Manual about how to arrange a scandal


Every girl is very very, very sad. Because she was promised for spring and deceived, he was deceived! And what does the girl do when her was deceived? That's right - suits the scandal. But swearing with heavenly office is stupid, because the top will not answer on top. Output? We must quarrel with your beloved, of course! Rotate steam and again become a nurse and lape.

And it is not necessary to worry about the fact that there is no reason. PICS collected whole ten. Ten weighty reasons to set him a shared scandal.

He does not pay you attention

The win-win option, because under attention you can understand anything. Does he always notice a new hairstyle? Does he remember the date of your first kiss? He is interested, how was the working day? He realizes that you again died with my mother, and brings you tea with lemon and a drop of brandy? "It's bad to be like this!" "You think, and postpone the scandal to better times." Well, until the most time when he finally joins. Well, in vain. And flowers? And massage? And "Desperate Housewives" discuss?! How to browse yourself: Imagine that you are poor cat. Literally. You are a poor cat, try once again to kneel the owner, and he gently pushes you under fluffy ass and says "not now, Murzik." What makes a cat? NOTE, he does not shit in the sneakers. He scratches and bites, and only then shits in the sneakers. Because he's a shame, offensive!

He hides the salary size

Hides-hides, even if it brings all it and puts into the bedside table. Do not be naive - this is not the whole salary, but only her honor, and not even a fact that big. The rest is spent on all sorts of male Wishlist, and this, of course, is correct. But only as long as you do not fit how to push. The point is not that he cannot spend money freely, which he himself earned. The point is that he is lying to you! To lie and unfurry are synonyms. And let him try to prove the opposite, ha! How to browse yourself: Once of the polling faith is not. Further explain?

He scatters socks

Classics of the genre. Scandaling on this topic seems to be even embarrassed, because it is the most banality, right? Well, yes, it is. But, if you look at the other hand, it is a reason tested by millions of women. No surprises. No misfacience Suitable, full scandal. How to browse yourself: Well, he, who is clear, does not respect you. For a person does not think because. After all, only a speaking parrot can be happy for years with pleasure. And only Basset Hound can be saved to smell. You do not parrot and not a dog, no? So what the hell are you to look for these socks every day and repeat the infinitely "put in the basket, put in the basket"? Wrong with you! FAS!

He leaves a spoonful of food in the refrigerator

Again of the household. Do you think a boring reason? You just do not know how to cook it! Household scandals are generally the most interesting, because the opponent always there is a counter-argument. Here you are painting your nails, and he can't breathe, but it tolerates, tolerates and silent. So let him silent. And you say. How to browse yourself: The point is not that this unfortunate spoonful of food at the bottom of the big pan is sorry to throw out (he will say that, for sure). He does not reach the dishes not to wash, it is clear. And who washed something? You. That is, it is a direct promise - hey, slave, take care of your lord. Isn't it awesome, huh?

He misuse children

Attention! Toxic substance! Do not open without extreme need, not apply without personal protective equipment, do not use in the presence of children and pets. Disinfection of residential premises after use is required. How to browse yourself: You wore, you gave birth to the flour, and all that he worryed by your crumbs the whole fourth life. Because he psyche breaks them, a clear case, and shows a bad example. Your unfortunate son will grow the same. Your daughter will choose her husband like dad. And all! Everything! What exactly is "all," you can not even specify especially, because it exactly does something wrong. For example, the child says "Leave, I'm busy." This also undermines the basic confidence in the world!

He late comes from work. Or early

Well, everything is simple here. Either he changes you, or he does not give a damn on you and he does not want to work for the benefit of your collaborative future. How to browse yourself: If you are not jealous, see some terrible movie about treason and collapse of relationships. Put yourself in the place of the heroine. Patch. Imagine all the horror of your position and give the rolling pin. And they also came to him an SMS of an unequivocal content, something like "Well, where do you hang?!". Let him warm up, while traveling home from the meeting. And if the scandal is about the fact that it comes too early from work - then see some cinema about treason and collapse of relationships. Only let the movie be Hollywood. There, every unfortunate wife has a three-hundredth home and the perfect garden. And you have - 33 square meters with municipal repair. Because someone does not want to do normally, but wants to work, not straining. Arrgh!

His hands grow out of taut buttocks

Well, because the tank flows two weeks, and the regiment is not nailed for a year. And this is at best. Before the scandal, it is better to take a picture of the whole apartment: I assure the eye with you just climbed and you no longer notice the places that are straight in anticipation of a straight male hand. Well, or you just tired to remind him, and your consciousness displaced all the shortcomings from the memory. How to browse yourself: The question is - and when you last forgotten that the cat tray should be washed, that in the refrigerator there should be food, in the first-aid kit - the stock of Alka Zeltser, and in children there is a pure school uniform? The answer - you never forgot. For some reason you remember everything and do everything on time. And he cannot remove the wires to the box for the third year. And every day you remove lumps of cat wool from them. Third year!

"But Vasya ..."

If your man is too perfect, it's time to turn to the wisdom of ancestors. Do you remember how your mother put you in the example of your classmate Ninku? And the excellent is she, and the athlete, and at the domra plays. Not that some. Here, among your mutual friends, there is surely such ninta. In a sense - Vasya. How to browse yourself: Well, what is there that Vasi is there? Stometer apartment? Three kids? Doctoral dissertation? Torso, like young Arni? All take, everything will come true. Because Vasina girl can look at the eyes of a manual lany. And on you - the eyes of the full hyena. And how are you looking at her? That is what it is like a goat. With which, as you know, pupils are rectangular and therefore the look does not express anything at all. Type lifelong such pokerfias. Only the goat is natural, and you have an artificial one. Maybe he gives you at least some reason to be proud of them, eh?

He doesn't like your girlfriends

Girlfriends are a win-win theme, because they don't like it for sure. That is, he is frankly noting, of course. But he categorically disliked him on Friday evening to sit with a child and walking the dog. And then you nervously look at the clock and write you sms "Well, where are you?" How to browse yourself: Read something about oppressed Muslim women. In some countries, poor things do not have any rights at all, that is, literally. They even marry them out for strangers, because to look at men - sinful. Lord, they even take pictures with a rag on his face! But even they have the right to meet with girlfriends, when they want. And you are an educated white woman and general feminist. You have all rights. In addition to the right to invite the crowd to the house of other such educated white women, slightly drunk and feministic. Down with Patriarchate!

He was fatally offended in two thousand and fifth year

You just sat alone in the kitchen with friends. You opened the window and summer wind played with your hair. You kept a glass of wine in your hands, but I did not drink, but just swayed a glass and watched the light makes the ruby ​​moisture bloody. And you smoked, yes. Real Camel, and not some flavored toothpicks there. How to browse yourself: And what to break up there. As you remember now - he stopped in the doorway and looked at you carefully. And no, I did not ask why you are sitting here alone, so sad. And cracked the fist at the door of the toilet and I was trying "Kolyan, it's good to sleep there, I need to calm down!" Hatred! Kill!

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