10 "fashionable" terms that we like to use in conversation so


Pics.Ru collected a dozen fashionable words, without which a rare argument is about social network. We chase these words in the tail and mane and often use absolutely not in the case or where it would be better to use a long-term term.

We have dealt with, in what cases it is better to use these terms. Of course, if completely inadvertent and you want to screw the trendy psychological words in the conversation.


The injury pounded on the pop psychological chaise of old good complexes. Speaking easier, injury is a mental suffering. So hard that a person can not heal from him. Approximately as a physical wound, which still does not heal or from any shocks opens again. By : Go to me, criticize, and then complain that I banned them - well, for sure, some traumatics! Suit: The manna porridge inflicted me in childhood. Need : Of course, considering such a traumatic experience, you are important for you to take care of yourself.


Translated means a certain running mechanism. The cracked "trigger-cutting" (or TW, TV) is, respectively, a warning that there is such a psychological mechanism for the launch of some emotions. That is, the impressionable is better not to read. There, something hooked you, deeply affects, wounds, in short - the triggernet, and longer and more scientific - "retraumatizes". By : I saw that she herself had a loyal, so ridiculously became a triggero! What is needed, but can be replaced by "warning" : In your article, the scene of the murder is very vividly described, could you put in the beginning of the Triger-Corning?


Rich word Abuz! In English, it may indicate all sorts of forms of violence, abuse, injustice. For some reason, it is most often used in RuNet to designate the oppression of women and, sometimes children. And if you see the word "abuser", know that we are talking about a bad person, a redist, but what kind of radish grade - it will be impossible to guess. There are options from the Manyak killer to a simple amateur argue. In general, a convenient term, it is a pity that there are so many other good words because of it is idle. Yes, and to the verb "Abual" is difficult to get used to. By : I want to fall in love with a guy, but he does not pay attention to me, Abusit in black. Need : - When we go to visit, the husband always rises me in humans. - Oh, Lord, it is some kind of abuse.


Gazlatyt (Gaslight) is a special form, sorry, absuse, and more precisely, psychological violence. It is attempts to destroy the presentation of the victim about reality. Simply puts: someone tries to bring you crazy about their bad purposes. By : - It seems to me that this is not a starlets, but frozards. - That's what else is here for Gazlating! Do not dare to manipulate me! Need : Father girlfriend approached her to the phone and said that she did not want to communicate with us. Then it turned out that he said to her, as if we did not want to be friends with her, because she was "psychic." So because of such Gazlata, she did not complain to anyone.


There is such a "narcissistic disorder of personality." It is made to the international classification of disease. There is just narcissism as quality. Simply put, the first is a narcissist, bringing to trouble. The second is not adjusted. For some reason, for some reason, for some reason Narcissal, mostly called husbands and mothers abusers. With this word there is a quarrel. I really want to call them unpleasant people, because it seems to be decent and clever, but often you, firstly, you make a diagnosis of correspondence, and secondly, you hang a rather dangerous label on a person. And if we gathered the humanists here, then the quality (narcissism) should condemn, not a person (Narcissa). By : Always remove yourself to your smartphone, you have narcissism already. Need : It is believed that people with a narcissistic disorder are better not to educate children.


A man with psychopathic syndrome is a close "relative" man with narcissism. It is distinguished by special heartlessness, and, of course, almost always a fair absurr. In the discussions, the term is often abused by calling so any unpleasant or strange interlocutor. By : Why are you so interested in lichens, do you, psychopath? What is needed: How could you leave an old man without a roof over your head? This fraudster is probably a psychopathic disorder.


In general, the ability to understand other people's emotions. What lacks the above mental psychopaths, daffodils and other acusers. The term is controversial. Sometimes its meaning is expanding so that it covers both altruism and empathy. Well, in a narrow sense, an empathetic does not necessarily mean "kind" or "foul-fabric" - to understand how others feel feel, does not mean to help them and even refrain from causing them harm. By : She has a high level of empathy: it flies over all sad films. Need : Help the child to develop empathy, explain to him why people behave anyway that they feel at the same time.


Victiminess is some features of the victims of a crime that increase their chances to be such. In general, scientists tried to calculate innocently, say, when crimes occur more often: in winter or in summer, in the morning or in the evening. And where: in the city or in the village? Yeah, in the village less ... Well, if we put in the city more trees and light the lanterns - will there be less crimes? But in everyday life, in the end, everything was joing to "you walked in the summer in the evening - it means it is to blame." By . Victiminess - the desire of children to become a victim of parents-tyranans. Need . Professions in which people have to communicate often with strangers, are distinguished by greater victimosis.


That disgrace that has grown out of the wrong understanding of victimity. In Russian, this accusation of the victim, or can be said - shifting from a sick head to healthy. By: - I sent you a mat, because you insulted my parents. - This is what else for Victiming! You never know that I wrote to you, I will unwind politely. Need : It is believed that the children's unsure themselves are to blame for themselves that classmates mock them, it means to engage in Victiming.


If we are talking about toxic waste, it is meant "poisonous", "dangerous." And if about the relationship between people, then this word is needed to those who are not able to heal and make an adjective from the word "Abuz". Relationships in which someone suffers someone offended, rapes, abuses by some way in vain, in general, relationship with the absurr, are toxic.

By : We have toxic relationships with the authorities: I Halturu, and they are fine.

Need : The stronger your dependence on a toxic partner, that impulse it will behave.

P.S. Opener

Completely terribly sounding the word "permensed" is usually used in a bundle with a daffodil and ... nothing means. Seriously. This is a word from "perverse" (perverse, that is, the perversion) and means all the same perverse feeling of love for himself, which is also included in the concept of narcissistic disorder.

If you have already said the "abuser" or "Narcissus", then it is worth adding permissible to seem more smarter.

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