These strange Russian writers. Amazing fate. Part 2


PICS.RU continues to publish articles about the life and death of Russian writers, which we are talking about the school is only the most uninteresting. In the last issue, Zhukovsky, Gogol and Dostoevsky were noticed. Go!

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov (1821 - 1878)

These strange Russian writers. Amazing fate. Part 2 39465_1

Almost a father of Russian democratic poetry was an incredibly versatile person: a poet, a writer, a publisher, a player and a famous lover of women. The first of his literary experiments were of claims and invoices for their own father, who had been suused with his native sister because of the pair of peasant souls, and left the cities in the rest of the cities, and I worked as a crawler - he squeezed the serfs to death.

Childhood, in short, was not the most pleasant. Young Nekrasov was uncomfortable, therefore, graduating from grade 4 gymnasium, he went to St. Petersburg to enter the university. The idea was not crowned with success, but the future writer still remained in the capital, just not to return to Patek. It was pretty quickly mastered among the writing brachia and convinced Journalist Ivan Panayev to redeem the magazine "Contemporary" to repose him new forces. And in order for the life of honey, it did not seem to, hung away from Panayev just in case to his wife Avdotia, passing it into Dostoevsky. It is noteworthy that it was not fully carried away: just settled with spouses in the same apartment and happily healed with them a Swedish family.

In general, they are there in this "contemporary" the devil knows what happened in terms of women and love relationships! No day without hysteria! But for them, to be honest, there was a reason. For example, a copy of the Noman Chernyshevsky "What to do?", Which was destined to turn the minds, Lost Nekrasov on the way to the editor. Well done, I did everything right! True, we must admit that then I found and published safely. Then there were some incredible litigation with the Ogarev and his first wife (not the one that escaped to Herzen - we warned!), After which Nekrasov cooled to the Avdier, he was tested to France with a random Frenchwoman, and then bought at all and won the new Wife is a serf friend - in the card.

Researchers write that the poet was extremely happy, rushed with a woman as a doll, even invented her a new name to designate that she had a new life ahead. But here he found cancer, and Nekrasov quickly burned down from terrible disease. His funeral turned into a real rally, which gathered a half-million crowd to say goodbye to a favorite writer. This is what we understand - folk love!

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev (1818 - 1883)

Childhood, the future of the Great Writer of the Russian land was rather difficult. Mother, a despotic and rude woman, often halted three sons, demanding full obedience from them, but at the same time spoke to them exclusively in French for the purpose of education (normal at all? That is, the wipit and senses "Comment Faites-Vous? Tout Va Bien, Je Vous Remercie! "). Father died early, leaving card debts and nothing more.

Nevertheless, the family had a family, so Turgenev went to study - first at Moscow University, which graduated brilliantly, and then abroad. Along the way, I wrote poems and met the leading poets of his time, including Pushkin and Lermontov, but not a close acquaintance with them because of his difficult character. Being safely received a master's degree in Greek and Latin philology, Ivan Sergeevich could calm down, but it was not there - exactly at that moment he met the brilliant French singer Polina Viaro, and, as it should be said, this meeting turned his life.

He immediately leaves to Paris, justifying what he can not breathe with one air with the fortress peasants (of course, of course, we know!), And the Viaro here is completely nothing to do, there it gets closer with Ogars and falls in love with his wife (poor Ogarev But he was not lucky with his wives!), Returned for a short time to Russia ... And here it was sinking for censorship and quickly sent him for sympathetic reviews about fortress and frequent trips abroad, as well as for the fact that he is very smart, in the reference!

Turgenev served the link and, without thinking, he fled to Paris from sin away under the wing of the Viardo family. Polina never divorced her husband, so 38 years old Ivan Sergeevich lived "on the edge of someone else's nest" in the tripled union, which did not prevent all three of them to educate common children and generally feel very good. In the end of the life of Turgenev in his 61, he wanted to marry another singer - the young Maria Savina, but Viardo was kept firmly, and the wedding did not take place. In love, he, according to his own recognition shortly before his death, did not desperately lucky. But the books wrote great!

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok (1880 - 1921)

The block was incredible, insanely handsome, the first real sex symbol of his time: almost all students of both capitals were carrying his portrait and sighed at night. Yes, and from early childhood, Sasha was surrounded exclusively by women - Mom, grandmother, aunties, godfall, - many researchers later found in his work signs of the Eidipva of the Complex and the women's perception of the world, grafted in early childhood.

Not sure about Freudian theories, but the world's world is really extremely distinctive. First, in verses, he surprisingly and paradoxically combined mystical and domestic, worked in the style of "poetic impressionism". Secondly, his wife - the love of Mendeleev - called not otherwise as a "beautiful lady," but he regularly twisted her singer with actresses, singers, gypsies, kurtybamas, prostitutes and devils who else. What is one entry in his notebook:

First of Love, if I'm not mistaken, has accompanied the sweet disgust for the sexual act (it is impossible to connect with a very beautiful woman, you need to choose only bad for this).

