Aliens among us! Superpowers who are found from the most ordinary people



A person is a curious creature: who gets tongue to the nose, who hears the voices of dolphins and distinguishes 50 shades of gray-brown-raspberry ... We have collected several very unusual features inherent in individual sapyesam.

Synesthesia: Blue Letter, Pink Sound

Have you ever come to mind anything like: "This day of the week is green," or: "Some of his voice is tasteless, bitter"? And there are people in the world (and they constitute, according to various sources, from about 0.05 to 4% of humanity), which have such bundles in the head constantly arise. Color, smell, sound, taste, texture, transparency, volume and form, location in space and other qualities for them are bizarrely intertwined. Participate in these meetings and "purely human", social pieces: signs and titles, concepts and emotions. Usually they "walk in pairs" (sounds are painted, the dates are built into the figures and so on), but there are also unicumes that all feelings are connected.

We will not go into the complex details of theories explaining such a phenomenon in the brain - and there are several of them. It is clear only that this is not a mental deflection - and it usually does not bother well. And that it is especially characteristic of creative people. Brightly and colorfully described this case a recognized syneyst of Nabokov in "other shores".

"Strong rubber g, f - different from French J, like bitter chocolate from dairy, as well as dark brown, polished me ..."

Other famous his "colleagues" - Ferenz Sheet (put in a dead end of the musicians requests such as "Play not so pink!"), Nikola Tesla, Duke Ellington, Physicist Richard Feynman.

But if you think so ... here, tell me, you did not happen that you hear fashionable songs 15 years ago - and you remember the school disco so bright and alive, right up to the smells? Or admit: Monday, Tuesday, and so on - Do not they arrange in your head with two columns, as in the diary? So, probably, we all, at least a little syntes!

Empathy of touches and sympathetic pregnancy: your belly - my belly


Tactile culmination or epipathy of touches is classified as one of the types of synesthesia, but this is a separate song. Here you see how someone (not you) touches someone else for the hand (not you). And feel it! On myself! As if it was touching you! You can go crazy yes? Awarded by this "happiness" about 1.6% of the world's population.

Did you never pull you involuntarily grabbed the neck when the executioner was going to cut off an unfortunate sacrifice of my head on the TELEKRAN?

There is also such an amazing thing as Kuwad syndrome. This is when a partner of a pregnant woman is so penetrated by her condition that literally begins to feel the same as she! In the morning it is sick. In the afternoon I want salon. It hurts the same thing that the beloved. And when she begins to give birth, with him, as it were, approximately the same thing happens. There you do not even know how to treat this case. It, of course, is cool that the man is so capable of empathy (and may finally understand what you really have to go!). But the benefits of this are not particularly much: often got this syndrome become still painful and capricious than pregnant women themselves.

Super Tastor: Fifty Shades Sausage

On the existence of absolute hearing, everything is probably aware. It turns out, similar development can happen with taste sensations! Separate individuals (about 35% of women and 15% among men) were especially lucky with taste receptors: they have two times more than that of a simple mortal. Well, as lucky ... You savor bitter chocolates - and for him it is so really bitter, which is just worse than bitter radish. And from the radiant itself, it can visit him and Kondrati.

Many have this feature in a rustling form in childhood (who, let's say, in gentlely liked olives, and?) - And then gradually goes away. And olives, and beer, and peppers are already following the cute soul.

By the way, the super-tastorism can be installed in an experimental way: you need to try the substance called propylthyo-ration. If he is for you "yes nothing, norms" - you are just a person. If he is for you "oh fu, what bitter horror, take it immediately!" - Congratulations, you are a super-tastor. You can safely go to the sommelier - and make money that you will distinguish the "delicate fruit notes" and "opening with tones of white flowers" where a simple mortal will shrugged and says: "Well, the hint. Skin. Red ".

Eidetism: remember everything


I came - I saw - captured. In the brain. Very cool, if you need to prepare for the exam. And terrible, if you think that all sorts of trouble are also imprinted ... In this case, the picture, "written" by Eidetic, can get "three-de", "four-DE" and so on: remembering an event, you remember not only anyone Said, but what shade was sunset, which sounded on the radio and what smelled in the kitchen.

Photographic memory is a snack that can get literally everyone. The specialists say that we all are born with the abilities for Eidetic memory, and from 2 to 10% of people retain it at least in childhood.

This feature can be trained and developed, only worth doing this carefully and dormant, there are special techniques. Such a gift received Ronald Reagan: literally from one glance I remembered the page of the text. There was still such a kim peak, a boy with a phenomenal memory: the page was swallowed in 4 seconds, I remember 98% read, and by the end of my life I could almost read 12 thousand books. And the same garbage was, as we remember, at the unforgettable Sheldon Cooper from the "Theory of the Big Explosion".

Savanism: Millions in mind

Already mentioned by Kim Peak (the prototype of the famous "man of rain") was the owner of Savante's syndrome. Simplistly speaking, this is when there are certain deviations in development, but there is a "island", where a certain burst occurs, and very strong. Suppose you are not capable of going out of the house, because you are afraid to stand on the sidewalk, but at the same time you multiply in the mind 563,299 at 124,847 no worse than the calculator. Such things may be caused by genes, and can be involved due to, permiss, injuries. Approximately half of the savtants are diagnosed with autism.

The most common type of Savanism - when a person can instantly calculate what the number of years will have to be on what day of the week. But the areas in which you are truly geniant may be different. Let's say flying over the city, you can accurately draw his card. Or get out of the opera - and sing everything heard by the evening of Aria. Fiction!

In addition to peak, there are only about hundreds of outstanding savtants. The first described case - "Blind Tom" Wiggins (1849-1908), black slave, which was never taught music, but he could play absolutely any heard play. And it was able to play two different melodies on two pianos and sing at the same time!

Echolocation: Man - Bat


Everyone knows that the mice in flight can not believe their eyes. They are oriented in space on sound waves, that is, by the time of delayed returns of the reflected wave. The same feature has dolphins, seals and some birds. And some people too!

Losing sight in childhood Daniel Kish learned to climb on the trees, slit to the tongue and catching the echo from this sound. Then he learned to a lot - even ride a bike. Ben Underwood - the blind (and owner of the Santend syndrome too) - can thus play basketball.

Experimentators were taken to train this feature of moaying people: they tied eyes and drove along the corridors - real and virtual. And training brought good results! And it turns out better when you help "catch clicks" by the movements of the body - after all, our ears, unlike bats, do not turn into different directions.

Missophony: Do not Chaquel!

But this is a neurological disorder. People who get it (sometimes in itself, sometimes - in the bouquet of "nerves"), do not tolerate certain sounds. And it's not that loud - they can annoy them, torture, unravel the sounds of chewing, snoring, cough, refrigerator noise, click on the keys, dripping water, even uneven breathing. It is necessary to drown unbearable stimuli than it will turn out to be a TV, music and noises in headphones, to eat separately from close ... However, Missophony for some reason "inward", and often they do not suffer from one, but together!

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