15 Free Summer Entertainment with Children


To whom the summer and holidays, and to whom the headache - if the entire previous year baby is thin, poorly fun at school, now you yourself will have to organize it, dekin, leisure. The task becomes more complicated if there is no Shisha and Nor Patos Camps, nor foreign warriors shine. Staging a panic, PICS.ru has some ideas on this.


Traveling to water

Let not to the sea. Everything will come down, wet, splash and clean - river, reservoir or lake. Just do not forget to break the heirs with rubber circles, inflatable handwriters and mattresses.

Tent town at the cottage


The tent is magic of pure water. It would seem that a prose piece of fabric, but it is worth climbing into it, as if the adventure is immediately, and around is not a bed with carrots and shovels, but an uncharted frontier and the Indians. Light the lamp, read something adventure.

Battle of aquatic pistols

Now you will see - not only your children will join her in the July heat, but also children of neighbors in the country, and their parents, and not excluded grandparents.

Artistic on asphalt


Issue to children a pack of colored chalks and proceed by the transformation of an urban environment - you can draw a group portrait of all familiar or the city of the future. Here you and creative development, and fresh air.


Morning sessions in cinemas are very cheaper than evening. Sometimes they are almost nothing at all. And then - for ice cream!

Master classes


Many museums and cultural centers carry out free master classes for children, without launching to see what they give in your city. By the way, the entrance to the museums themselves several times a month is free. The art of them may not interest, but weapons, ancient locomotives or vintage dresses - easily.

Children's corner in the store

With large shopping centers and fitness clubs there are free playgrounds with all sorts of lazalts, rocking groups, jumping and dry pools.

Ice cream


Prepare all together homemade ice cream - there is nothing difficult here, but the process, and the result is very exciting. Literally a holiday in a flat place.

Trash orchestra

As you know, children love the objects of two types: a) loud, b) sticky. Sourish them and the other - from the boxes, buckets and cans with the help of Scotch you can build a shock installation and charge solos on the drums to the joy of neighbors.

Walking in Parks


Since you, being a student, sled in these parks Pivas on a bench, there has changed a lot. Some parks now do not know at all. Go to explore them with small.


You can even in the same park, and for the city on three electricals do not need to be shaking. Together with the children, there are figured sandwiches (molds for cutting cookies to help), navy of home lemonade, grab the plaid, pillows and something like badminton or frisbee.

Paper snakes


Slice, newspapers, twine, colored paper, plastic bags - make a paper snake actually easier than simple, on the Internet a lot of instructions. And it is really very cool to run it.

Treasure hunting

Collect the neighbor children who were not taken to the sea, and the real quests right in the yard. Let them seek tips, riddles decide and at the end will discover valuable treasure - bag of candies, for example.



Code Photo Session - Children adore to the camera and watch what happened. And adults, that sin is to tate, too. You can even stir photographing with changing clothes.


How was your school with physics? It does not matter, there are many simple and spectacular physical experiments that even preschooler can be checked. In the network, a lot of instructions are a physical evening, and the dyatyat will then assume that you are not different as a wizard.

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