Goods for women. Products for men. Divide - and rich!



Daria Holchepova continues to open the truth about female and male. This time we will talk about a big and long-term deception that deprives us, women, considerable money. On the division of goods on the sign of the gender.

If you score in Google pictures "Goods for real men", then you can find out what's so lacking with real men. First, the courage they are grievous. The list features pistols, knives, rifles and other means of self-defense. Secondly, they are constantly cold, so the next item is the warmest jackets for real men. And finally, there are lanterns (well, the darkness is a terrible thing), T-shirts with stupid prints like a growling bear (here the darkness of oblivion would be more appropriate), wallets, watches and alcohol.

Women, apparently, are not afraid of anything, they will not be frozen, they see in the dark and do not need money, clock and alcohol. Therefore, only heels, perfume, dresses and ultrasound "winter" jackets fall into the section "Goods for real women".

Apparently, the separation of goods on genders is due to the fact that the marketers need to sell something. In general, most of the ridiculous things on the market appeared due to the fact that the marketers need to sell something ...

The chic is, of course, take identical things and file them as different.


Here, for example, razor machines. It is immediately seen that the blue razor machine is designed only for men (with two standard blades and one moisturizing strip). He decisively, boldly and without a trace will remove the hair! With this razor machine, any man is like a smoothly chosen samurai with a roller. And the female razor machine (two standard blades and one moisturizing strip), delicately and carefully remove the "extra hairs". With this razor machine, any woman is a smooth mermaid (the mermaids do not shave legs, yes?) Besides colors, there is no difference in these two razors. However, male is cheaper.

This is a separate story - indeed, almost all products - from clothes to cosmetics, cost men cheaper. This confirms a number of studies, including those held by the University of Central Florida. (Follow the links, if you do not believe the word: Once, two).

Not only are women overpay for similar products, advertising imposes consumer behavioral models and shows how to live correctly. The most vivid example is the food. The top 10 "most useful products for men" includes:

Fish, nuts, beef, milk, beer cottage cheese and the like ...

In the top of female products, and not any products there, but useful, fit for the body, are:

Carrots, cabbage, flaxseed, water (very useful to drink water, in it zero calories!), beets, oatmeal, dates and other longing

Marketing recommends women to prevent.

Pink vs blue

The invisible hand of the scratched market in the back of the head and in 2007-2008 a number of publications appeared, which scientifically justified the love of women to pink color. (For example).

"Scientific" explanation is great to all. So, a long time ago, in the distant galaxy, the cave women ran on the planet and collected a prehistoric strawberry. Or raspberry! Or apples. In general, gatheds were engaged. And so they loved the colors of ripe fruit, which one hundred thousand years old women choose, without thinking, a pink vacuum cleaner, a car or coat. Here is a natural love in pink color.

And men, it means, like, blue, since this is the color of the cloudless sky. While the cave women were looking for, cave men, it means that they sunbathe and on the basis of these hypothetical representations, any thing painted in pink - turns into a "special" for women.

The market is different colors only on hand: the ability to actualize many gender-neutral goods, endowing them with "feminine".

Here, for example, a purely female hammer. He will score gently.


Or as you have special female earplugs of the most pink color. Probably, they will not vanish the female ears with unpleasant sounds. And in men will not work.


And finally, the female sleeping pill will return (only to women!) Calm dream so that you do to your pink hammer.

And, of course, any buyer in the store of children's goods paid attention (and how they do not turn!) On Hell's pink for girls - from clothes to toys. This marker is also beneficial to the manufacturers: after all, in the family, where several different children, the younger brother nobody aligns himself in the fit down jacket of the Fuchsia color sister. Go buy new, like pretty! After all, the color is "devotk".


Yes, and the situation in the children's room will have to change, the boys love only blue, they can not be in other colors!

Gifts for women

Due to the set of stereotypes, which forms advertising, there are many offensive for women and ridiculous things. So, for example, it looks like a gift set of books, which will be interesting to women and a set of books for men.


Clearly, Beauty Myths, Food, Family Life are new "Kitchen, Children, Church." And the men are much more interesting: the development of memory there, the future of reason, the history of the earth ... There is no way to give him a guide as 150 ways to shave the beard, the practical collection of "kitchen of the peoples of the world" and "the development of memory: how to do everything that promised."

After the advertisement has repeated a million times that women are "gentle hairs", "the skin requires the most careful care", the gearbox in the "female" car should be automatic, and not a good god, mechanical, joked about blondes and rose pink Color from prehistoric times, many men, and women are already difficult to believe what happens otherwise. That women also need calories that they can love all shades of green and score a nail just with a hammer, and not special gently pink. And ears in women of the most common, human structure.

By and large, the gender separation of goods is useless and even harmful nonsense, profitable only to the seller. After all, goods that are created, indeed, specifically for women or for men, do not confuse them with anything. Hygienic gaskets, bras, contraceptive pills, condoms, tablets that increase potency do not need additional gender labeling. It is stupid to write that "these gaskets are created only for women", somehow people cope and are not confused in the departments.

P.S. By the way, men's face razors are great for female legs, but are cheaper than women!

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