How to quit the unloved job and do the case of your life?


We are all sometimes thinking about what would be nice to quit their work and do something that we really like. That's just most often, there is no reason on reasoning. We instantly find a bunch of good reason to change anything. The author of this text is Corbett Barr (, entrepreneur, blogger, sub-cl., coach - a man who one day threw his unloved work and started with a clean leaf. And, I must say, he did it perfectly well.

Let's find yourself honest: work - shit. I spent 13 years of life, working in different works, and I never liked it. I never felt that I am doing business life. Always in my head, there was a slim voice: "You will never be happy, working" on Uncle ". When will you grow eggs and start working on yourself? " It happened to me in 2006. After 13 years of work on some nonsense, which I did not care at all, after boredom, depressed and all that you have to tolerate from bosses, after a decadatholic working days and inability to go on vacation, I I decided that there are things to better offices, presentations, meetings, endless meetings and woven from the cooler. I used to do this because of two things: fear and comfort. No, Listen, if you like your work - everything is fine. I know there are people who are fully implemented at their work (although I suspect that if you read it - it's not about you). But most people I know hate your work. They complain about her, on people, at how much time it goes on the road, on a salary, on the working hours, for the lack of a normal vacation, for the lack of control over your life. And then they talk about their dreams, about the hobby, and that "ever" ... only it "someday" - never comes. They have too many debts, children, responsibility, fear. And most often these people work to old age or to death. I do not say that you need to quit work tomorrow (although on the other hand, this is the best option), but if you have any curiosity and business veil, you will never be satisfied with life, until you start working on yourself . If you feel that your job does not give you to live, here are you three good reasons for which it costs to change everything.

1. Working "On Uncle", you give someone control over most of your life

We do not live in serfdom. In the free world there is no reason to work for someone. The right to search for happiness and life with his life is the greatest gift of modern society, and nevertheless, most of us are profound. When you work at work, someone else controls, what you work on, for what you answer, in what hours you work (and therefore get up in the morning and go to bed) when you relax how much you earn. And lately - they also limit your privacy in social networks. No, of course, if you adore your work, you probably give control over your life to a stranger - a good idea. But for most people is a very, very strange deal.

2. Work at work - comfortable. Too.

When you work for someone, life is just quite comfortable for you not to ask truly important questions. Of course, you feel that your soul is trying to crush every day, but the 1st and 16th on the card "drip" the salary. Think about how much of this money will have to spend on boots and kabaki, just to feel a little less than crushed, distracting, switch, cover the fundamental lack of self-realization, which gives you every day every day? We restrains fear. If it were not for him - we could make striking things. People choose work, because alternatives are deadly fear. They are afraid that they will not succeed, they don't have this very much that is necessary in order to be free. They are afraid to fall and lose everything. In truth, if you overcome fear and laziness - there is no no prerequisites for the fact that you will not work. And the work is just quite comfortable so that you do not need to fight these fears and begin to live your life.

3. Work on yourself is the best of what you can do.

I traveled with my father on fishing and often saw stickers on the bumpers and T-shirts with the phrase "The worst day fishing is better than the best day at work." The same applies to your own business. On the worst days of work on yourself you will be in horror, you will worry and doubt yourself. You will think that you have made a huge mistake, convince yourself that this is not yours ... But even this day will be better than your best work on Uncle. It may not be on the surface, but deep inside, there will still be a sense of purpose in you, satisfaction that comes only if you are leaning on yourself. Lions in wildlife seem ten times more alive than lions in the zoo. There will be no better. Younger you will not. The perfect day to get up and leave the dream, never comes. More precisely, he has already come: right now.

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