Twist copper! SHA RAVE!


Two Moldavanina in the Kurchatov Institute disassembled one of the world's largest in the world, they took 5 tons of copper from it to sell onto the color.

Two workers from Moldova removed copper from a unique inmonuclear plant in the National Research Center (NIC) "Kurchatov Institute" in Moscow, a source in law enforcement sources told Interfax. According to him, from March 3 to March 13, two workers, Moldova citizens, were removed from the experimental thermalide installation "Tokamak T-15" in the Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" Copper tires. Colored metal workers hid in different places in one of the buildings of the NIC, to then take it out and sell it. However, the security officers noticed the loss and appealed to law enforcement agencies. Check showed that copper kidnapped two workers who had access to the installation. They acted together with accomplices whose personalities are established. According to some data, for 10 days, suspects shot 5 tons of copper tires. Both visitors are detained, they became the defendants of the criminal case under articles 30 and 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (an attempt to theft). Search for accomplices of crime. According to the information on the "Kurchatov Institute" website, the experimental thermalide installation "Tokamak T-15" is one of the world's largest. Tokamaki (toroidal chamber with magnetic coils) is experimental settings to achieve the reactions of controlled thermonuclear synthesis, in which the plasma holds a powerful magnetic field. Tokamak T-15 worked from 1988 to 1995.

According to Interfax

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