10 main beauties from Soviet cartoons


Modern children grow mainly on cartoons of American animated studios. Aesthetic education, ideas about beauty, including female, they absorb from there.

Disney with beauties has always been order, Pixar and DreamWorks Heroin also quite aesthetic. Children in the Soviet Union brought up a sense of beautiful on the cartoons of Studios "Soyuzmultfilm", "Screen" and "Armenfilm" named after AMO Beknazaryan. We accounted for an absolutely subjective rating of the beauties of Soviet animation.

10. Female Fish from the cartoon "In the blue sea in a white foam"

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This is an amazing creature with a fish tail instead of legs, a woman's body and fish instead of a head with another tail on the back of the head. He sings the creature by voice Anipa Kanashyan. The song, calling the boy to stay and be a king, and his own kind of creature left a deep mark in the psyche of Soviet children. Especially boys.

9. Snow Queen

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Dominant woman, woman ice. Cartoon sculpture in the style of socialism. She seemed yesterday with the pedestal to suppress the will of the young viewer.

8. Mom Kalysh

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At the kid beautiful mom. A low-rise in the ranking is due to its low self-esteem. She symbolizes a woman who is tortured by marriage. A cartoon prepares girls in advance to the fate of the tired housewife with three children and an inattentive husband.

7. Atamysha from "Bremen Musicians"

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Cutting woman, all with her. Manages the hay of half-robber robbers in the shaggy hats. Shows the young viewer with a beautiful life with cards, money and trunks. But there is a nuance. Ataman sings the voice of the artist Oleg Anofrieva.

6. Scarlet flower

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Junior merchant daughter. Having two squabble and mercantile sisters, was able to stay smart, beauty, quikhonia. In addition, ready for self-sacrifice. All good maiden, the ideal of the Soviet wife. Sixth place for excess meekness.

5. Cinderella

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The girl got from life, she grew up with an unloved stepmother of evil stepmother. But she was lucky with the godfather, due to what he left. The image of Cinderella teaching a young viewer, that not everything is solved by the effort. A little bit of magic, a couple of mice and it's ready. Fifth place for annoyance.

4. Tsarevna Frog

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Would be an ideal wife if it were not for a bad background. All these old things with a blaspheme and frogy skin strongly blocked the blood of young Ivan. And so, yes. And the craftswoman, and can dance, and damn is good.

3. Domegoriza Freken side

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Woman in body, confident, economic, with a pleasant share of crazy, - all this mistress Freken side. Mrs. In many Soviet boys, she gave the thought of bdsm. Although such an abbreviation in those carefree years they have not yet known.

2. Mom Uncle Fedor

Amazing, mysterious character. In the first part of the trilogy about Prostokvashino, she was slight, beautiful and possessed the organic first breast size. In the second part, the artists cleared, apparently, deciding that the young viewer is already ready. The mother's chest has grown to the caressing of the number three. Not for nothing she gathered in the summer not in the village, but to the resort, wearing the front dresses. During this period, her chances of winning the ranking were more than ever. It is not known that it went wrong, but Soviet boys, with saliva waiting for the release of the final series, was waiting for disappointment. The once sexy milf passed noticeably. It may be marked for that censorship in the "Soyuzmultfilm" or something else, but the mother of Uncle Fyodor sang the famous song about "Kaba was not winter" already with zero size. Crash, pain and first sexy confusion.

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1. Princess from "Bremen Musicians"

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And here is the winner of our gallery rating of Soviet animation. Princess from "Bremen Musicians". It is beautiful literally everyone: High, Slim, Disposher, is good voice. Its extremely short dress and impeccable figure still causes uneven sighs in boys and develops a complex of inferiority from girls. Against the background of a plump dad, it is especially good.

Outside the competition

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10 main beauties from Soviet cartoons 39466_14

Despite the fact that the Soviet children hated puppet cartoons, these young ladies are considered heroines completely revered and cited pictures. But from this, their images are not less injured by children's psyche.

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