Full list of Miyazaki cartoons: read and see


Hayao Miyazaki - He's as Grandfather Frost, only better. He is some grandfather warm!

In his inimitable cartoons, all the details are folded like pieces of puzzle in the picture, in a single world, deep and multicolored. Here, under the bottomless sky, beautiful landscapes, cute heroes and strange creatures solve quite unadial problems, fancy fantastic mechanisms also play and plays unearthly music Joe Hisaisi. Winter holidays - It's time to fall in the pillow to reconsider all-all its directing works, where everything is kind, beautiful and with meaning. Pics.Ru collected them for you!

Lupin III, TV series (1971-1972, 1977-1980)

The cunning and dodgy thief of Lupin, the grandson of the legendary Arsen Lupine, wins all enemies. He's like Robin Hood, so we sympathize with him. This, of course, is not even a debut, it's just the first serious work in which the future Matcher participated. And then only some vaguely familiar and recognizable elements, like an unusual rice, not quite characteristic of traditional anime begin to be traced.

Sun Yuki (1972)

According to the popular manga, the series was planned for a prudent girl-siren - but, unfortunately, it did not work out. A five-minute short-castor remained for us - the first fully independent work of Miyazaki as a director. You do not really understand anything and do not have time, but there are already porks - your favorite animator animators. In the collections of fans who collect every trifle, this is useful.

Conan - Boy from the Future, TV series (1978)

A beautiful post-apocalyptic picture telling a good and lyrical story about love in difficult conditions "After the Third World War." The brave boy Conan is torn to save in the literal sense to the Melco-Beauty Lana melted on his head from the vicious whims of the technological indastry. There is an evil tyrant, a funny friend, the epic battles and the victory of good over evil. Although compared to future masterpieces, the studio "Gibbles" has not yet born then, of course, only training.

Lupin III: Caliosostro Castle (1979)

The first full-length cartoon Miyazaki for many years was called the best anime in Japan. All the same cunning and cheerful thieves, spectacular adventures in James-Bond spirit - a nine-year-old boy wakes up in the spectator, even if the viewer is a thirty-seater girl! So far, there are no bizarre fantasy worlds, which we are already so waiting, after watching "gone by ghosts." But how the castle of Caliosostro is drawn, already something that foreshadows it ...

Walking from Valley Valley (1984)

And here it is, perhaps - already full, to the whole growth of Miyazakinsky Miyazaki: Magic and touching, fancy and in good guise. The plot is again postpocalyptic, and not the first and not the last time the favorite theme of the master - ecology sounds. The young princess, who did not touch and the goats and friends were friends, trying to achieve peace between people - and peace of people with nature. Love of Navika to nature can and should save humanity. Among other fauna, we are found cool Belolis - also not the last time.

Great Detective Holmes, TV series (1984-1985)

Miyazakin "Peru" from this version of Holmes owns six episodes - and we can notice them by what exactly the pictures are more worked out, all the details are drawn in detail and with love. This Japanese Holmes is more children and kind than its European brothers, as well as with a sense, with pleasure, with pleasure with any unusual technician.

Heavenly Castle Laputa (1986)

For this thing, the famous Studio Ghibli was created. Now Miyazaki-san builds its world in full growth. In this case, it is building it on hanging between the land and the sky flying island. The girl Sita fell from the sky (Yeah, we know the move!) In the hands of the groove, a boy running at the mine. She has a mysterious thing that should lead them to a cherished promised place. For those who began to watch the filmography in order, old good acquaintances are already found: Bellicks from "Wrong and a robot from Lupin.

My neighbor Totoro (1988)

Little sisters Satsuki and May live usual (but with such love and thoroughness shown!) Life. Only here is the mother in the hospital, and the dad is forever choke ... And then they meet the strange creature of Totoro. It already knows the whole world, but just in case: this is such a forest spirit, similar to a giant teddy beast, invented by Miyazak. A kind story that cares for the screens of kids, dies and softens adults. After her, I really want to ride the Kotobus, to meet Chernoshka, to show and get care and help.

Witch delivery service (1989)

The young witch Kiki should for a while literally "go out into people." And so on the achievement of the 13th anniversary, capturing the cat, she goes into them, works, relieves accommodation, communicates, facing very human feelings and problems. In addition to flights on a broom, no special sorcerer in the cartoon is observed. And still somehow everything is fabulous.

Throwing Rosso (1992)

Probably the most adult from Miyazaki cartoons. His hero Marco Pagott, he is thicker Rosso, no man. He was ... But surviving in a military meat grinder, the pilot was either turned into a real, non-pine pig. One he is so now in the world where everyone became strangers. However, he continues to fly, love, hate (fascists) and fight (with air pirates). Retro airplanes, picturesque adriatic, uncharacteristic for cartoons open finals.

What is it? (1992)

A completely short short - moreover, it is also unknown about whom. Nevadom Zverly, someone like a green lupido piglet, obviously and herself does not understand who she is. Does the answer knows this question in the studio Nippon TV, is unknown, but they took this Martian guress to their talismans.

