Real problems of extroverts. Everything is not as good as you think


Recent years, introverts have become in the Internet of a kind of cats: the network is full of benefits on how it is properly and delicately scratch them behind the ears. At the same time, the extroverts choir chorus as empty-headed noisy people. As if we do not have any problems. There are, here they are.

Easternity surrounding

If you are an extrovert, people think that your door never burns. You can call among the night, come to visit without warning, and with you to drag a couple of unknown mistress of comrades, who, by the way, was hungry that they had nowhere to spend the night.

Existential horror

For now, guests are pretty screamed, you look at the ceiling and suddenly it seems to you that your whole life is just a presentation, a performance, circus room. Why all this? Who are you in fact? Do not the impostor you, who occupy someone's rightful place? (Some introvert, undoubtedly).

Fleeing loneliness

Of course, it would be nice to drive everyone, but you, however, with difficulty enduring loneliness. And the network chatter does not replace you with live communication. If your schedule does not coincide with the graphs of your acquaintances, and you can't call anyone and come to anyone, the walls seem to be shifted around you, and the heart corps the void.

Imposed shame

You were taught to be ashamed that you automatically become a focus center. It often seems to you that you speak too loudly, waving your hands too much, and, probably, moally injured the cousin sister, hugging her after a long separation.

The role of clown

At the same time, people expect that you will always entertain them. If you are silent in the company, in the air it soon does the awkward pause, and everyone looks at you: Here We Are Now, Entertain US. But in general, you also want to listen to something interesting.

Located in bookmarks

You love spoilers. Because you usually do not have time to read the fashionable book or see the entire series. From your point of view, it is very strange to conduct a weekend house, alone with a bade of ice cream and all the series, say, "Motherland". Knowing a short content of the novelties, it is easier to maintain a conversation, but, as already mentioned, the introverts are in no hurry to enlighten you.

Ban on weakness

You can not only be silent, but also sad. No one expects this from you and most likely will take your complaint as a stupid whim. Well, let's, cheer up, girlfriend and have been hung as usual.

Inability to relax

Distribution classes like yoga and meditation are not given to you. In your opinion, if you just need to sit quietly and do nothing, is it not better to go to bed right?

Neon understanding of motifs

People often think that you are flirting with them when it was not in my thoughts. Most likely, you simply sorry from the friendliness of some shy mollusca and started with him who does not bind a conversation. And he already dismissed his arms. Hey! Hey!

Illusion of professionalism

Due to how you calmly go to contact, since childhood you are considered a confident person, who can always be put forward: in school - to read the prom, in Rodkom - to call parents of defaults, and at work, for example, to enter into correspondence with Indian developers of some kind of program, even if you, suppose a florist.

Suspicions of illegibility

People believe that you are trusting and naive, once, barely acquainted, you already recommend a girl from marketing - a familiar from the technical center. Well, yes, you do not know what your name is all these people, you do not collect dossier on them, before you decide only to go and eat together in Burger, but you just understand them, damn! Experience is what.

Accusations of ... extravelsia

To say that you are an extrovert, equal to the recognition of "I am a fool." Indiscreet, and. Well, of course. We have modestly from us for a fine-sensitive intellectual, being a banal egoist, devoid of emotional intelligence.

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