But about love!


We dedicate our film to those who boycotted this very day yesterday, but I still didn't forget about love. If you are tired of rigging over the "autumn in New York" and "P.S. I love you, "then look at our selection: we collected 10 unusual films, love in which is not so obvious, but still exists.

"Restless Anna"

She was 18, she lives in a cave in Ibiza with her father and draws strange paintings. Once in the Madrid Tusovka artists, directors and musicians, she first falls in love and opens another talent - the memory of all his past lives. In each of them he was - who she gave love and for which he died every time. Restless Anna is a beautiful, bright and difficult film of Julio Copper with a completely cosmic soundtrack.


Blood, Spain, love. Claire discovers himself on a runway of the airfield in a red dress and without memory. It would seem that it could be a clinker. But each step is in the exact opposite side of the expected junction. Shocked landscapes, hot spanches and author installation makes the reasons for the reasons for amnesia and red dress.


This cartoon is unlikely to call for children. The story of an old robot, who remained the only reasonable creature on Earth, dancing under the melody of the fifties and clearing the garbage mountain after people. Vall-and suddenly meets her - another model and date of release. Mesallians of two robots, so cute and dramatic.

"The warmth of our bodies"

Apocalypse, viruses and a bunch of zombies. He long died and walks through the streets in search of fresh meat. Having found a live girl, for some reason he saves her, instead of devouring. They start a very strange friendship, which glory to God does not end with a wedding and small zombies.

"Love and pigeons"

Classic of our cinema, as well as an infinite source of memes and gifs. He, she, Toward, Raisa Zakharovna and the village. Excellent comedy about life in the village, family values, love for birds and a little - about the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory.

"Young Aphrodites"

When the film takes place on an idealistic island - it is always interesting. All the villages of the village in the sea, women lead the farm and they are all good. But the young shepherd descends from the mountains, immediately fell in love with the local 13-year-old beauty. As long as they understand their feelings, adult dramas are unfolding in their eyes. Greek cinema, which is built on the canons of ancient myths: with riot, culmination and anger of the gods.

"On the edge of the gap"

Russell Crowe and Salma Hayek at the end of the nineties were Wow as hot! Steve and Monica fell in love with each other so much that he threw smoking, and she began to gain overweight. Only without cigarette and diet life is not that - these two are constantly balanced on the verge. And they can not part in human, and can not live in peace.

"Bad blood"

In the future, everything will change, in addition to the desire of a person to the fast profit and the plot about the kidnappers of vaccines from the killer virus. The main character is a classic aging margin, which concludes a contract with bad guys. And now he is ready for the crime of the century, but meets absolutely beautiful Anna and understands that he is not such a margin. One of the first films of Beauty Joult Binash, with ideal dialogues and unusual for France of the eighties director.


Ivan Salovichny knows in a sense in the festival cinema. Such that does not go into a wide range, but which is customary to discuss in the kitchen in workouts and sneakers. Heroes break up after seven years of happy life, realizing that between them a huge disappearance of misunderstanding and ignorance of each other. They are no longer together, but can not live with each other. Therefore, former lovers decide to meet in order for 10 hours to tell everything that was tali from each other for many seven years.


This is the story of a guy who losing her beloved, decides to go on her right in hell. For this, he calls for a lo - an ancient mighty demon, which during the whole film releases excellent dirty jokes and builds a goat to this in love with an idealist. What is stronger - love or sarcasm? Non-question.

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