Einstein's brain and Penis Napoleon: Adventures of the famous deceaseders


Desperate workaholics love to repeat: "On the light of a rest." This rule really works, but not for everyone. In this article, we will tell the history of the famous people who suffered after death, perhaps more than in life.

Albert Einstein

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Einstein, whose image with a dried tongue adorns the wall of every second hipster, was one of the greatest scientists of the last century. On its discoveries in the field of physics, all the leading achievements of the present are based on. His unique brain, so successfully solved mathematical dilemmas, was simply obliged to become an object of study. However, it happened.

Pathologist Thomas Stolz Harvey removed the brain of the Great Scientist after opening and cutting parts for research in his laboratory. According to the results of this work, several scientific papers were published. By the way, Albert's eyes removed along with the brain. They took them an ophthalmologist of the scientist Henry Abrams. Now they are stored somewhere in New York. Perhaps someone plays with Einstein in the glance.

Mata Hari.

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The real name of Matha Hari - Gertrude Zell. She was a famous dancer and curtains at the beginning of the last century. There were many such stars in Paris, Mata got fame because of rumors about his spyware in favor of Germany. The first world war, and Karaly spies according to the laws of wartime. Mata Hari shot.

The body of the dancer was not in demand by their relatives, he was transferred to an anatomical theater. The harnessed head of Mati Hari has long been at the Anatomy Museum in Paris on a general ferris. Now the location of the head and body is not known. Presumably, they disappeared during the move of the museum in 1954.

Oliver Cromwell

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Famous English revolutionary, politician, Lord Protector of England, Scotland and Ireland. After his death in 1658, the son of Oliver Richard came to power. But soon the riots began in the country, and to keep the people from the uprising, the parliament called on the throne of Charles of the second, the son of the executed Cromwell Karl First. The young monarch was pardoned by the first decree of all the companions of Cromwell, and the second ordered to execute the Oliver himself. Two years after death, Oliver Cromwell got out of the grave, virtuously hung and quartered as a traitor.

Karl the second showed himself a strong politician: it seemed to achieve fair revenge, and did not even kill anyone. After the "execution", the head of Oliver Cromwell twenty-five has checked on a high spire of the Westminster Palace until the storms were blown up. After that, the famous head went hands. She possessed collectors and museums, while in 1960, after three hundred years after exhumation, she was not betrayed by Earth. What happened to the other parts of the body of the revolutionary, still not known.

Napoleon Bonaparte

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Great French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte is known to those who conquered half of Europe and died in the exile on the island of St. Helena. And he had little height. This fact gave the name of the same set. The former emperor died quite young, he was only 52. ​​With the last years of his life he had a lot, and was afraid that this ailment would comprehend his son. In his will, Bonaparte agreed to the autopsy and study of his body to search for medication.

The doctor who carried out an autopsy in the presence of famous doctors used the moment and secretly cut off the causal place of the former emperor. He presented the penis of Napoleon to the Corsican priest who brought him to Europe. Part of the body of the Great Frenchman has changed the owner many times. Now she is at a certain Evan Lattimer, whose father bought an intimate detail of Bonaparta at auction in 1977 for three thousand dollars. If anything, the royal size is only 3.8 cm.

Nikolo Paganini

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"He played as if the devil himself was united in him!" - So spoke about the Italian violinist Nikolo Paganini his contemporaries. And Nikolo did not try to refute these rumors. Black PR promoted the growth of his popularity. But with the growth of His Glory, the People's Solve grew. It came to the point that after the death of the violinist, his son refused to be ruined the Father in the Christian custom in the Cemetery of Nice. But the son turned out to be a duct guy, he did not leave attempts to achieve permission to get sick father as it should be.

He transported the coffin with the body of ancestor from place to place, hiding him from a curious eye. The body of Paganini secretly buried in different cities of Italy for a period of several months to several years. The great violinist gained peace only 56 years after death, while he lived only 57.

By the way, the musician was disturbed again. After complaints about certain moans and sounds emanating from Nikolo's crypt, it was decided to dispel the rumors and his devilish essence and open the grave. The coffin was opened in the presence of local priests and the grandson of the deceased. Everyone saw the perfectly preserved body of Nikolo Paganini. As if he died the other day.

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