Swan song: how to care for the neck so that she never gave your age


No matter how excellent you did not look, the neck and zone decollete will always tell the whole truth about the age, health and lifestyle. We have collected 10 rules of care for the neck, so that you are fully armed.


Creams, pylling, scrubs, masks, injections and suspenders - follow the skin of the face We are involved with youth. After a cosmetologist on the manicure - hands should also look loosely. Back to the gym, so that without too much fat, and then to depilation. Care for each centimeter of your body is pleasant and useful. But it seems you forgot about what is always in sight.


Neck skin is a bit thinner and land than skin of the face. Therefore, even the most good face cream is not suitable here. First of all, do not forget that the neck also needs to wash. Every morning, along with the face, rinse the cool water of the neck and neckline. It tones and moisturizes.



Imprette tonic to purify the face - a real panacea! Before bedtime, I wipe the neck with a lotion, and you will be surprised how much dust sticks to the open body per day. Clean - pledge of health. And beauty.

Clean even deeper

A couple of times a week mandatory make a light peeling for the skin of the neck and neckline. Do not forget that the skin is fine and sensitive here, so pick up the most soft cleansing. Pay attention to fruit scrubs, they feed with vitamins and improve blood circulation, gently eliminating you from dead cells.


As for the skin of the face, the neck needed two-phase creams. The daily cream must necessarily keep protection against ultraviolet at least 30 SPF, retinol and various vegetable oils. So he will feed and defend your neck all day. For the night, be sure to use the maximum nutritious cream of the lowest texture. Do not forget that it is necessary to apply the cream from the bottom up, from the clavicle to the chin with circular motions.



Be sure to arrange spa and for the neck. Apply a variety of masks - nutritious, moisturizing, rejuvenating. Of course, you can take a face mask (in addition to the maturing drying), but it is better to use special chest skin necks.

Look at the stars

In order to keep the neck muscles in a tone, always keep your back straight, and the face is slightly raised. Lack, lowered shoulders and pressed chin leads to the appearance of all the same wrinkles.


So that there are no circular wrinkles on the skin, be sure to do special gymnastics, as in childhood.

- tilt the head and 2 minutes will exercise circular movements in your head in both directions;

- extend the chin and zeros in this position for 10 seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat five times;

- Tilt your head to the sides and try to apply your shoulder ear. Repeat 10 times per face.



Be sure to do the neck massage and zone decollet once a week. It can be done independently. After the shower, take some of your favorite oil: coconut, almond or argano. Gently apply it to the neck and chest. Soft circular movements distribute it on the skin, but in no case stretch it. 10-15 of such a home massage and your skin thank you with elasticity and shine.


Excellent double chin prevention will be contrasting compresses for the neck. For a few minutes, alternately apply hot compresses from the infants of the herbs and ice. It will give an unprecedented tone of the skin and will not allow the chin lines



Going to the beautician at the next course of mesotherapy, do not forget about the neck. Thin skin does not hurt a cocktail from the vitamins and the necessary macroelements. Be sure to use manual, not hardware technique. Sensitive skin will have to taste a detailed and deep feeding.

Illustrations: shutterstock

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