The wife, it should be noted, did not waste time, and also started the intrigues on the side, the loudest of which was the novel with Andrei White - a friend and a bond comactor. Well, what else was to do a poor woman, being married with a man "fish" temperament? Subsequently, love will write pornographic memoirs, in which without embellishment and very frankly talk about his insolent sexual relations in marriage. According to her, the first marriage night in the full sense of the word took place only a year after the wedding, and subsequently the meeting in the bedroom was incredibly rare and sad.

It is not surprising that she was fascinated by passionate and a little crazy Andrei White, who threw it with letters, flowers and gifts, then begged to throw the block and go for him, then urged to save Russia, then told the whole Petersburg that a deal was solved - the wedding is! The block did not do anything to prevent this madness, then the white began to write crazy letters to both - what to be broken! He wanted to commit suicide, then call a rival on a duel, but in the end, went to Moscow, and then abroad. Did not bring the soul of the poet!

Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva (1892 - 1941)

We decided to dilute the purely male company of strange Russian writers and poets a woman. This, perhaps, that rare case, when even just reading poems, you realize that a person lived, what is called "on the edge" and every minute justified the high name of the poet. Let's start with the fact that Tsvetaeva constantly fell in love. In men, women, young, old, beautiful, terrible, she could carry anyone and anywhere.

For example, one day she fell in love with French literature and, without having reached even the 18th anniversary, psychunula and left for Paris to come to Sorbonne, where he studied for about a year. Then he returned to Russia and immediately married Sergey Efron, having fallen in love with the time in his brother, who was devoted to several poems with the dedication "P.E.". Or, for example, few people know that a sample of love lyrics, the famous poem "I like that you are not sick with me ..." It is written to Mauritius Mintz (her husband's sister's husband), and not a legitimate spouse at all.

But in marriage, Marina quickly became boring, and she spun a dashing novel with the poetheless and translator of Sophia Gamenka; Their romantic relationship continued for two years - with a lively husband. Tsvetaeva devoted to the guys cycle of poems "girlfriend", but then still returned to Sergey Efron. Relationship with this woman, Tsvetaeva described as "the first catastrophe in his life." Subsequently she wrote:

Love only women (woman) or only men (man), knowingly excluding the usual reverse - which horror! But only women (man) or only men (woman), obviously excluding an unusual native - what a boredom!

That's what a man is a broad soul - a real poet! She could not stop the years nor the distance nor fisty decency - what nonsense! For example, an affair with Pasternak Tsvetaeva started in the best traditions of unceremonia, characteristic of her, wedging into his personal correspondence with Great Rainner Maria Rilke. But Sergei's husband was all forbed: "Marina is a man of passion. Sugging with his head to her hurricane has become a necessity, the air of her life. A huge furnace, to warm the firewood, firewood and firewood. Unnecessary ash is thrown, the quality of firewood is not so important. The thrust is still good - everything turns to the flame. Firewood worse is rather burned, better - longer. She rushes to death. The Earth has long gone from under her feet. She speaks about it continuously. Yes, if I did not say, for me it would be obvious ... "

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin (1870 - 1953)

The first Russian laureate of the Nobel Prize in Literature also loved love triangles and even started alone. But before that, he managed to marry a couple of times. His first wedding was a continuation of the service novel in the editorial office of the newspaper "Orlovsky Bulletin." The girl in the best traditions of sentimentalism worked there by the correct. Bunin was 19. As they say, he was spinning! But after 3 years, the young wife ran away, without leaving any traces except the short note "Vanya, forgive. Do not remember lich. " Loju did not say anything. Although many critics are confident that it was this life episode that allowed Bunin to start seriously engaged in literature (and what else to do if the wife ran away, and it was impossible to drink).

Anna Tsakney's second wife threw the Bunin and at all a year after the wedding, running away from him to his native Odessa, despite the fact that he was already pregnant. The writer was terribly worried, cared for suicide, wrote endless philosophical notes and reflections, indulged in longing and sadness, again drank a lot and wrote again. But not long music played: Soon Ivan Alekseevich met a new muse and the future wife - faith Muromseva, who lived together 46 years before death. Together they went through fire, water and copper pipes and were betrayed and loyal to each other. Vero did not even confuse the fact that in recent years they had a writer Galina Kuznetsov for about 10 years old - at first it was a long-relative, then a friend, and then everything became clear that she was just a lover Bunin.

It would seem, what could be better? Sea, France, two women who love you, Nobel Prize - Live and Rejoice! But Bunin would not be a bunin, if everything was so simple: it turned out (of course with a vile and pig scandal) that Galya fell in love with the sister of one of the friends of the writer. And fell in love so much that he invited her to swim on the same villa, where herself lived on the rights of Guest. Madhouse! But thanks to this murmon, "Dark Alleys" appeared to the world - perhaps the most piercing collection of Novel about love.

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