is mounted from the other photo, and the hands are drawn at all on the negative.

The monster in the dark

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Monstrous monster in the dark corner. His eyes shine predatory redness. Although not. If you look more closely, you can see someone's legs in this frightening darkness. Victim of a red-eyed monster? May be. And maybe it may be that this is a man with a backpack on which red reflectors are installed.

Phanta leaned over the sleeping

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And again - the classic photograph of the ghost over a sleeping person. And not a ghost even, but perhaps the death itself, won what is her cheek. In the nineteenth century there was no computer graphics, and the primitive installation was perceived by people "with a bang." But in our time it seems quite obvious. And even ridiculous.

Black man

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What a terrible photo is not true? Not true! However, this snapshot often use as evidence of the existence of ghosts - despite the fact that the man depicted on it in a dark suit looks like a ghost of no more than a sparrow on Benito Mussolini.

Dead in auto

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Low quality photos often allows you to find ghosts there, where and closely did not step by their translucent foot. The frame is quite wide so that the rest of the head of the alleged spirit can be hidden behind it, and the interior of the auto is covered so weakly that a man in dark clothes is quite capable of passing away for invisible or ninja. And if the face is terrible - this is not the otherworldly forces tried, but the laws of genetics.

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