11 signs that your boyfriend is time to acquaint with the child


In life, anything happens: sometimes a man of your whole life is not at all your child's father. But for no hope - they still need to introduce them. Here are as many as 11 signs that it is right to do.

With your boyfriend everything is serious


That is, you are seriously going to be together in the mountain and in joy, together and die one day from orgasm. We are planning a joint life, a wedding, and most importantly, you trust him and feel like a stone wall. It's time!

He is responsible

Guy, not a child. Does not score and do not forget your requests to navigate the carnations and get it without know-what. Supports and strokes on your head when you have PMS and all it. In short, the perfect guy!

He gets perfectly with children


Does not call them humiliating "spinograms", does not experience an insurmountable desire to escape from them to the edge of light with a bottle of whiskey and a tent, but, on the contrary, it is not afraid to stay with the child alone, knows how to calm him, and understands that "Cancer Tropic" is a three-year Guy read it is too early.

Talks about childhood

All sorts of cute things seem to be the way he broke the pants, climbing through the fence, or he devoured a jar of raspberry jam on the argument and then all scorched. Or sulked windmill.

You know with all his family


Including mom, dad, uncle from Nizhny Tagil, grandmother from Arkhangelsk and Mugs Vasya. That is, a person demonstrates you the full trust and the seriousness of my intentions, and you?

The child is interested

Children are not idiots and are quite capable of noting that mom's eyes glimpse, in the evenings she disappears somewhere or does not release the phone from the hands, brings flowers and looks happily. Well, an unfamiliar uncle on mom's photographs also raises questions.

You are going on vacation


And Troim you will have to spend 24 hours a day together, unless your grandmother or nanny goes with you, which to protect the bloodstream from any attempts to meet. It is important to prepare for this soil!

His approved your mom

Well, here without comment if my mother approved, then the next step is obvious - a date with the child!

He participates in the life of a child

Give him small gifts and sweets, I am interested in his deeds, buys the necessary things like a radio-controlled helicopter and Barbie dolls, monitor children's events, where you can go with the baby and helps you solve a thousand and one problem that arise when you grow a child alone. (Introduce me with this! - approx. Bild editor)

He himself wants to meet


Thus, demonstrating the seriousness of intentions. Builds plans, how together they will play the computer, go for mushrooms, do lessons and ride bikes. This zeal cannot be left unpunished without attention! Only about dirty diapers and the roar do not tell. There will be a surprise.

He is ready to be nanny

If you suddenly, you need to urgently take a project in the night, fly to Samara for the birthday of a secondary sister, to escape to mother from the paws of traffic cops and in any other unforeseen situation he says his corona: "Well what are you worried about! I can sit! "

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