10 scientific experiments, after which you will stop believing in the horoscope forever


"It's impossible to agree with you, you are twin." "He is wildly dying, probably, Taurus." "I like you, but we will not succeed: you are the lion, and I am a fish." Infuriates? Us too. Mainly because it is absolute, complete nonsense, which cannot come true and does not come true. Scientists have proven: horoscopes are nonsense.

Horoscope does not describe your identity

French sociologist and statistics Michel Goklen, (considered, by the way, one of the founders of neoastology) conducted a simple experience. Through the ICI Paris newspaper, he asked volunteers to fill out the questionnaire and specify their names, dates and place of birth. 150 people responded, after which everyone sent his very detailed horoscope. 94% of the happy holders of the horoscope replied that they were postponed there quite accurately, and this opinion was divided by their friends and relatives. At the same time, Goklen was actually sent to them the horoscope of the serial killer of Marseille Petito, which had completed 63 people. And almost everyone accepted him for her.

Astrologer will not find you a husband

Astrologers believe that they can help you choose a satellite life. But in fact it is nonsense. The psychologist Bernie Silverman from the University of Michigan randomly selected 2978 married couples and another 478 divorced - and did not find any astrological correlations or positive, nor negative. Ideal astrological couples disintegrated as often as complete astral opposites.

Stars will not make you president

Physicist John McGervi from curiosity explored the biographies of 6475 politicians and 16634 scientists, paying particular attention to their birth dates. Alas, John did not find any zodiacal or planetary dependencies. In particular, he discovered among politicians as many devies as they happen to among ordinary people, despite the fact that the Virgin is considered weak leaders. And also, as we know, the Virgin prone to self-confidence, depression and impotence.

Astrologer will not make you a diagnosis

The former Astrologer from Australia Jeffrey Dean and the Canadian psychologist Avan Kerry held a big blind test, which was attended by 45 astrolories, confident in their forces and 160 experimental volunteers. Astrologers, on the basis of natal maps, should have to tell the most detail about the experimental. Alas, they not only could not say anything specific about people, but they could not even be able to determine the type of their personality.

It makes no sense to trust predictions

Astronomers George Calver and Christina Jenna traced predictions made by astrologers for celebrities over the past ten years, and compared with their real life. It turned out that astrologers "guess" only 10% of all events. The ordinary reader of the yellow press or a fan would cope with this task much better.

Present method effective

Schon Carlson's physicist experimenter in 1985 spent a double-blind astrological test. Astrologers received the horoscopes of 116 people compiled by the date and hour of their birth. In addition, they received three character descriptions for each participant. The trick was that one belonged to the participant from these three descriptions, the rest were told about completely outsiders. Astrologers needed to determine which of the descriptions relates to a horoscope. They managed to do this in 34% of cases - that is, it is exactly the same result as if the test passed an illiterate man blindly.

People see what they want to see

There is a universal description of a person invented by the psychologist by Berrtram Forter and named after Barnuma - the Great Circus Aventurerist. Forter gave him to students as a test (stating that each student receives his own version) and asked everyone to evaluate the five-hundred-to-water system, as far as this text relates to him personally. The average estimate was 4.26: almost all students saw themselves in the text. In fact, the text practically does not mean anything and does not contradict himself - he is vague, but it seems to be attense. Daily and astrologers used the same texts long before Forier formulated it. This is, strictly speaking, is your horoscope. Here it is:

"You really need other people to love and admire you. You are pretty self-critical. You have a lot of hidden features that you have never used yourself. Although you have some personal weaknesses, you are generally able to limit them. Disciplined and confident with the form, in fact, you are inclined to worry and feel insecurity. "

"At times, you are covered with serious doubts, did you make the right decision or did the correct act made. You prefer some diversity, framework and restrictions cause you discontent. You are also proud of what think independently; You do not accept other people's allegations to faith without sufficient evidence. "

"You understood what to be too frank with other people is not too wise. Sometimes you are extroverted, friendly and sociable, sometimes introverted, careful and restrained. Some of your aspirations are rather unrealistic. One of your main life goals is stability. "

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