Test: Determine the drawing, what happens to you in the subconscious


To find out who you are in fact, a duty on the desktop. Surely in the diary, abstract or simply on the leaves for recordings and stickers your doodle bang. You are withdrawing them automatically at a boring meeting, lecture or during a conversation by phone. So: What do you most often draw, then you are!


"Plock-stick-oguchechik" Plus "Relieving curve" - ​​a signal about what you want from something to see, evade - but so straight to take and you can not refuse.


Inform about interest in people, communication needs. Beautiful female profiles - romantic dreams. Potrested - conflicts, discontent with themselves. Grimacey - resentment, discomfort. Bolsheglase - vitality and optimism. Unclear images - developed abstract thinking. Simplified, conditional (eyes-points, mouth-dog) - alienation, isolation.

Houses or Bee Honeycombs

The desire for comfort, comfort and peace. Love for order and ability to plan. The house-circled several times is an excessive desire for control of everything in the world. Long house - many memories and plans.

Spirals and waves

All kinds of waviness, twisted and curls give out what you are not particularly especially to other people and experiences. You have a problem with which you can't cope. The thicker line - the more seriously it bothers you.


You are looking for your way and spiritual harmony. But so far I have not yet found, you are in the process.

The sun

This is not quite about optimism and mimymism. You are now very necessary attention and communication. However, smiling sunshine during a telephone conversation, most likely, they say that this conversation is rather happy than the opposite.


Flowers with leaves talk about kindness, responsiveness and emotionality. Bouquets in a vase - that the artist is in dire need of a mental "feeding", support. With cut stencil - the state of "suspension", no inability to the situation.


Thick foliage chips sociability, the ability to easily come to contact. Thin twigs are uncertainty, massive branches and trunk - on the contrary: you stand tightly on Earth. Broken branches - mental wounds and "traces" from the past.


Simple - you are optimistic, do not pose even before serious difficulties and tests. Love to be the center of attention. Spiky, with many protruding sharp rays, similar to hedgehogs - anxiety, experiences, desire to close and hide.


You have a sea of ​​feelings and the ocean of emotions. Keyword - "hiding". Part of them exactly need to be released on the will, because there is nothing wrong with them. You are able to make this world brighter!


You are fine with self-analysis and self-aassame, but not so great - with decision-making. Do not be so self-critical and do not take public opinion so close to the heart. If the eyes are closed - it means that you don't want to see something in this world and know. Or want to develop and decompress.

Beasts and birds

Painted, bizarre and funny? You have a good imagination and a great sense of humor! Specific real animals give out the features of your character. You can interpret them in fairy tales: a tricky fox, a weak bunny, a wolf aggressor and so on. Separate elements of the type of wings - you are all such a sudden, unpredictable.

Crossed lines, mesh, chess cells

You have some kind of problem, unpleasant situation or simply internal complexes. You strive to protect yourself as you can, but the habit of constantly restrain the negative can pour out in the neurosis and sores. Tear from "Cell"!

Crosses and crosses

It seems that you are reproached to something - or you yourself feel awkwardness and guilt. Perhaps you're so terrible and not to blame for anything terrible, they just inspired you - obviously or hidden - that you are a bad girl.

Geometric figures

You all clearly, clearly and on the shelves. You are not confused by the opinion of opponents - and you are not afraid to express your own. You are not the boss, by chance? If not - you have a good chance. If the corners are very much - it means that you are in our perseverance to somewhere too tough. And rarely allow yourself to relax, blow up.

Volumetric symmetric figures

All sorts of cubes and pyramids say that you know what you want - and stubbornly move to it. "I see a goal, I do not see obstacles" - and no one will betray you with the path of true!

Rhythmic patterns

Infinitely pulling on the leaf and repetitive motifs - as if wallpaper draw - they say that you are bored. Or the meeting is tired, or the boss tires, or in general there are few surprises and spontaneity in life. Shake, drive something funny and unexpected! Not necessarily right at the meeting, but on weekends - for sure.

Connected circles and rings

You feel something unfairly deprived, forgotten-dyed. You lack communication, participation in some kind of activity, involvement in an interesting process. And perhaps you were simply not invited to a party.


Watching where flies. If down - you lean primarily on yourself, if up - on others. If left - you are stuck in thoughts in the past, if right - rushing to the future.

Signature and your name

Constantly sign up, withdraw your initials, and sometimes you will drive or decorate letters? You are concentrated on yourself. Not necessarily in the sense of "All people are like people, and I am the Queen" (although not without it). Perhaps you now really need to figure out some of your affairs and problems.

Circled Figure

If you portrayed something, and then burst into the frame, - most likely, it means that the problem that had bothered you was finally resolved - or the shortness would be solved!

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