See the sky - fly! 18 Life-affirming quotes Amelia Erhart


Probably, you heard about Amelia Erhart - the first pilot woman who flew the Atlantic Ocean. Amelia put a lot of records, and she also played on Banjo in Music-Hall, worked as a photographer, a film operator, a teacher, secretary, telephone player, an auto mechanic, a truck driver and wrote several books about their adventures. And we transferred the most encouraging quotes.


Women should try to do the same that they tried to make men. And if we do not work, the failure will be a challenge for others.

Never interfere with a person to do what you called it impossible.

Before each woman opened the ocean of opportunities, if she has enough spirit to use them. Is it reckless? Maybe. But what do dreams know about obstacles?

The courage is the price that life charges for the promise of the world.

Being one scary, but not as scary, how to feel like one when you two.


The only kind act spreads the roots in all directions, these roots allow sprouts that turn into new trees. The greatest benefit that brings the kindness to people is that it makes their good themselves.

We define ... Is it worth the purpose of the risk that it turns on. If so, it's enough to worry.

Before some of us, an excellent take-off field is spread. If you see it in front of yourself, flying. And if not, I understand that we take a shovel and start laying it for yourself and for those who follow you, your duty.


Experiment! Meet with new people. It is better than learning from universities. In life, you will constantly face unexpected. Adventure will prepare you for these meetings.

The more you do, the more you can do.

One of my biggest fears is that girls, especially those whose tastes are not common, do not give themselves. The generation of generation is inherited an ancient tradition of education in the daughters of timidity.


Maybe I climb on the Rogger when it comes to modern education girls. But the youth often send a false path. I know the girls who would have to mess with mechanics, instead of sewing dresses, and boys who were cooking better than engineering.

The most difficult thing is to make a decision to act. The rest is only a question of perseverance.

I can not promise that I dance inside even the most attractive cell.

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