All apart, all in half: how to survive in one house with mother-in-law?


Sometimes life makes an unimaginable aloft and puts you before working together with her. Mother-in-law, as much in this sound! We have collected practical recommendations, how to exist with this beautiful woman and do not go crazy. Hold on PICS.RU with you.


As the classic used to say, not to see face to face. So with my mother-in-law - at a distance she can be a miley woman, knit your daughter to booties and die when you come to visit. But living together is a completely different matter. Especially if you are with the baby. Especially if you need help.

Pour patience

This is what you will come in with a million percent. As a rule, the women of the older generation are absolutely confident in their own wisdom and some mythical right from the height of the years lived with kids, that is, you. The most nasty, when this tactless intervention in your life is covered with good intentions, they say, what are you, I want as better! I have a soul for you! Explain that even the soreness of each hair on the head does not give her right to dispose of your life, is unrealistic. So grow zen.

Become a Chinese swollen


This is a level for pumped daughter-in-law. You look into her eyes, smile and how the instituted you repeat: yes, marivanny, undoubtedly, mariva, just do it, Married, where we are without you, marivana! Itself, meanwhile, you think and do everything in your own way. It is not all right, but you can try. Save a lot of time and strength.

Forget about personal space


That is, of course, you can have your own room where you will be alone, but no more. At any moment she can go to you, ask something, bring, carry. Meet her husband naked? Forget. Romantic dinner with candlelight? Forget. Hot sex with screams and moans like porn? Forget. It is clear that over time you will get used to, but at first it is terribly nervous and strains, so be ready.

Agree about duties


If you live with her, then immediately ask how to help her, what home duties take on and so on. Keyword "immediately". Believe, it is much easier to figure out everything on the shore and once a week to wash the toilet with the bathroom, than then listen to the reproaches in the fact that you live like in the boarding house and do not know the grief, and she came down from his legs with this cleaning and crying every evening. If you live with you, then again gently designate what you need help. For example, in cooking or helping with a child - to once not turn into a grumpy wardbed maiden.

Talk to Ne.


Any problems, misunderstanding, sharp moments should be better immediately discussing, without postponing in a long box and not giving accumulating discontent and irritation. If she infuriates that you never prepared anything more difficult to pasta, and you simply be afraid to approach her stove and thus apply her unbearable insult, it would be good for you to talk about it once and forever agree that she lets you on Kitchen, and you are not afraid to ask where she is hidden salt there.

Remember about the main thing

Your husband, your children are native people for her. If you live with my husband's parents, then the only one's alien person in the house for her is you. There's nothing personal, it's just a spent program. Do you remember that old anecdote?

My daughter was lucky, her husband is caring - she is preparing breakfast. And the son of the wives of the bitch came across - even the breakfast can not do, everything himself!

The most unpleasant thing that she can start dripping your husband to your husband, which is fraught with unpleasant moments and panels up to "Choose: I or She!". There, again, nothing personal - her son is a beautiful baby, and you are some kind of incomprehensible alien woman. She sees a rival in you and trying to win with all their might. Only fighting often with himself and does not understand this, as you are neither twice.

Do not feel guilty


Many women often feel guilty for their own discontent and unwillingness to live with mother-in-law. Like, she is a golden woman! Erase! Trains! The grandson sits! Helps! Previously, in half, in the same room in the communal and nothing! We rush to you to remind you that I used to give birth in the field, any diseases were treated with blood consumption and forbade women to wear pants. By the way, we doubt that those ten people living in the same room were very happy from this fact.

You are an adult married woman and have the right to do the way you want, how, in your opinion, it will be better, and not feeling no guilt for it. In the end, our life is alone and stupid to spend at least one precious minute for flourish with mother-in-law. Do the way you consider it necessary for your family, and if this decision does not include a joint stay with Mom's husband - IT's Okay.

Not all mother-in-law are equally useful.


The golden rule of communication with any mother-in-law - as soon as possible to disperse. She, of course, is the same ordinary woman, with his problems, complexes and concepts about morality and morality, and not a three-headed monster, ready to bite off your head. But it is better to stay at a respectful distance and not to be completely removing. The head will be the goal. And in general, calmer.

Sheets with mother-in-law: Yana Stovet

Illustrations: shutterstock

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