Happy New Year, dear!


Dear friends! Pics.Ru, like all progressive humanity, goes on vacation. We have prepared you a lot of texts on New Year's holidays, but we will not be for some time.

We were very good with you these three months and will be even better in the new year. You are beautiful, we sincerely congratulate you on the holiday, and we have ten important wishes for you (Verious We guys, and you can not do anything with it).

We wish you the world

This year, some of us managed to quarrel with friends and relatives. So always happens during the war, the meaning of which is not entirely understood. We practically cannot affect the authorities in Moscow, Kiev and especially in Berlin and Washington, but one thing we know for sure: we are important. We need our friends than abstract ideas. Take care of each other.

We wish you love

If you have no one - you will definitely find someone. If there is - demonstrate and show your love every day, in the mountain and in joy, in wealth and poverty. This is the most pleasant work in the world, and it is rewarded best.

We wish you children, and that they please you all the time

No children - give birth immediately. Children are presenting surprises every day, children grow out of funny yeasting pieces of meat turn into unique people, not very similar to you. And it is better not nothing in the world.

We wish you health

It is better to be rich, but healthy than the poor, but sick. Finally, the real winter came, and this happens not so often, it will be terribly stupid to hold it in bed with a thermometer under the arm. Dress up warmer, more hot drink, more oranges!

We wish you wealth and prosperity

We will now try to explain that not in the money happiness, and that spirituality is important. We, as if we don't have anything against, but poverty is hard, degrading and dries the soul. Choose between the purchase of fruits and buy boots, save on gifts, postpone the trips to an indefinite period - that's not all this, please. We want you (and us) enough for the lifestyle we deserve, that is, the best of all possible.

We wish you travel and new impressions.

Travel - the best food for the mind. Even if you just go to the beach to warm up - it's all the same another country, other food, other people and impressions. We are not talking about real travels, Aztec pyramids, European museums and mountain campaigns. Now all this is somewhat harder than before, but the more valuable if you still find the opportunity. In addition, it makes sense to ride around the country - we have a huge and incredibly beautiful, you can find amazing things within a two hundred kilometers from Moscow. And you can not even leave the city - a walk through the courtyards and the alley of China-Cities can also be a full-fledged journey. The main thing is to look at all the "fresh look" and always open a new one.

We wish you difficult and interesting work and great achievements in it.

We are what we do. And we do it well. And let us wake up with enthusiasm every morning and run to work not because it does not give us to die with hunger (although it is important, of course), but because it is our way to determine yourself, and make a world a little better.

We wish you only pleasant surprises

We have enough crises, losses, unexpected and unpleasant news, awakening in the new reality, which no one warned us. Let all your surprises demand champagne and roses.

At the same time, we wish you surprise

We wish you at least sometimes take unexpected (and faithful, of course) solutions. Stay yourself and not try to seem to someone else - this is a terribly important thing. Do not act according to the template, you are so much better than trying to seem.

We wish you a sheep

Or goat. Or dog. Or cat. Or five cats. Or hamster. It doesn't even need to explain anything: when a large dog climbs into the bed in the morning and begins to lick the face - this is a sign that the day will be very good. And year. And next year. And in general, all life. What we wish you happy new year, we love you very much!

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