Horoscope: How does the signs of the zodiac quarrel?


The world, work, May is all, of course, cool, but no good scandal has canceled. Exclusively for tone, nothing personal. Yes, and the editorial ball is idle.

So read how the signs of the zodiac quarrels. Suddenly come in handy? Holidays will soon end ...



Capricorn quarrel really can not. You are wrong with him that he is not right, so things are not done and in general, it is time to dismiss the plates, and he knows himself, it is necessary that it is necessary, something likes himself under his breath and, between the case, prepares the first Second, third and compote.

However, common sense can change the Capricorn, and then the only thing that you will remain - lie on the ground, cover your head with your hands and pray to carry. Of course, it will then be scary to apologize, give a million scarlet roses and the sky in diamonds, but to whom, it is asked, diamonds are needed after the explosion of a nuclear fugas.



To quarrel with an aquiet, you need to have patience, a wagon of free time and completely the absence of self-preservation. First, because he likes almost everyone, secondly, it has an exceptional talent to calculate the weaknesses of the enemy on the movement of the eyebrows and the provision of Venus and the villaini to use this.

In addition, an assistant to the district prosecutor, a criminal authority, rock star and your mother, who, yielding to his monstrous charm, will certainly be in the Aquarius Friends, which, yielding to his monstrous charm, will turn your life in the fun of the mexican series.



First, the fish is silent. Yes, not just like that, but with the value. Then calls on the allies half of your common friends who entangle the brains so that they begin to suspect you in all mortal sins, eating babies for breakfast and killing Kennedy.

The most interesting at the same time, that you can not even suspect that you are in a fascinating and graceful soul of a quarrel with fish. And all because the reason for a quarrel can be anything that pleases: from the carriage of the Kizlyak to the dollar's course, but the fish is not recognized in the true reason even under the fear of the death penalty. My dear good, guess myself.



The main advantage of the Aries is that he is honest as Mother Teresa. And the good news is that it is practically unrealistic to bring it out of itself, because he probably also borrowed from her. Baran Baran, in short.

Bad news - if you still bring it, you will get Big Badabum, the fall of the Tungusian meteorite and Pearl Harbor in one bottle.

The second bad news: Aries acts on the principle of "I see a goal - I do not see obstacles." That is, until he moves you asphalt paver, or will not drop into the Moscow River with the legs cemented in a basin, will not calm down.



Tales in quarrels still stubborn Aries and inventive caperpashers. Persistently will be chased by his Matador until heats the Krivoy Rog to the ass, or until it is not drained by Bulawam and will not throw bleed in the arena.

However, it is distinguished by an emergency affection for loved ones, so if you suddenly decide with him, it will meet you to meet the broken horn and hiding your eyes. Well, or will offer to wash the flooded madao cloak flooded. He just knows how to cope with complex stains with excellent grandmother's methods.



Quarrel with the twin - one pleasure. Partly because his mood changes at the speed of light: now he brags saliva in all directions and shouts exactly how he will kill you and in which sequence will cut the fingers, and in the evening this cute man dancing with you on the bar counter, drinks on Brudershaft and He tells everyone around the story of your unearthly love to each other.

The problem is that conflicting the twin essence does not know that from all this truth, and that the generation of the inflamed reason, so it honestly works out all the scenarios. Keyword - fast.



Standing with cancer stands, only if you desperately want to feel bad shit, to experience an acute feeling of guilt for all the troubles of the world and exercise in the construction of bulky logical designs.

He will crush the brain to you with clarifying issues, details of the case and the presentation of our own hundred and fifty-three points of why he is right, and you are to blame. And then three more comments will make up from above.

But if you have risen and decided that we drove, for him they really "drove", and he honestly forgets everything. True, for the time being.

a lion


For a lion, quarrel - I don't care what to jump into the circus through the burning hoops: Courage, having fun, everyone is looking around and clapped in your hands. If you need to quarrel differently, then he does not play.

In the easiest case, the ears in the poop, on top, supling asset, says that it was, and it will take, never turning around. In hard - will turn your life into hell, and a month and a half in the hospital with a soldering iron in the ass will seem like a paradise garden.

It is strongly impossible to hide from it: it will give it from under the ground, but what is there from under the ground, on the moon you will walk on the moon if I will fit.



Virgo is the most inhuman and cruel sign of the zodiac, which even in a state of peaceful coexistence nightmares of everyone around the fact that it is ideal, and everyone can go and get drowned. And if you crouch you with her, then it's better to kill her right away. Or selflessly.

It will smile in your face, pretending that it does not want to quarrel, but actually draw in the mind of the operational paintings of how you burn you alive in the radioactive zone. By the way, most Manyak-psychopaths are like the Virgin. Information, so to speak, to think.



These are the people who forget by the end of the quarrel, where it all started and why already forty minutes you are yelling on each other instead of going and fuck, for example. In addition, you can try on a bright, gentle and sad image of a knight without fear and dill at the right moment, than immediately cause the desire to throw everything and take an unfortunate syrophic under the wing.

But if they still swear, then with Shakespeare Passions, Hand Wam, Hands in the night of frost, standing on a balcony with a cigarette and trembling fingers - to enter the image for weights is easier than simple. True, sometimes they forget from there to return, which is fraught.



Quarrel with scorpion? Seriously? Well, good luck. According to the walled balls and the ability at the right moment, it is not for him that there is no equal, to all before him as to the Moon, even the Virgin with her maniac peasants.

You will look into his honest eyes, sincerely believe that he has forgiven you all, and then you will find that it hurts a little, because there is something sticking out between the blades. Most likely an ax.



Sagittarius patient like an elephant in drought on the water. But if you bring it, he will immediately bring himself the truth in the last instance, puts the suit of the judge and a wig with letters and will pester to you with the requirements to recognize the wrongness even if you suddenly sit in the toilet and think about your quarrel.

She is inclined to go on the principle even when the most fundamental and honest Capricorns tear clothes and run away with his mistress in the sunset, throwing his wife and five children to the arbitrariness of fate. Well, or fundamentally you do not notice you. Then you can relax.

Very tried not to quarrel with a ball: Ekaterina Kuzmina

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