Moms harness! The coolest mothers according to


Since 1998, the Mother's Day has been celebrated on the last Sunday of November in Russia. Especially for today collected a selection of the most-the most supermasms! There is someone to take an example! And call parents.

Maria Carmen de la Busada


This woman is famous for giving birth to beautiful healthy twins boys after the successful ECO procedure in 66 years old, that is, at a time when most of her peers are safely sitting on pensions and do not think about children. According to Mary, she decided to become a mother after her own mother died at the age of 101. Her decision was criticized by many, even the family was in bewilderment, but the woman was quite abruptly answered criticism and even organized a movement on the protection of the rights of elderly parents. In 2009, Maria Carmen de la Busada died of ovarian cancer, now the twins briefly raise her relatives.

Each woman should be able to give birth to a child in the time you need. I was 66 and I realized that my time came. Children are what I always dreamed about, so why not now?

Giraffe Chan Song


Mama-record holder among giraffes. On the day of its 27th anniversary 2 years ago, she gave birth to her 18th kid-girafenka in the South Korean zoo. Usually, the giraffes are up to 15 young, but this decided to go on. We are proud of, Cho! More giraffes are good and different! By the way, Chan Sung refers to a rare type of cellular giraffes, which a little more than 5,000 remained on the planet.

Anna Fisher


The first mother, not afraid to leave the children on the native planet and go to space. From November 8 to November 16, 1984, she was on the Shatle Discovery as a flight specialist, the total duration of the flight was 7 days 23 hours 46 minutes. At the time of the flight of the daughter of Anna Kristin Ann was 1 year and 3 months old. Photo on Life magazine cover! 1985 still remains one of the most recognizable. Fisher no longer flew into space, but also the work did not quit - developed training programs for Pilots of the ISS. Strong woman!

Quinni Liao


Mom, turning the decret in art. When she was born the third son - Vengen, - Quinni decided that he was going to deal with his affairs, while the child was sleeping, was too boring, therefore he created a series of absolutely fabulous photographs, instantly gained world popularity. It is noteworthy that she makes decorations from everything that comes across at hand, there are diapers, pillowcases and even food. The project was called "Vengen in Wonderland" - this is a surprise will be when the guy grows!

Angelina Jolie


A woman who does not need a presentation. Pretty woman, director, actress and mother of six children (part-time - Brad Pitt's wife). Therefore, let it just be here.

White Medols


Most often, the cubs appear on the light of a long arctic winter when a bear is located in Berorga. 2-3 months, while the young will not grow up, the mother is abruptly with them, feeding and warming them. She herself is starving at this time. That's what we understand, maternal dedication!

Rashid Dati.


French politician, former Minister of Justice, the first Arabian in the French government. Woman bright in all respects - as soon as her newspapers were not criticized for "authoritarian management style" and expensive outfits from Christian Diora. January 2, 2009 Rashida gave birth to a daughter. Not only did not rest in the New Year holidays, it also went to work 5 days after this significant event. The media opened it in the fluff and dust for neglecting by motherly duties, but, agreed that in 43, such anchorage and physical form cannot be not impressed.

Mother Teresa


Another woman who does not need a special idea. The only Catholic nun, awarded the Nobel Prize of the World "For the activities to help an afflicted person." He founded the Order of Mercy, who saved thousands of disadvantaged around the world.

Due to the fact that we do not see Christ, we cannot express to him our love, but you can always see the neighbor and in relation to them to do as they would do in relation to Christ if they saw it.



Another example of maternal dedication. Little kengurys are born with a size with a human little finger and, bare and blind, on their own on their wool get to the bag, in which there are about a year, feeding with milk, which, depending on the needs of the baby, can be produced up to 4 different species. Only in half a year, small kangaroo begins to stick out out, and before that mother can lock them in their bag with muscle effort.

Peasant Vasilyev


Our compatriot, who fell into the Guinness Book of Records, as the most large mother in the world - she gave birth to 69 children. Of these, 16 pairs of twins, 7 Troymen and 4 quarters (a total of 27 births - Mama Mia !!). Of the 69 children born 67 survived infancy. It was in the XVIII century with Catherine II, so the name of the mother of the heroine was riveted in the fly.


Moms harness! The coolest mothers according to 39446_11

One of the highest statues in the world is the allegorical image of the Motherland, which calls the sons on the battle with the enemy. According to the legend, its self-priest inspired by the authors. The height of the monument is 87 meters, weight - more than 8,000 tons. For comparison, the Statue of Freedom towers on a pitiful 46 meters.

Sculptor Evgeny Vuctech told Andrei Sakharov: "I am asked the authorities, why did she have a mouth, because it is ugly. I answer: And she screams - for the homeland ... Your mother! "

And, finally, touching video. Happy Mother's Day!

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