The most dangerous summer diseases. Already wait for you!


In the summer, "ambulance" works in revolutionary mode. Because the townspeople who stuck from the country's season and vacations are losing all vigilance. Do not add work to doctors, they also want to be sought in a hammock under the sun. Be careful, and remember that in the summer you will be waiting for:



Very, very dangerous birth - and, fortunately, rare. But still, sometimes doctors are surprised to record cases of tetanus, and not bring the sky to you to become such a case.

The causative agent of the tetanus is dangerous in cases where it enters the wound, practically devoid of oxygen. That is - deep cheese or cut. For example, if you come to a nail - it will be the most ideal for the column of the wound. Or zanoz. Or an injection about a barr. The most that neither there are country injuries.

The tetanus develops very quickly - cramps, paralysis, respiratory stop, sorrow of relatives and loved ones. It is good that you can make a vaccination from him. Go and do.



6 out of 10 patients with rabies got it thanks to dogs, 2 - foxes, 1 - cats. Think ten times when you gather to stroke an unfamiliar dog or kitty. Especially in the village - most cases of rabies are connected with the bites, obtained somewhere on the lap of nature, where the beast creases uncontrollably and the veterinarians do not happen.

The first sign of infection is a strong itch in the place of bite, even if he has already beaten, inexplicable anxiety and slightly elevated temperatures. The rust and convulsions will appear later.

Bad news - no rabies treatment. Good news - you can spend vaccination. And in any case, after a bite, it is necessary to run to a doctor who wedge wound with a special solution.



This twig is not caused by cold, but streptococcus. And Streptococcus and in the summer we are gracious - it goes with you to the sea and to the country where you, thoroughly blowing, shine well water or eat ice cream.

A sharp difference of temperatures and the next spasm of the vessels - the starry hour of staphylococcus. It uses the moment when your immune system is shaken by a sharp cooling throat, and rushing into the attack.

Food poisoning


This is a real leader among summer sores. And all because we are accustomed to Dubaku and are not accustomed to the fact that the cake in the heat in a few hours can irrevocably peel. Moreover, both in your bag, and on the counter in the cute Babuska, which Fitsets.

The danger of the tatt not only the food inverecting on the sun. Its dacha, organic, too, need to wash. Earth, maybe natural, but not to take it inside.



It can be easily confused with poisoning, but there is one thing: during dysentery, in addition to diarrhea, vomiting and the absence of appetite is also there and high temperatures, and blood is observed in the chair. Very nice and aesthetic sore, you see.

Most often, dysentery is a direct consequence of unwashed hands. Although she can be infected through food and water, and also - when bathing in freshwater reservoirs. Better just sunburn and do not forget to wash your hands - at least with a gel antiseptic.



There would be an allergy, and the allergen is there. Alternally can cause allergies, synthetic clothes and fresh berries, sunscreen and exotic food, insect bites and flower pollen. You can make allergeros in advance to at least know exactly why you can suddenly be covered with blisters and rashes. And wearing antihistamine with you, where would you go.



The marvelous new world opens with a man with cystitis. Each trip to the toilet for a small need is accompanied by strong sensations. As if hot rods are twisted in ... well, okay. The wonderful thing is that the toilet will pull you every three minutes. In short, with inflammation of the bladder you do not bother.

And to get this entertainment is easier than simple - we can wear synthetic pants, often sit under the air conditioner sweat and in the heat are attached to cold stone benches.

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