How to avoid hunger and scandal on December 31?


Do you know what is the biggest day in the world? Dec. 31. A reasonable adult man on this day feels like a four-year-old boy, whose mom is delayed at work and therefore he stayed in kindergarten last. Sits on the carpet, plays a train and in his heart he has melancholy, sadness and despair, and the teachers go around him around him, like hungry hyenas, and there are no happiness in the life of happiness.

So here. December 31, all the cases have already been made. Gifts are purchased, packed and laid under the Christmas tree. Herringbone itself is installed and decorated. Bought bought. Knives are drained. Women are now scary to fly away with these knives in the kitchen, make cuttings and mayonnaise salads, try to participate in salads leads to a rapidly energetic scandal, the meaning of which is not destroyed under their feet, not stand under the arrow. Lucky, whose office has not yet closed on a barn castle, can go on December 31st to work. Formally this working day. In practice, in most offices, the authorities are already happily skiing, ordinary employees in the last attack of the shopping fever buy champagne, the girls have long been booted at home, and only bored men who escaped from home in this last dusty day of the old year . The speed with which the missing men makes the decision to send the messenger in the grocery is comparable only at the speed with which you will swell from behind when the red light will be reduced green. As a result, you will be drunk in the trash already for the three clocks of the day, we know, swam. You can, of course, stay at home and, let's say, play a computer game. Look bad, killing orcs or take the assault Venice on December 31? Only it will not work. This is a feature of human psychology: if a person (especially if this female person) works, he will not bring the sights of malignant idleness. It is nothing that you have already done everything and your help is not needed, you must empathize with the woman with all my heart, which from the last forces cuts salads and puts all of themselves on the altar of the cold, and not to drive the shelves in the attack, Lord. In addition, at some point the problem of hunger is sharp. This is a completely special and special hunger, which only happens every year. On this day, all kitchen surfaces from the morning are forced to be delicious food. God with him even with a crab salad with corn. But the dazzling herring, as if slightly swept away from fish oil, a little sprinkled with a pickled onion! But dry Basturma, sliced ​​by oblong slices! While we did not lose the consciousness here from hunger when you think about all this, say the main thing: an adult responsible man in this situation turns into a boy who steals in the kitchen to poke a piece. With the appropriate conclusions and actions from the beloved. Russian women generally easily take the role of punishing mother, and theft of sausages from the table is an almost perfect way to bring them before. For some reason, for some unclear reason, women believe that on December 31st it is impossible to eat until late eveningIn this, it is obviously echoing a Christmas post, when it was impossible to eat before sunset and the first star (still remember the advertisement of the Bank "Imperial"?) The post almost no one observes (by the way, in the country 80% consider themselves Orthodox and almost 100% is controversy On New Year's Eve, in the most strict Christmas post), but it will be possible to eat in the New Year Christmas Eve until 10 pm. By the time the remnants of the New Year's mood, you will definitely leave and the Fight of the Kuranste will be accompanied by a typical hungry male grinding. In a woman, by the way, no New Year's mood will also be no longer, because she was killed all day at the slab, and this reptile would not appreciate her. Why is it necessary? But the output, in principle there is. This is not exactly the way that you are waiting for us. Without clear guidelines, how to sneak into the kitchen for Braunschweig, without having not received the head of the eyes (although we give us exactly such advice). The case is generally in the other. The new year begins at all with the fight of the Kurats or from the speech of the president. Someone buys balls, and rejoices. Someone, popping out from the diaper, breaks the box with a locomotive. Someone sculpts snowflakes on the window and how the crazy decorates all surfaces with garlands. Your wife, singing and smoking on others, cuts salad. You, using camouflage and trying to merge with furniture, deftly destroy the salad and get a halter on the forehead. This is your new year. This is happiness. It is stupid to run away from happiness. Honestly :)

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