Stupid situations in which every woman pushes


We noticed an interesting detail - whatever the list was the editorial office of PICS, in the comments to the appropriate post in the facebursse group will certainly come that the most with which there was never anything like that. Usually it starts with the Inspective: "I am some kind of wrong woman, yes?".

Therefore, we are forced to make a footnote: here is a list of idiotic situations in which every woman drives itself. Except you, wrong. And if seriously (well, almost), then it is terribly insulting - with your own hands to drive yourself into a hopeless deadlock. To poke your nose into the metaphorical walls and think: "Lord, what am I a fool?". Everything herself, all these are these hands, and - what is not good anywhere - besides himself, there is absolutely no one to blame.

I'm leaving, farewell!

You say, for example, a boyfriend. And leave. On the night, in the frost, on foot. You go to the usual cheer step. Trained step, because it was still learned to leave and forever in childhood (my parents did not love you, here I will die, so it is necessary). And about an hour you are determined, harsh tears and compressed lips. And then it becomes cold. Or scary. Or both. Instead of noble thoughts on the topic "Without me, everything will be better," all sorts of low-lynogous nonsense begin to climb, for example: "But now something to fool something ...". The bench rigid, the rain is wet, the umbrella stayed at home, wallet, too, won the man in a jacket 100% maniac, and in general - everything was different in the movie. But not to return the same! Or return? No way! Well, another five minutes I sit and go home. But slowly!

Stop the car!

This is a Light version "I'm leaving, farewell!", But very common. The calculation is simple: you just jumped out, and he sits, clinging to the steering wheel, and feels an idiot. Beauty! Sooner or later, he crawls out of the car, say: "Well, you choose, well, I was not right," and you sit down on your beautiful passenger seat with proudly raised chin of the winner. But this gorgeous plan flies to Tartarara at that very moment when you jumped out, and he, shrugged, rushes on gas and leaves. Foreign cattle ... well, that is, the first thirty seconds you think that he is a cattle. Then you look around and trying to figure out: "And, by the way, where am I?" And if suddenly it turns out that you know where you know where you have no idea how to get out of here, it comes a turn of hope - suddenly he will return, let him return, well, please. Correctly humiliating, in short. And you promise the sky that if this cattle is not returning immediately, you are today ... ok, tomorrow (honestly, tomorrow!) Serve for a divorce.

Okay, write down!

This deadlock is the Beach of well-brought up girls. You know for sure that you will not give him, whether it is the last man on the planet, billionaire or a secret agent. But you do not know how to say "no", and he asks the number of your phone and even found a formal (although completely inconclusive) reason. You start to dictate, going to accidentally confuse the last pair of numbers. But asked as a child good books betray you and make us pronounce the number correctly. And from this point on, a cruel long siege starts. The blacklist in the phone swells and bursts with splashes from numbers from which he calls you. And you calculate the stocks of water in the precipitated fortress and begin to care carefully to think that, maybe, still give him a time to fall off? In the end, in good books, the Zhadin was always punished.

I am the daughter of Lieutenant Schmidt!

In the new company you brought some kind of completely innocent and, as you think, unverified lie. What is your dad - Lieutenant Schmidt, yes. Or that you studied in medical, but threw. You do not know why you said it. So, by the way I had ... You said and forgot. And these reptiles remember. And once one of them is terribly ill with bronchitis and asks to come, to prick him the prescribed antibiotic. Because he himself can not, but to wait for the nurse or expensive, or she will not come. Well, that there is a girlfriend, which in medical studies. You fall into the arms of Google, YouTube and familiar doctors. Get clear instructions. You go to the pharmacy, you buy the syringes and before the morning you train to make injections on your favorite plush hare, sicking yourself for idiocy. The injection is made, sweat wiped, you were not disgraced publicly, Ufff. But many more, many years in your ears are terrible shouts of a teddy hare.

How could he?

This deadlock is formally not a dead end. Because it ends not a stone wall, but by the sea. Sea adrenaline. Of course, you did not want anything like that. Well, just lay his phone. And you just walked past. And by chance (honestly, quite by chance) took him into hand. View, which is an hour, for example. And then - well, right by the demon, or rather, it was united. It was united, then, and let's go to your hands on the buttons to press and read your eyes. And here it turns out that the beloved, who did not cause any special suspicions, in fact, the bastard and traitor. You found those messengers. At best, the phone belongs not to a particularly valuable boyfriend. But if you have children, parents and mortgages, then you can only fight your head against the wall, throwing a request to the space: "What the hell am I now have this valuable knowledge?". And the space rzhet and is discharged by unsubscribes about the bitter truth.

Morning good does not happen

Especially when you wake up near the man. A stranger is not scary. Scary when this is the best friend. Lies so and smiles exhaustively, convulsively think what to do next. And you collect from the alcoholic shredder scraps of yesterday evening, and suddenly puzzles folded. And this puzzle is terrible. I did not want a friend. He resisted, pulled out your hands from his pants and said "No, no, we should not." But you unzipped the bra, and you have beautifully under it. And the friend is not iron. Now you have to somehow live with it, somehow look into the eyes of his girls and pretend to pretend that nothing has changed between you.

Word and Sparrow

It is clear that when we quarrel with the sun of our heart, you can use the average size of the power plant. And we generously blocked on the palette of the scandal of the nasty of various colors and forms. But sometimes we are fond of and can be frowning something irreparable. "I changed you, I imitate orgasm and, by the way, you have a small member." And that's it. From this deadlock there is no exit. Even if he has a huge dick, and you never changed him. Neither an oath nor an apology will help. Not in vain in English a dead end is called "Dead End".

Guys so much idle

And you love to understand who. Someone can try to object that love is uncontrollable, and does not fit under the category "I did it with my own hands." In fact, love at first sight looks around, so: he looked at me three times, smiled twice and said once: "Go around, go around here." He is so caring, he has such beautiful hands. And legs. And voice. And ear. That is, in the first glance follows the second, third and tenth, evaluating the tactical and technical characteristics of a potential chosen one. If after looking at the right hand to zunk and turn away, then love at first sight gives a crash, spits and leaves. But if it does not stop in the bud, it begins the standard cragomotine: "We are with my wife and people, I will be interpreted soon, honestly, you believe me, baby, undress, I have only forty minutes." And in ten years you are suddenly discovering that it stuck in the girls so that the girls will pursue: "There is enough to sit in us!" And do not say that no one will believe in your own hands.

All illustrations:

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