11 facts that you need to know about the vagina, otherwise the shame!


Several volumes of research is written about the clitoris (even on Pics.ru there was an article about his history), and about vagin - almost nothing. Fix the situation!

It is all

11 facts that you need to know about the vagina, otherwise the shame! 39427_1
Around the 5th week of development, all embryos on the structure - girls, that is, they have a vagina. Only subsequently begin to form sex glands - on male or female type. The floor is determined by conception and the responsibility for it is spermatozoa.

Its average length 10 cm

11 facts that you need to know about the vagina, otherwise the shame! 39427_2
So the average woman does not need an alpha-male with a giant phallus at all - this is at least unpleasant, and as a maximum may cause painful sensations or even injury.

She is capable of self-cleaning

11 facts that you need to know about the vagina, otherwise the shame! 39427_3
Under the influence of estrogen in the cells lining the surface of the vagina, the substance of glycogen is synthesized, from which lactic acid is then formed. The acidic medium of a healthy vagina does not allow to multiply by other microorganisms, even the pathogens of gonorrhea and trichomoniasis can be present in small quantities in the vaginal microflora, not leading to the development of infection.

She is insensitive

11 facts that you need to know about the vagina, otherwise the shame! 39427_4
Almost all over the entire length - at the entrance, something is felt. The degree of sensitivity inside the vagina is so low that less than 14% of women are generally able to feel that they touched the walls of the vagina. In this principle, the use of hygienic tampons - women usually do not feel them within themselves. Yes, and all these ribbed and pupil condoms of towing, and actually friction during sex - not the main thing.

She is gentle

11 facts that you need to know about the vagina, otherwise the shame! 39427_5
The walls of the vagina are extremely delicate, there are a very large amount of blood vessels, glands and muscle fibers. That is why foreplay is important for women: if the lubricants are not enough, then the likelihood of mechanical damage to the vagina - the appearance of scratches, gravity and in general the unpleasant sensations.

Through it operate

11 facts that you need to know about the vagina, otherwise the shame! 39427_6
It happens. Called "Transvaginal Operation". For example, when the kidney or appendicitis is removed. Sometimes it is really more convenient to do through the vagina.

She ribbed

11 facts that you need to know about the vagina, otherwise the shame! 39427_7
Contrary to the problem, the surface of the vagina is not at all smooth. The mucous membrane of the vagina is lined with a multilayer flat epithelium, which forms numerous transverse folds. These folds, if necessary, allow the vagina to change their dimensions. Folds are most pronounced in a childbearing age - they help the promotion of sperm where it is necessary.

She has a point G

11 facts that you need to know about the vagina, otherwise the shame! 39427_8
More precisely, on the front wall in 2-4 cm from the entrance some point is exactly. But scientists and doctors can no longer come to agreement on it. Whether it g, or not. Whether it enhances pleasure during sex, or not.

She is olden

11 facts that you need to know about the vagina, otherwise the shame! 39427_9
With age, the walls of the vagina are becoming thinner, land and less elastic. By the way, recently, the operations on the rejuvenation of the vagina were scary.

She shrinks

11 facts that you need to know about the vagina, otherwise the shame! 39427_10
During the birth, the vagina is strongly stretched (some of his happy even cut to heaps), but for several years it all narrows, and if you have to give birth again, it will also be hard as for the first time. And, by the way, studies show that the differences in the size of the giving birth and the born women are practically no.

Most random fact

11 facts that you need to know about the vagina, otherwise the shame! 39427_11
Vagina can be smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, if enough to pump the walls - the exercise of Kegel to help you. Moreover, nicotine with alcohol will even be absorbed through the mucous membrane. But, frankly, it is not clear what kind of difficulties, if possible in the old manner.

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