To get out of the "Comfort Zone", you must first turn out


We saw in Fritrent a note of Anastasia Rubatova about the "exit from the Comfort Zone" and a little neck did not pull themselves, nodding. Yes Yes! Give first in this zone to be! And then, as you jump out, how to choose, the shreds are flying along the scales.

You know, everyone around me want to get out of the comfort zone. Not only customers. Native, friends, acquaintances. Decent informants! Pale, chronically inappropriate people sentence: "We just need to get out of the comfort zone and chase yourself in the gym." People with panic attacks say:! It is necessary to get out of the comfort zone and stop being sorry for yourself!. People who reside painful, very disavocaving life, say:! Exit from the comfort zone and stop cracking sweet! "

This is not the worst alignment. Some simply say "stop cracking." See the cardinal solution to the problem. I started the eye from such words. I'll explain now. To get out of the comfort zone, you must first be in it.

What is the "Comfort Zone"? This is a place where heat, cozy, freely, tasty, joyfully and safely. Where you love and respected. Where they care about you (and you also care, not without unilaterally).

Many of us just do not have such a zone. Well, there is no zone where they take care of us. At best, there is a zone to look around or drank. It is better than nothing, but not entirely. It is like alcohol from frost - in principle, it helps, but not long, and worse than the down jacket.

Updated in the comfort zone (I do not like the word "zone", he has a camp taste, but be it), it is necessary to stay there a little. Relax soul. And only then - go out. This feeling is wrong with anything - when there is enough forces on everything, and you are ready, perhaps to learn something else ... Wake up early early and run on yoga ... You think about the work project, which he has been hanging in the plans ... and it is very important here, That the impulse to do something - he goes from the inside and overtakes the thought. First you start to do - then you already think. Not always with the song, sometimes it is a painful joy of overcoming, and in what the hell, you think, I climbed behind the ram of this vacuum cleaner - but definitely not from the last forces. It was useful because it was interesting.

People who speak about "get out of the comfort zone" usually do not mean any interest. If we translate this design to a simple human language, they mean approximately the following: I'm already somehow figovo, but if I suffer myself more accurate, maybe it will be better for me?

Well I do not know. If a person is sick with the flu, even scaming on the stable, maybe he recovered later.

But it is hardly from the spanking. Often it sounds like self-indulgence: "Yes, I just laziness, I just don't want to get out of the comfort zone." And this wandering design either the taste of a painful shame ("I am not good enough, I do not reach the norm, even crash"), or guilt ("I'm not trying enough, I'm not well done, not well done, no one will love me when I do not well done"). And shame and wines are such things like a burdock, which will always find, what to get to, whatever real success you have achieved. Even if you finally cease yourself to regret and put it in general to eat (although this is not a success).

But in a ruthless vacuum and at the limit of forces, no normal person will last long. Further ways plus-minus three: crawl back to the "Comfort Zone", fall into the clinical depression (when not a bad mood, but a diagnosis) or in severe psychosomatics. What option do you like better? I am first. Especially, in the courtyard heavy times. Information pressure. Financial crisis. Winter. November. There is no sun. And if suddenly you know how to get to the comfort zone, I suggest to stay in it until spring.

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