# Scientive. Wearing high heels increases the risk of cancer


Women a few decades warn about the dangers who can bring the feet and joints of the legs of high heels. But now, it seems, there are more reasons to throw the studs far away.


There are a large number of studies that reveal the risk to health from the constant wearing of high heels. While initially carrying heels strengthens the muscles of the ankle, the same muscles weakly with a long permanent wearing of heels, which leads to their injury, celebrate physiologists of the University of North Carolina.

Previous studies have revealed that wearing high heels can lead to such problems as the curvature of the toes, muscle fatigue and osteoarthritis. It may also be a link between high-heeled shoes and cancer, says one of the leading American oncologists, Dr. David Agus, Professor of Medicine University of Southern California.

In his book "Short allowance for long life," containing simple recommendations for people who want to reduce the risk of cancer and other heavy diseases, Professor Agus advises to avoid high heels and walk more in comfortable shoes.


He argues that the daily wearing of uncomfortable shoes not only causes excessive pain and harms the joint, but also causes chronic weakly felt inflammation, with whom the body begins to fight, forcing himself to unnatural poses and gait.

Inflammation is part of the natural process of struggle of our body with health problems. Whether it looks like an edema around the discharge or swelling around the joint, the process starts when the body detects the malicious effects of bacteria, injury or other stimuli. At the same time, modern scientists believe that chronic little inflammation can turn into a very destructive process that destroys fabrics.

Although science is not yet excellent, but there is already reason to believe that the same body reactions that are necessary for the process of cure may cause unexpected harm. One example is substances produced to strengthen the arteries.


"Definite types of inflammation are associated with the most dangerous diseases of our body, including heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, auto-immune problems, diabetes, and can also significantly increase the risk of developing cancer," says Professor Agus.

He says that, although cancer can be caused by damaged or initially defective genes, everything that our genes damages or prevents the normal process of their recovery, increases the risk of cancer. The constantly flowing inflammatory process makes the body throw the resources from the repair of damaged genes to combat inflammation. The higher the heel, the greater the load on the joints and discomfort from wearing shoes - the higher the risk of cancer.

Moreover, a low heel is also not a panacea, if the shoes, as often happens, too narrow nose and fingers are constantly scene - inflammation in them in this case is inevitable.

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Photos: shutterstock

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