30 effective ways to defeat procrastination



In fact, we were going to write this article a month ago. But then the new season, then comics, then the sale of cookie in the cafe, and the nose itself is not angry in itself, you know. Now, if we immediately fell to the eyes of these tips!

1. Go from the opposite

Starting from the case that causes the greatest disgust, then the rest will seem light and pleasant. Holders of black belt on time management call this technique to "eat a frog".

2. Start with cherry on the cake

Paradoxically, but also a completely converse approach can also work. Choose the most interesting task while you perform it - you enter the taste.

3. Become superman

Imagine that you are not you, and the brazed guy from blockbuster, which saves the universe. From whether you will write the report until 18:00, the fate of the planet depends. Horsiciki tick, plays anxious music, millions of viewers do not descend with you eyes and forget to crunch pop-root. But good guys always manage to all the final titles.

4. Changes atmosphere

If there is such an opportunity - run away from the office in a cafe or coworking. Call customers with a bench in the park. In a word, completely change the scenery: the brain embroidered from the routine is better.

5. Making procrastination into a diary

Think about what you are distracted, and write a ban on it into our schedule. 10:00 - answer letters. 10:30 - not afraid in funny meerkats on YouTube.

6. Widdle of the supervision

Pavlok bracelet - radical and cruel method of dealing with laziness. The bracelet can be programmed to track undesirable actions. Every time when opening a site that is not related to work, Pavlok will beat you current. Not much, but noticeable. Gestapo would approved.

7. Invent the worst scenario


Imagine what will happen if you continue to watch "in all serious" instead of taking care. Tomorrow, the boss rolips at you at all and will declare that it was the last drop. You will be fired, the hostess will wipe you out of the apartment, you set aside in a gloomy suburb and graduate from your days, selling socks on the market. Do not bring to sin, go work.

8. Recounting Dendine

Up to hours a whole week? Neither Figa, just 7 days! Scientists have proven that people who consider time not in weeks and months, but in hours and days begin (and finish) work earlier.

9. Wake the work on small pieces

Repair the kitchen is horror, chaos and nightmare. It is much easier to bring furniture, shake wallpaper, level the walls and paint them into the color of frightened mango. See, it works.

10. Block sites devouring time

BlockitForme, Rescue Time, Contentwasher and others like them - all these programs allow you to block the sites on which you hang for hours instead of building communism in a separate company. And I will be happy to hang on Facebook, yes no. You have to work.

11. Take a pate from the shelf

No, not now, and when you cope with the next working task. Talked with the nasty client - eat a candy. Replied to 10 letters - read one (one, we said!) Article on PICS. Passed the project - reduced himself to the best pub of the city.

12. Advance yourself what to pronounce

Do not give yourself - shifting pieces on the table and re-updating the Friendlent, you do not work. Tell yourself honestly: "Now I am fed by nonsense and spending a precious time to looking at whose muddy pictures from Sharm el-Sheikh."

13. Do not confess yourself that you work

It often seems to us that, holding for work, we immediately have to get some kind of visible result. The scale of the task scares. You can defeat this fear, working as if ponamoshka. Write the ideas on the leaves, chatting about your work with taxi drivers and friends. It seems you do nothing, but something has already been evaporated.

14. Using workaholic


While you hang with the same locating, do not just wait. We always compare ourselves with others, and against the background of these lazy people, you still have a worker. Start hanging out with those who plow as ox. Listen to their conversations about working feats, inspired them with a barbecue and apartments and asha.

15. Went through

Our head is not designed for multitasking. While you watch a movie, read the statuses and outraget that someone is wrong on the Internet again, the enlightenment will not come. Arrange a 20-minute pause, take a walk without satellites and any goal. The brain, devoid of cats and deineris, will switch to solving work tasks.

16. Do not start the day from the Internet

Change the morning ritual. And then, as you start under the cup of coffee, we wander around the World Wide Web, so until the evening and you will not stop.

17. Find a personal meaning

We will be frank - you do not care about expanding the business and the growth of the company. Think about what you will get a premium for your excellent work and go in January to the Maldives.

18. Invent the reasons that will make you do everything at the last moment.


Do you think, time is still a car and you will finish everything tomorrow? And if tomorrow I will scratch your favorite cat, the phone cannue in the toilet or cosmic pig-workers from Aldebaran will go war to the ground?

19. Remove everything too much

Out of sight, out of mind. If all sorts of entertaining sites are looked in front of their eyes, sin does not look at them. Therefore, close everything that does not apply to the case.

20. Be as Jobs

Or Donald Trump. Or zuckerberg. Or who you still respect your leaders there. All you do is brilliantly, your quotes are printed on PICS.RU, Forbs for months, I have interviewed. You are the coolest here, with your presentation, everything is stirred, and on YouTube, she will collect a billion views.

21. Do not try to do everything at once

Five slightly nebanny cases are not five almost completed tasks, it is actually zero made of affairs and panic from the remaining work volume. You can not do in one day all five - bring to the end at least one thing, let not the most difficult.

22. Relegate a list of cases

Usually, in first place, we put the most important and unpleasant things, and closer to the end of the task are becoming easier and optional. As a valid procrastinator, you have long cared to start working from the middle of the list. It's time to deceive consciousness - I take all the little things on the first positions, and really urgent things to place at the end. For a while, such a method will work.

23. Make it all bad


Perfectionism often makes terry progastinators from us - "Make a good or do not do at all" and that's all. Relax, no one is perfect. Instead of sluggish attempts to immediately get something ingenious, carrying a frank blizzard and Laude. After 15 minutes, the fear of the error will pass.

24. Laughty

Discomfort during the work oh, how distracts. Therefore, you can do everything that you need is a coffee pot, nuts, a deceased chair and greyhound at the feet.

25. Fierce

Having your own list of cases for everyone to review and honestly mark everything that did. Imagine - someone comes in your office, and you have a shift in your own laziness over the table. This awkward moment.

26. Pey Fenotropyl

One tablet in the morning can turn the varietal lazy into the hero of labor. Phenotropyl stimulates the brain, improves memory and concentration. But do not drink it after dinner, otherwise you will jump up to the night, like a savory squirrel with nut. And first discuss this idea with your dock.

27. Wash out


Non-shows turns you into zombies. Only one extra hour of sleep is able to improve performance and clarify consciousness.

28. Slimming Dedilan

Promised to do everything on Wednesday? So write - "pass the project on Monday." Soon you will forget the current delivery time and start working faster.

29. Moveda Vozetu

The main thing is to get involved in the battle, as Napoleon said. That's who did not mess up. Starting to do something - no matter what. Even the clearing of duties in the mailbox shakes you and drive into the working rhythm.

30. Look how life passes by

The Motivation extension for the Chrome browser changes the initial page so that you constantly see your age. And he is constantly changing, each second belongs to you farther and farther from the best years. And you, instead of finish everything and go enjoy life, sleeping sites. Sin.

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