12 thoughts that prevent us from living


Sometimes there is nothing about anything from happiness from happiness - somewhat very stupid thoughts, to which we return again and again. These thoughts are limited and kept within the framework, and precisely because of them we stay in a rings of misfortunes and refuse themselves in the coolest and amazing things. Try to catch them and strangle, until it became too late.

I still have time

I still have time for life. I still have time to travel. I also get a dog. I still face the child. First career, and then the apartment, because now I am too closely. No, in fact, everything is wrong. In fact, the child should be given birth now, and the dog will start, and marry. And go to the giant trip on Europe and Asiam should be right at that moment when this idea came to mind. Then there will be old age, illness, poverty and death. All the most interesting happens right today.

I have to make money.

At once two questions: "Who should?" And "Why make money?". Enhance your social status? And after another questions: and then time (all the time) that you spend on it, is there a comfort that you have because of this appear? Maybe it's time to jump from these rail at least partially, and go to yourself - about the soul, let's say, think?

What will mom think?

Mom believes that you must learn from Philfak. And it doesn't matter what you want to become a clown. Mom thinks you are to marry and children. And it does not matter that you are interested in, and in fact you are polygamins. Mom seems to you need to work in a bank and make a career. And you really want to deal with charity in Africa, and you have already learned Swahili. ATTENTION, QUESTION: Perhaps mom is worth embodying his dreams independently, and you do your own desires? In the end, the month in Africa will not hurt anyone, it is possible to return from there, firmly realizing that the third world is not very good, and calmly settle in the bank.

I live for children

For the sake of children, we work in the morning to night on the unloved work (and the children almost do not see, by the way). For the sake of children, we live with an unloved wife or an impaired husband, regularly scandaling and spam on each other. For the sake of children, in order for them to study in a "good school", we live in huge cities with a monstrous ecology, although it would be much more useful to children, maybe sit on the farm, the mouth of geese and milking goat (spending higher mathematics in free from Good work time under the light of the rauchin).

I will perform in the role of Captain Obvious: children will not say thank you for such victims. Especially if you, as it usually happens, you will say them from time to time "Yes, I put my life on you!". If you will involve children in strange and amazing adventures, take them into Africa or a farm with goats, you will live with them in wealth and in poverty, taking care of them and opening them the world - everything can work much, much more interesting.

First you need to make repairs

(Get higher education, advance by service, finish the project). Yes Yes. We postpone happiness for an indefinite period until life becomes easier, better and calm, and current urgent matters will not end. So: they will never end. After repair will be moving. After promoting the service - a new area of ​​responsibility and continuous headache. After the diploma - Pahota, marriage, children, business ... The truth is that tomorrow never comes.

Vasi has more

Member. Or tits. Or car. Or house. Or all this, taken together. Vasya is smart, cunning, fun and energetic. Vasya is better than you, so happiness does not shine you. Any business tutorial in this situation would advise you to become two times energetic and efficient Wasi and earn four times the house. Any Buddhist book would suggest you not to compare yourself with Vasya, but to compare ourselves with infinity. We are also saved from such conversations to such an extent that we just say "Pfui", then let's go and drink with Vasya.

I do not certify

Yes, of course, this work is a trip, it is an adventure, this new business is for a person who is much smarter than you, much hardy, much more efficiently, knows much more. For Vasya, Yeah.

I am an impostor

You were offered a wonderful job and a bunch of money. You have your own office. You manage people and turn around ... Well, something so told. But at the same time all the time you think about yourself: this is not me really. It's all for someone else, they were mistaken, I do not manage to pretend to be pretending to this person for which this post, this job, this office. Now here they will be revealed and dismissed with disgrace. And so - years.

A terribly widespread thing is actually called "self-shutter syndrome". So: people, as a rule, are not fools. You are the very person for whom on the wall of this office hung a disgusting tasteless picture. Complete.

I am her / his unnecessary (she / he is too good for me)

More often found in boys than girls, but also girls also happen. She knows five languages, playing the piano, worked as a model and writes a novel, and am I ordinary engineer? Do you wake up in the cold sweat at the thought that she is about to throw you? Do you think you stole a stranger lottery ticket? Figure! This is all yours! Right now, right here. Few?

I will think about it tomorrow

For the first time, Vivienie was uttered in the film "Gone by the Wind", this phrase proposes to postpone the thoughts about the coming hunger, the cold and beatings for later and not torturing herself with solving the problem right now.

In itself, it is not very scary if you truly think about it tomorrow and take any respective decisions. But usually it turns out differently: I'll think about it today tomorrow, and tomorrow I will think about it even time and postpone the next day. And so until collectors with bits knocked into the house, and the unintended roof fails from their blows.

All this is useless, because the world is doomed

The crisis will devour all the money, the end of the world will come in a month, old age, disease, poverty and death. Therefore, right now happiness is not and will not too. In general, it is suspiciously similar to mental illness, to be honest. Because it is clear that ahead of at least a terrible court, but this is not a reason to buy a place in the cemetery?

I was born too late, everyone was already stolen to me

Very often they say born around the 1980s. Those who in dashing nineties went to school and taught poor mathematics poorly. For some reason, they think that if they were born ten years earlier, then the nineties would be blocked by the car of computers on the car caps and steel millionaires.

A useful vaccination from such thoughts may be some amount of vodka, driving with those born in the sixtieth-seventies. After another winery, they begin to remember classmates: this died, this was killed, this one caught a random bullet, this one traveled in Chechnya, this man was traded, but it was broken, this one went and works as a taxi driver in Minnesota, this - a school teacher of chemistry ... an infinite martyrologist, in which Places millionaires are usually not located.

Well, then they almost always have another question: dear, and what prevents you from now right now to sell an apartment and buy a car hats from a striped cat?

Actually, this is our main question. What prevents you right now to overcome fear and laziness, stop masking them with all these stupid thoughts, rush to the puchin of adventures, change your realities and start living, in the end? To be honest - nothing!

Photo Source: http://www.shutterstock.com/

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