On your marks! (1995)

And again a short-cutter (and at the same time a clip on the song of the Japanese duet "Chage and Aska"), this time with a larger sense load. The action takes place in a deeply radioactive future - the director "inspired" an explosion at the Chernobyl NPP - and the girl with the wings of the angel is an explicit relative of Navkai from the Valley of the Winds.

Princess Mononok (1997)

And again there is a confrontation between the natural element (spirits of the forest, Princess Mononok) and rational techno-people (Mrs. Ebosi, residents of the Iron City). And in the midst - a screaming curse and involved in this confrontation Prince Asitaka. The cartoon is impressive, epic and navigating for difficult reflections, but rather "bloodthirsty and merciless", so it's not worth the kids-reoxoiths.

Ghosts (2001)

The brilliant thing, for two hours the stripping of you to the screen with open mouth. Chiro girl is not that completely lost his parents - they were somewhat fisosal with treats and turned into pigs. Here and the fascinating path begins, where at every step is all stirred and stare. She has the most mysterious creatures - the sorcerer, spirits, deeply mysterious faceless and not to the end of a clear boy Haku ... Fascinating pictures, as if transferred by ghosts from forgotten dreams, full psychodel, but the dose want to increase. It was after this work that many fell in love with Miyazaki on the ears.

Hunting for China (2001)

Compared to surreal "ghosts" - rest in the nursery. A simple 16-minute cartoon about how the kids are rapidized, found themselves in the midst of the ocean - and met a big and kind (type Totoro) China. Have fun and returned.

Fictional flying machines (2002)

The six-minute short, in which our old diligence pigs rose into the air on all sorts of fantastic aircraft. And the director himself in the image of the pig tells about the device and the history of all these amazing mahin. "Sky, plane, pig" - branded trinity!

Great Day of Coro (2002)

Fifteen-minute cartoon with tender pencil background and gentle faiths between the girl and her puppy. Koro's kid escaped when his little mistress left the wicket open - and experienced a variety of adventures and dating all day. Just, cute, touching.

Mei and Côte Bus (2002)

Cotobus from the cartoon about Totoro is such a cool character that it is not forced to devote him to him and a separate tape, or at least a short ribbon. The bus is not even a cat, but a kitten, a playful and restless. And he leads a girl-girlfriend into a whole world of feline vehicles! This is a solid.

Walking Castle (2004)

Miyazaki cartoons were more for kids, rather for adolescents, obviously for adults ... And this he himself called the animation for the elderly. Here, evil spells turned the young young lady in the old woman, as in the "fairy tale about the time" ... and by the way, a walking castle - the nearest relative of our native hut in the couch legs! But the main picture of the paintings, of course, is not in this. She is philosophical, romantic, witchcraft - and multiplies to the screen tightly.

In search of the house (2006)

Distracted from the beautiful, got out, earned? Back to nature! Sensei will remind her of her with each short film, each lovingly written by Bukashka. In this cartoon, red-haired fists are chosen from the city to the forest - and falls into a strange house inhabited by one insects. It is not easy to work - look for harmony with nature! But Fists tries.

Water Spider Mon-Mont (2006)

The grouse of mon-Mons living under water in the air bubble once met a capricious beauty of the water member. He is so good for her, and she is from him ... the infancy of love, the problem of a small man and a big heart for an inconspicuous appearance - in general, a whole novel-epic fifteen minutes dedicated to small goats.

Day when I bought a star (2006)

One homeless boy shelted Farmer, and he helped her to sell vegetables for it. Once he broke the cart - and there would be no happiness, but misfortune helped: Thanks to this case, he had wonderful seeds, from which it is possible to grow not carrot and not redish, but a whole planet. Again a whole separate world in minutes!

Fish Pono on Rock (2008)

Friendship of petty fish and a small boy returns to the most kindergarten childhood. Kids are frigneling, adult spectators honestly admit: "I haven't been cavalo for a very long time!" So if suddenly stress, gloomy and tlen - look with kids, or quotes, or pillows, or just fall - and see the "Fish Ponly".

Mr. Dough and Princess Egg (2010)

Once the dough came to life and fled ... the plot "Kolobka", Yeah? However, Miyazakino dough is not stupidly in solitude, but with a friendly egg, but they are not running from a good old woman, but from Japanese women Yaga. Eating labor joins to chanting nature. But still not surpassed, but funny and cute.

Wind fastens (2013)

The boy is having a sky and dreams of flying, but my homeland bothers him. And yet he moves to his dream - and learns to build aircraft. There are no sorcerers and ghosts, but there are such things as history, perseverance, imagination, conscience ... Realistly and tight. It turned out a serious movie, only drawn. Miyazaki officially reported that this work completes his career. Very, very much sorry for us. But thank you, good grandfather Hayao, for our lucky everything!

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