Award "Oscar": how to become a nominee? First person instruction



Cartoon "We can't live without a cosmos" St. Petersburg director Konstantin Bronzit entered the Oscar Prize Short List. True, the animation work will be a nominee - it will turn out only in February. All these "Oscars" - it didn't just go and received a statuette - and went, filed a statement, showed the awards, received the necessary points from academics ...

In short. Almost like an exam, but only much worse (remembered - flinched!). Therefore, tell you, the reader, how to get to this "Oscar", which circles of hell are every director, as well as what the nominees differ from the guests of the ceremony (looking for at the end of the article).

First Person: Konstantin Bronzit - About the Oscar Prize

The order that I will describe below concerns exceptionally short animated, game and documentaries. For this category Rules at the Academy Some.

There are 4 consecutive stages:

1. Long-leaf (that is, a long, large list of films) 2. Short list 3. Nominees 4. Winner (declared when opening an envelope and receives a statuette).

How to get to Long-leaf?

For this you need to pass Oscar qualifications. That is, get the right to submit a film to the Academy for "Oscar". Attention is important - for the implementation of this plan since the end of the film is exactly two years old, which, of course, is an advantage over the game movies that have only a year.

There are two official ways to receive this qualifications. What is cool, they are not connected with each other.

The first way - You send a film in festivals. And you need to get at least one main prize of any festival, which is qualified by the American Film Academy. Each of these festivals in its own way earns such status. Their list is quite large, and it is openly published on the Academy website.

Having received one such a prize, you automatically fall into the Long List. Eh, I would know it in 95 .... In the 99th ... (Konstantin Bronzit with the cartoon "Lavatory Lovestory" became the nominee "Oscar" eight years ago, - approx .red.)

I repeat, a lot of qualifying festivals, prizes too. Need only one!

Frame from a cartoon:

But! Even if you have failed to conquer any festival for a year and a half, you still have a chance - the same second way (also official). Do you need (how? I don't know here, do not ask) - to arrange a rental of your film for one week in one of the cinemas of Los Angeles or San Francisco. Perhaps New York too, look at the site. Confirm the rental documented - and get your qualifications. Well, after - Welcome to the American Film Academy.

Once again: two ways to qualify: festival, or technical (through hire). And here you are in Long List. Automatically.

But the ass to tear off again: you need at least to reach the post office on time and send your film to the Academy. "On time" means that the Academy has its own Deadline. Usually September 30th. If you did not have time, slept, it was dug, then everything was gone. If sent by completing the technical requirements for the premise itself (they are also on the site), no longer depends on you.

How to get into the short list?

When all the grandfathers have passed, the very first tour of the vote begins at the Academy. Academicians browsing a list of all sent films and secretly vote (in Long-Sheet it turns out from 60 to 140 films!)

Academicians put points. From 6 to 10. 10 - the best assessment.

In mid-November, the same short list is announced. According to a simple principle of counting the largest number of points, it falls from 10 to 15 films. The short sheet is declared separately, especially like the stage.

How are the nominee?

Next starts another stage of voting academics. The principle is exactly the same: they secretly from each other, while the director of the short sheets is nervous to nails nervously, academics put their scores to their films in their newsletters. And finally, on January 14 of the next year (the date approximate, every year is different), after counting the votes, the same 5 films are announced, (according to the rules from 3 to 5), which receive the status of the nominee. No earlier!

How do Oscar won?

But that's not all, it's not all that damn it. Begins the very last, third stage of the voting! Already no points. Academician must mark only one out of five films. The name of the one who was marked more often than others, and invested in that very cherished envelope, which is revealed only at the solemn ceremony!

The upcoming ceremony will take place ... Hmm, thought, thought ... and decided to write carefully - should take place on February 28, 2016.

P.S. Nominees on the red carpet from simply guests are easy to distinguish on the nugby nails.

That's all I wanted to say. Good luck to all! Take care of yourself and your loved ones. This is the main thing !!! :)

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