Signs that you looked around for a child - 10 pieces. In gifs!


The child is beautiful, children - flowers of life and all that. But if you can't remember when the last time I saw her husband naked, drank with my girlfriends and went to the manicure, then perhaps you "turned" on the child! Catch the top ten faithful signs!


We pounded!


You identify yourself with a child. And now your mother listens to how you pounded and attempted the apple, my husband - as your ass rushed, and you mostly put a reminder in the phone "We eat at 3 o'clock in the morning." Carefully, and then not an hour you will go to school, then marry / get married, and there is not far and "before I put it all my life, but the nyasy !!".

Sofa expertise

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With persistence of a circular saw, you studied, all that concerns babies and children: when to sleep, what is how to develop and much more. Now, at any convenient case, you wear a preacher costume and you start to carry your point of view in the mass of even not yet planning children of the girlfriends or, worse, then the loss of consciousness beat in Internet battles with the same moms as you. Watch! In no case to vaccinate! You have a child eating an apple - you are a bad mother! Your child did not even try apples - what do you think! Etc.


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You have become absolutely intolerant to someone else's opinion and absolutely sure that only you know how to correct the child, and everyone else is miserable fittings and odds. In addition, you sincerely consider your own child exclusively ingenious and the most beautiful in the world, and who can not appreciate it, - a bastard, reptile and unwinning of royal attention.

Area of ​​interest

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Closes on the child. You are talking about pampers, developments, strolling models and children's cream with a fanatical brilliance. Everything. Your world ends on this. Even the weather you are ready to speak exclusively in the context of how to wear a baby for a walk. Dare! There is a lot of interesting things in the world! Books! Films! People!

Time for yourself

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None in your universe as a class. Manicure? Bourgeois whim! New dress? Unnecessary waste! Dinner with girlfriends? Why do they understand in life without children! You spend 24 hours a day with a child, 365 days a year - so and only so you can exist!

Time for her husband

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Surprise, but besides the child in your family there is another person, extremely greedy to your attention is a native husband. He also needs to love, sorry, stroking on the head, hugging, kissing and looking in love with eyes. And it will feel the abandoned, it will begin to raise and wait to look at the moon at night, and then go to see adventures. A man - what to take from him?


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There is "you-and-child" and "you-and-all-rest-world." We remind you that no matter how much you want to tie your favorite child to them with steel chains, but it is still a separate living person who sooner or later still leave you.


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Disappeared as a given. Maybe they are tired of your endless stories about poop and cute jumpsuit, and maybe you have tried them yourself, because they do not understand anything about the true purpose of the woman!


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You live in the child mode and only in it. Going to bed at 21.00, your house is closed for guests, because they will be very discharged from the street of infection, and your best friends are moms from the playground, in addition, you know all the friends of Dear Chad.


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You do not take a nanny or do not call my mother / mother-in-law to help, because they certainly do everything do not know how to handle the child! All myself! Surprise, but the babies are much stronger than they seem at first glance, and in the women's nature there are assums to treat them. Moreover, even a husband, if he entrusts to buy a child, hardly touches his leg. We checked. Not a single child or husband suffered.


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Test: When was the last time you looked at myself in the mirror and did you like what you see? Long? So, it's right to change something. And may the strength with you!

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