20 phrases that want to hear every man


Each woman dreams that the man tells her the words she wants to hear. And what does he say? Of course not. He says "yep". Universal yep, answer to all questions. "Do you love me?" - "yep". "And for what you love me?" - "yep". Fight them for it, but sorry. However, PICS knows how to revenge.

We risked life, but still outstretched the most cherished phrases that they dream to hear. Read and never say them. Well, until he stops bothering.

Tell me again, as you with a cliant ...

It doesn't matter that they have examined there with Kolyany. In the fifth grade hijacked docking wheelbarrow. Drew the word of three letters on the wall of the Mausoleum, and then hid from the valiant guards of the order. They played in the hussar and drank vodka bucket. Never mind. It is important that he told you about it about 500 times, and this is just last year. And wants to tell again. Many many more times. Just asking!

I'm so exciting when you drunk

And if there is not only vodka, but also tobacco is, it is generally the most powerful Aphrodisiac world in the world. When he leaves the next time, watch him: he is so strange so strange for nothing because the look does not focus already. It is waiting for something you say something. Haha.

I'll go take a walk with the dog, and you're still

And, by the way, the idea of ​​getting a dog is yours. And you even walked with her the first four days. Until I played out. Now the dog in the morning does not even try to look into your side, because he knows that it is useless. Smart dog. Mutely some who are still waiting for this phrase from you.

I think you drank little

Something you should pronounce this at the moment when it opens another bottle and involuntarily pulls his head into the shoulders. Because now it will arrive. So he dreams that she will arrive. But not a verbal poddle room, and the good Fairy Din-Din. Sucks to him on the shoulder and whispered this is the most. Big boy, and in fairy tales believes.

Babies are very boring, I will play with him myself

It is understood that all the boring duties you take over yourself, and he will get one only fun. Five years later. No, better after seven. By this moment you will just teach the baby to play Mortal Kombat and clean Wobble. And they will be very fun together. Beauty g!

Extra temples, and it will exhale

The main advantage of the wife is what? That's right, thrift. A good mistress does not disappear, a good mistress ejects anything.

Who needs these flowers?

No, well, on the birthday and the eighth of March is holy. Then the flowers are just needed - so as not to think about what kind of gift to buy. And on other days they do not need anyone. Moreover, for such mad money.

Men are created for war. How good that tanks came up with

And other online battles. How does it ask, to implement his natural purpose? And you still implement your own. Prepare something, committing lessons with children. Well, in short, do not sit at the window, waiting for your beloved from the raid. Wear business. Introduced? We are also funny, yes.

Do not touch the vacuum cleaner!

As well as a garbage bucket and a knife for cleaning potatoes. This is all not male affairs. The man has a drill, which he has not touched for three years, because he has not yet decided where to make a shelf to hang. In the meantime he decides - it dreams that you forbade him to do something else. Distracts, damn!

What other yorkshire terrier? Let's buy a husky! And rifle!

It doesn't matter that you have a one-room apartment, in the yard a platform for dogs walking 5 to 5 meters, and he has no hunting ticket, because Kabanov he is afraid more than Freddie Kruger. Negregate, Walsaw! Children's dreams need to be implemented. That is - you should embody his children's dreams. He really wants himself, but too lazy.

Of course, carrying all the catch. I love to clean Rotanov

And then fogging their cat and regularly check the animal counter of Geiger. Well, yes, I caught in the city robust, where they do not know what. But he is a minider! It must be appreciated. It must be encouraged.

We are soon anniversary. What about the boyfriend?

This phrase is just live water spilled on the hero wound wounded. Because he is very afraid of the question "Dear, you remember what day today?!" And here you are, firstly, remind you. Secondly - you suggest to celebrate this date as he wants. Well, in his fantasies you remind and offer, of course.

Let's buy you Harley!

Especially relevant in the event that you plan to have a child and postpone money on a family car. Well, that the car seat is conveniently rushed, and that not only the stroller can in the trunk, and also a bunch of packages from Auchan, and, most importantly, the safety records from the typewriter. Who needs it all, eh? Here Harley is absolutely necessary for him. So as not so much to raise the lost freedom.

Do not try to drag behind me in the fitting room! Go while in the dash shoot

Well, or let the carousel ride. In modern shopping centers, there are slot machines and other attractions. Not for children, in fact. For men exhausted shopping.

I'm bored. Maybe we will see football?

You need to learn three more phrases. Here they are: "Come on-come on, come on!", "What does he work, what is creating !!" And "Monkey Son Donkey!". As soon as he woven "you see? No, you see it?! ", Evaluate the situation on the field and choose a suitable phrase. I do not want? Eh. And he dreamed about it.

Watch what boobs!

Not yours, a clear thing. You saw yours a million times. And now it really wants to get an indulgence to view any extraneous boobs. Naive!

And what is the difference in me, how much do you earn?

The phrase, after which you can take it warm. But you, of course, do not tell her, because it is impossible to lie so brazenly, looking to man in the eyes. But he hopes. He still hopes yes.

This mom is calling, do not take the phone

Because Mom, a clear case, never calls just like that, but only with malicious intent. For example, she must be taken to the cottage forty five seedling boxes. Well, in general, without male hands at the cottage. Spring especially. This phrase, by the way, can actually say. Even suicide bombers have the right to last desire. Let him also be happy. Finally. Mom will still call back.

I have already changed the oil in the car, do not worry

Even if he shakes over his swallow, like a Golum over a ring, he still wants you to do it. In the event that you do not work, but, for example, now on child care leave. I don't do anything all day! At home are sitting! Could and change the oil, there are cases for five minutes.

Still, Michelangelo is cooler Raphael

No, it is not about artists, it is about the turtles. Well, it's you already understood. And you know what? Tell him it. Let him hear at least one phrase that dreamed of. Let him be delighted. You will not cost anything. Yes, we know that Donatello is steeper, because smart. We agree with you. But for some reason the boys love Mike. Let him think you agree with him. Maybe it will be easier for him to forget about that terrible day when you told him that you were in love with Schröder.

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