15 phrases that can not speak if your friend is depressed


Depression is not just a bad mood, as it is customary, and quite a good reason for meeting with a psychotherapist. Alas, a psychotherapist is "expensive, far and somehow too lazy, so in most cases we prefer to cry in a vest to friends. And sometimes it really helps. And sometimes no. What could be worse than the situation when instead of support words do you get a set of stamps - stupid as morning air on TV and durable, like walls in a children's clinic?

1. Many people are worse than you And many are better. Does my trouble disappear from this? The attempt of comparison is always perceived by a painful even a healthy person, and in front of you now a person is vulnerable. You can not support, better silent. Or do a hot drink on the advice of Sheldon Cooper.

2. Tomorrow you feel Do you think Depression is such a trifle that goes to sleep and is not always returning in the morning? You can also offer tea - in the series it usually helps, but practice shows that depression does not pass every other day. "Perhaps you will not be easier and tomorrow, but I am right and ready to talk," - sounds a little better, right?

3. Life is unfair Yes. Should I get better from this? Contact specific human experiences, do not need abstract centions.

4. You must cope with this I also cope with it. Want to listen, how do I persuade myself to go into this shitty world? This is called to cope with depression. Those who have not coped are called differently. Must - a bad word, it would be worth banned. In this phrase, an uncomplicated reproach, which is read as "you are hard to try." In case of depression, pressure on pride is not the best lifting lever. Here you need an unobtrusive crutch.

5. Life continues! Truth? So now called a new, tenth circle? Do not say banalities, they cause nausea. Tell the news, let them be good and interesting to your friend. It is desirable that they contain a motivation to action. For example, the arrival of the beloved group with a concert is really great news.

6. I know that you feel, I also had depression yesterday Depression is not a bad mood. And no, you do not know what I feel. Not the worst attempt, but still let's reflash. "Despite the fact that I have recently also had a difficult period, I can only guess what you feel."

7. You behave selfishly A vest in which she was crying for ten years, sometimes can also reveal. In depressive condition, a person has very little resource even on himself. Isn't it selfish on your part now to demand attention?

8. You need to dispel well: go to the boat and drove. And how many weeks you need to do to work? Not. Simply no. You have already understood it.

9. I am sad on you to watch I am sad to hear it. Sadness is your problem. And you shift it on a friend - "Take it with you something that I was nice to watch." Let's try again: "I can't imagine what you feel, but it seems to me that I feel yours."

10. Do you think this is a reason for depression? Do you think the depression is a choice that someone does voluntarily? Sometimes she just happens. If the depression happened - yes, this is a reason for depression. But not always its reason.

11. Stretch yourself! AND? Then you will regret me? Not always a man in depression regrets himself and revels it. Sometimes he just tries to figure out his feelings and reflectures a lot. There is nothing wrong.

12. You need to play sports Can you raise me from the bed? Sports can really help. But severe depression sometimes makes it impossible to even come out of the house. Do not immediately demand an active action from a person, better ask him to be a assistant. Let simply hold the stopwatch to begin. Show an example, and there, Forest will run, do not doubt.

13. You need to come out more often You too. You can go right now. Here the paradox lies. On the one hand, the resource for the fight against depression give social contacts, on the other - they also burn and tire even more. Communication should be dosed and avoid toxic people. No coercion to communicate should not be, only an invitation to make a company.

14. Others turn out why you can't? Because I can another. What they cannot do. All people are different. We have a different nervous system, different children's injuries, different life, finally. Where one bends, the other is worth it. But one day he gets tired standing, it will break and he will have to be cleaned. This does not mean that the one who broke is weak. Perhaps he, on the contrary, is too strong. Simple accumulated critical number of shocks.

15. You are strong, you can cope Yep. "Hold on" and all that. Similar words - an attempt to emotionally remove against the problematic person. Support seems to be rendered, it is appointed strong, let him cope. But in fact, your friend needs help. Therefore, just offer it. The little sincere gesture of friendship will be quite enough.

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