My child did not participate in the grass. But I'm shameful


No, it was not my child. I'm sure. My child could not become a secret leader and the organizer of school trauma. But I was very surprised, learning that he was watching the injury from the safe distance. I thought that if someone gets up and demands to stop it, then it certainly.


Although he was always slightly strange and eccentric. Maybe his desire to match the surrounding and explains the fact that he did not go across the flow.

"I just want to fit into their company."

Well, we all like this one way or another. We all do that.

In our situation, the Oblast was the bolt guy - everyone knew that he liked to attract the attention of the elders. He is a class clown. He is fuller than the rest. Maybe it's all about this, but it seems to me that his trouble - in his own immature person.

It all started during a completely innocent game in the salts in the school yard. Some of the children shouted that this guy was lice and touch him dangerous.

I do not hurry to call someone hooligan - my own children often scream and accuse each other, and I have already developed immunity against such a "false alarm". I know how to distinguish innocent, in general, departures from obvious intimidation and serious conflict.

But this statement about lice is quite serious. When I heard about this incident, I asked my son - "Well, how did you feel when it happened?". He hung his head and grunted "badly", expressing guilt and repentance with all his appearance. I hoped that he understood that I would not like to grow a guy who would feel cool in such a situation.


"Yes, he laughed himself!" - said son. And I thought - naturally, and how else is a boy who has appointed a clown, could heal from harassment? Words are, of course, just words, but how many of us they wounded?

I know about it so much because once he herself participated in the grass. And I was not a victim. It happened when I studied in the second grade, but I still have a shame. Although I asked for forgiveness - and I got it.

I take the question afterbutching so close to the heart also because my youngest son is now two and a half years old - and he still does not speak. Most likely, he will learn in the class for children "with features."

"And if your brother will laugh and say that he has lice?" I asked the senior.

"Well, so I'll join him then" - he parried.

Oh, of course. We all protect our flock - brothers, sisters, friends, husbands and wives, parents and children. But this is not enough to be a good person. This guy on the playground is also someone's son and brother. Not mine - but this does not mean that I can breathe with relief.


I do not know how to explain it to my children, but I try. We are with other parents from time to time to djurim at school. During his duty, I pay attention to who ignore whom you are riding, who sits in the canteen in full solitude. And then I will send my observations by electronic to other parents. Just in order to help them see what is not seeping into social networks and often remains behind the scenes.

"I just want to fit into their company." When the son said this, I asked: "Is it worth it? To fit today to think about you for a long time as a bad person? ".

One of my friend, the teacher, once said that we need to teach children to do correctly, even if everyone do otherwise. When I was a child, I not only did not go against the will of the majority - I myself also learned the injury. I started, and others with enthusiasm followed me. So everything begins - there is one instigator and many observers that fluctuate and do not know how to do or fear the effects of refusal to participate in hooliganism. And these silent observers cannot be written off from accounts - it depends on them, it will continue to be continued or not.

This is not my child today at the site humiliated the guy. But for me it is not enough.

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