I got so got: 8 wonderful books about hit



As a child, we read the adventures of two different Alice, Olya and Yalo in the kingdom of the curves of the mirrors and the girls of Ellie in a magical country behind the mountains and sands. In short, stories about hit.

Now there is no no, and it is pulling something like, only for adults. But it is worth diving in a variety of printed products with nacifiers on a book counter, as you start feeling the vennie poump, which climbed to read comments. Bookstores are clogged with endless paper clones, in which a peasant-peak with the knowledge and skills of a universal soldier and Sheldon Cooper turns out to be at the court of Ivan the Terrible, Peter of the first or, especially often, Joseph Stalin and immediately wins the future second world war. And with Napoleon still. Moreover, in line with fashionable trends, he does this against Ukrainians (while this article is written, perhaps, the Ukrainians have already changed to the Turks in all the books about the elder, they cannot vouch in any way).

And we want girls! Alive, not universal alleged! And so that with elves kissed! Or with Urukhai, here is the case of taste. And so that with the adventures kissed something, and otherwise what a taste in kisses? So, one light erotica.

If you want to read about the hit as much as we, we took and found what you look for. Oh, only not on the shelves, there you will get lost. Run better in online stores.

Lois McMaster Budjold, "Shards of honor" and "Barrayar"


Unfavorable classic science fiction. The captain of the scientific expedition of Cordelia Neismith opens up a new planet suitable for the life, faces it with the crowd of armed men and as a result marries one of the most prominent aristocrats of Barrayar, the planet, so long in isolation from the rest of humanity, which rolled back to the Middle Ages. And now, directly without leaving the Middle Ages, reopened blasters and starships. Barrayar Nelaskov even to his children, what to talk about strangers! But Cordelia is so easy not to break, because it is pathologically normal and has an abnormally sound warehouse of the mind. It is much more superstructed than everything that is customary usually giving heroes in science fiction.

Lyudmila Astakhova, "Evil Happiness"


The most common woman, the mother of two children, dies on the operating table and enters the body of freshly born young beauties ... only living in a distant-distant universe. Or in parallel space. The heroine does not remember who she is, and knows only one thing: everything is not the circle, everything is wrong, and for some reason it is necessary to get there, where it will be. Bold plus books: Even before the memory of the heroine, first of all, an adult, mature woman, and not ready to adventure on all the protruding points of the subretka. If you are not surprised with the Cordelia, then for fantasy unusually seen the world is not from the position of someone's stupid-little. Or big and stupid.

Oksana Pankeeva, "Chronicles of the Strange Kingdom"


The thing is for lovers of the bulk series, because they include "Chronicles" of 13 volumes. The main character, Olga translator (with a little, which is emphasized several times, very small breasts) falls into the world of dragons, magic and a developed bureaucracy. So, for example, there is a program of adaptation for the fallowes, to which the inhabitants of the world have long been philosophically. Around Olga miraculously, there are many attractive and powerful men, and all wrap. Excellently written Maslentera: There is no deep meaning, it does not suffer from the obvious stupidity, it is pleasant and interesting.

Mikhail Gutkin, "Find, so with music"


For the opportunity, if you wanted to read about the way to Stalin and the Great Patriotic, but I did not like the main character of the canonical hero. You are welcome! Beauty and clever Anya student rides a grandmother to Belarus and ... and comes to Belarus. 1941. If you have no hair on the back of your head in this place in this place, then you, apparently, are bad with the knowledge of your hometown. Not just 1941. It is Belarus. Church only in Leningrad during the blockade to get. But Ana's mind and Dogs do not take, so it develops a plan.

Julia Firsanova, "Accurate hit"


The classic story is not classically: the redhead (or that) the girl Ksenia was in the magical world and how let's be friends, how to raise, and then turn into a wizard! In the list for what is interesting is written. Well, I like some one and the same in a circle, changing only the names of the heroes and Fersvis - are we, against, what?

Vladimir Kovalenko, "Cambrian period"


A series of three books. Already the label itself is spinning famously: a guy who loves to play computer games for the small elf, the will of certain strange creatures falls into the analogue of that world that he is so emit and in the case, to which it is so used to ... in the most common infinite medieval England. In the body of a tiny girl elf. To say that the guy was surprised - nothing to say, but slowly the person gets used to everything, and to the second book, the hero still accepts the fact that he is somehow hit, and not a pen. But to get used to the fact that a small girl (especially with sharp ears) no one is ready to take seriously, whether it is at least thousands of spans in the forehead, not very simple. Want to live - I'll think about it!

Elena Belova. "Vampire ... Botany?"


Residents of a certain incomir town have an interesting tradition brings from time to time sacrificing to the local vampire girl. But they are sorry for their girls, so they tried to sacrifice the incom of pleasant articles. Here the vampire hit. Because the girl Dasha is a wrestler of Sumo and this, by the way, means that it has a very determined character. Your size is more than 48 and have you dreamed of reading the heroine of their dimensions and the level of intelligence? Grab this book without thinking. If you are a thin girlfriend girl, you will not be disappointed either.

Cecilia Ahern, "Where you"


After the first book of Cecilia's first book, it was constantly secured in the status of the author of love novels, but in fact, much more often the Irish writer composes mystical stories. So in "where we are not," leaning the maiden with oddities, persecuted on the fact that people and things are, herself is suddenly lost ... and it turns out in a strange, frightening and charming "Loss". Will it be able to come out from there, it depends on whether it is looking for at least one person in the world. And just a lover, for example, not thinking. All hope for ... Yes, there is no hope, but Sandy, as we said, I really don't like to lose anything. And hope too.

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