5 harsh ways to wean his late



Familiar picture? Today you have three hours of time, three hours to enjoy the normal communication, a joint walk, conversation, arms and kisses. And he is late ... and not that with evil: he is late everywhere. And you hurt.

Pics.ru is in a hurry to the rescue and offers several ways to disappear it once and forever. Choose yourself under temperament and opportunities and - forward!

Eat another piece of your time, but with his personal

He came? Hurray, great! Run, kiss and ... call a friend. We are sure that you have something urgently to discuss. Minutes for 15. And answer everyone in Facebook. From time to time, assure with a radiant smile, which is now now, and immediately find a new thing. If he is very evil, spend something like that all the date. If you can also keep yourself in your hands - the first half hour. Men do not well understand hints, but not in cases where we are talking about the direct consequences of these hints for their plans.

Meet his ovations

And necessarily not one, but with a group of support. Crave friends come to your date and wait for your cute on neighboring benches or for almost all tables of the cafe. Imagine a picture: only he entered how everyone jumps, sing "Hallelujah!", Applauded, sink, throw confetti, hysterically shout "he came! He finally came! Incredible, he came! "

For once, I was not late? Let the girlfriend be prepared and to such a turn and loudly congratulate your boyfriend with the fact that he managed not to be late. You can even give him a prize to someone. Let us lose a person for the only time in my life when he did not make his beloved to languish from the longing waiting.

Meet with an old friend


Or with the same girlfriends. In some place that is not at all next to the appointed. "And sorry, cute, I did not know that you were late for an hour, but half an hour! I decided to simply brighten up the usual hour of waiting. Well, take up to us, I'll wait until you go, I'm not difficult, we have fun with each other! "

Stay very, very caring

Straight the most caring girl in the world. When he appears, throw it to him with the exclamation: "What happened? Are you okay? Did Trolleybus moved you? Did you recognize the terrible news and came to myself? Poor, poor, silent! Everything will be fine!"

Then, the whole evening will remember the scarf, a shirt, pants, suggest to drink tea with an alarmed face, ask if he wants to move to the toilet ... when he expresses surprise to such care, comment to sob and explain through the tears hot and kinkly that, while I was waiting for him, which I didn't change my mind, and now you value as never before, and so afraid for him, so you are afraid ... You can also paint a picture of his violent death in the colors, because of which he probably did not come - including sprinkled on asphalt brain .

Score and late

Agreed at 19.30? So, earlier than 20.00 there will not be a cute place. Just relax and plan your day taking into account this of his inevitable late. Suddenly came on time? Well, apologizing to whom it does not happen. Mixed how the situation has changed: you always miss and blame waiting, and today he. Oh, these funny tricks of fate!

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