6 modern parenting styles - what is yours?


With the light hand of Chinese Amy Chua, published in 2011 a book "Battle Hymn of Mother Tigritis", various types of parents today give names in honor of animals. If you do not find yourself in this zoo, let's come up with your own options!

Mother Tigritz

The main goal of Mother Tigritis is to teach children to catch prey. That is, put them with clear goals in life and make them seek. The most important, of course, is education and discipline. And then all the means are good: you can scold, blackmail and leave children without lunch. Tsigritis, without sparing forces, pull tigrite into a bright future, lever and scratching. And children usually receive their diplomas and diplomas, and on a psychologist then earn themselves.For dinner, mom-tigress will say: until everyone eaten, you will not leave because of the table.


The predatory dad, like the tigress, the first place puts the discipline, education and career. But, unlike her, I will not move your finger to ensure the child safe conditions. They survive the strongest, in the end. His baby will try to taste household chemicals, ride unaccounted in a wheelchair and swim in ice water. Freedom? No matter how. As soon as the period of study will begin, the wolf will drive the child in the most prestigious university, literally, by force. His corporal punishment goes under the category even not "can be", but "you need." Otherwise, with the wiccs in any way.

For dinner, the dad-wolf will say: Well, come out of the table, and bring me a belt.

Mama Dolphin

Such a mother, most likely, did not read any pedagogical benefits. In life with children, she plunged as a dolphin into the water, guided by its strong intuition. For her, the main thing is that the children be healthy and happy, and she cooperates more with them than commands. Although, of course, he knows about the rules and will not give children to swim, where it is not necessary. But there will be no push, so in the circles and the courses of her delphinite are recorded independently. Or are not recorded and learn on the top three with twins. But they can be able to serve themselves exactly themselves, they study it quickly and in life will not disappear.For dinner, Mama-Dolphin will say: Food in the refrigerator.

Papa Panda

Pope Panda - so loves children, which is quite ready to replace moms at home. True, the chaos, but controlled. From the point of view of Panda, the whole world is such a controlled chaos, and to navigate it very fun. Panda does not bored with children, he gladly hugs them and entertains, droves in a sandbox and launches air coils. But with the lessons for children does not prescribe. The main thing is a good mood and a healthy psyche. Fortunately, he is quite attentive and strong to protect children from real dangers.

At dinner dad-panda will say: Hey, leave and mom a little ketchup!

Mama Masus

The main feature of mom-jellyfish is that it is very easy to sell. It seems to be "no", "impossible," but it is worth a child to bull out, as it turns out that "yes" and "can be". Very soon, the kids are involved and not to listen to it, making everything they want. What mom-jellyfish does not take away, so it is her love and kindness. When her children, inevitably, fall into the alterations, she is here like here with the plaster, green, hugs and "Oh, my little sunshine!"For dinner, mom-jellyfish will say: first you need to eat soup! Oh, oh, well, here is the watermelon, just do not cry.

Mama Dragon

This name has sad origins. It appeared in the article Emily Rappa, women whose son, because of the rare disease, was not destined to live to three years. Mama Dragon is a fierce, devotee and madly loving. About any universities and weddings of their children do not think such mothers. The main thing is to be with the child here and now. Mom-dragons cast pedagogical manuals aside and enjoy the proximity to children to the entire coil. And never give advice to other parents.

For dinner, Mama Dragon will say: for lunch we have everything your favorite.

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