"Dear parents, you deceive!" - The whole truth about vaccinations


The wide immunization of the population is considered one of the main victories of the medicine of the twentieth century, along with the discovery of penicillin and the wide use of antiseptics in surgery. However, in recent years, anti-recreational movement is gaining momentum. Pics.ru figured out what.


Incredibly, but the fact: the safer and more efficient becomes grafting, the more people are confident that they are not at all necessary for a number of reasons. Good soil for this steel:

  • Roughness and imperfection of the polyclinic system
  • Low competence of health workers and not the best quality vaccine domestic production
  • The patience of the population by the self-treatment "in Malakhov", where urinotherapy is saved from all diseases and applying cabbage sheet to the ass.

As a result, collective immunity, which was created due to the wide forced immunization of the population in Soviet years, was destroyed.

Anti-recreaks inspire parents that vaccinations cause autism, centers and cancer. By the way, the doctor, allegedly proven the connection of vaccination and autism, deprived a medical license, and all publications were withdrawn and denied

Palsy is a term that combines a group of chronic non-symptoms of motor disorders, secondary with respect to the lesions or abnormalities of the brain arising in the perinatal (near) period.

What has the vaccinations - it is unclear. And what causes cancer, no scientist will tell you. So, dear parents, you are cheating.


They say that Kor is not a deadly disease. But this is not true.

They say the windmill is garbage. But this is not true.

They say that the flu is not dangerous. But this is not true.

They say that the coup is better to overcome. But this is not true.

They say that vaccines are not at all effective to prevent diseases. However, vaccination saves 3 million children's lives every year, while 2 million children dying from diseases preventable by vaccinations.

They say that "natural infection" is better than the vaccination. But they are mistaken.


They say that vaccines are poorly checked, but this area of ​​medicine is under strictest control, everything is checked and checked dozens and hundreds of times. For example, the efficiency and safety of the pneumococcal vaccine were confirmed with the participation of 37,868 children.

They say that doctors do not recognize side effects from vaccinations, but it is not like this: all the atypical reactions are well known and studied and, with the exception of extremely rare cases, proceed rather gently.

They say that thiomersal in the composition of vaccines causes autism. No, it does not cause. Moreover, since 2001, this substance is practically not used.

They say that aluminum, which is used to enhance the body's immune response, is harmful to children. But much larger doses of aluminum, the child gets with breast milk, and in order for it to harm, we need huge quantities.

They say that the National vaccination calendar is not clear for children's immunity. But it is not.


They say that since other people's children are grafted, then what to vaccinate their own?

In fact, it is one of the most disgusting arguments. Firstly, vaccines are not always 100% effective and a small probability remains that even a graft child will get sick if he is susceptible to the disease. Moreover, some children should not make vaccinations for medical reasons. They are extremely dependent on collective immunity. And people who do not put their children thus put them at risk.

They say that the "natural" immunity is better than artificial, scientifically based, medical. But it is not.

Vaccinoprophilaxis is one of the most important things you can do to protect your child.


You can predict the next argument "Against": I am a selling slut of capitalism, bribed "big farm", I work for them from birth and promoting their vigilant values. Because anti-recreak people do not have indisputable scientifically proven arguments.

All their protests are extremely emotional, because they have no facts to reinforce their own position. Probably, somewhere in the depths of the soul, they understand it and therefore prefer to attack as the best way to protect.

Why are they lying? Some for the sake of profit from promoting their own alternative methods, because you do not trust evidential medicine. Some of the most sincere intentions, and they are really sure that the vaccinations bring exclusively harm. But, as one famous astrophysicist said, science is good because it is truth, no matter if you believe in it or not. Good intentions will not protect you and your children from bacteria, viruses and diseases that can be prevented by making vaccinations.


Only in one I agree with anti-recreaks. They say: read our sites! There all information! I also tell you: read proven research sites, you should know the opinion of the medical community. Send how the imune system works. Read stories about the epidemic of disease until vaccines appear. Talk to the elderly people who lived in the years when king or poliomyelitis could not be prevented. Read about how vaccines are made and how they act.

Read about Andrew Wakefield and about why, his medical license was recalled, as well as all publications, allegedly confirm the connection of vaccinations and autism. Read about a huge amount of research on this topic, which they found ... Nothing.


Of course, this is a huge amount of work. And, of course, it is much easier to believe some left person on the Internet, which shouts that vaccines are bad. But reading scientific articles is a skill that can be mastered with proper practice. For the sake of myself and for your own children, you will do it.

And, despite all the lobby of anti-recreak, you should not be afraid of vaccines. What happens without them is much worse.

A source

Pictures: shutterstock

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