When I will be 45


    Is it terrible to grow old? Probably yes. The changes are always scared, the more changes, marking the transition to the new age. But farewell with youth does not mean old age! Starting writing this article, I remembered one story.

    A woman dressed well to forty years old, he wore heels, made makeup and hairstyle. And in the fortieth, I went to the market, I bought a huge white down jacket, which I had long dreamed of, and began to wear it. Soon she radically changed the image. Double feeling, isn't it? When the tightened elegant lady becomes white kolobom, without cosmetics and fashionable boots - it looks like a degradation. But then her dream was fulfilled, the woman got rid of her conventions and felt happy.

    Perhaps the most powerful plus of the age of 45+ - the ability to be as you want to be. If there is a desire to compete for youth - the service of cosmetologists, plastic surgeons, coaches and stylists. It is enough to look at the Brazilian beauty contest for grandmothers - all participants have at least one grandson, but most of them will give the two-year-olds.

    If not - you can safely accept yourself. Together with gray and wrinkles, changes in the face and figures. The natural beauty of the golden age is in fashion, and it is not surprising. The last half century, more and more secured mature women do not want to turn into grani, nor spend everything earned to appendage. Cindy Joseph, Jackie O'Shonnesia and Nicola Griffin became famous mannequins after 45, none of them for the sake of fashionable showrooms fell under the knife and did not start painting gray hair.

    If there is a desire to continue his career - it's time to move forward. Successful director, politics, scientist, writer or actor Age is not a hindrance, many seek success in the zenith of life. Ella Pamfilova, Valentina Matvienko, Kira Mratov, Jane Goodoll, Maya Kucher, Immortal Ranevskaya, Finally, their strength is not at all in youth. If you want to replay life - there is a chance to try! Move to another city or country, get a new education, open your business, start building a house on earth, writing books or paintings. Daria Dontsova began writing detectives in 47. Kay Darcy went to conquer Hollywood in 69.

    "Star" Condeter Sylvia Wainstock up to 52 years worked as a teacher in kindergarten. And the grandmother-traveler Elena Erokhova was fascinated by tourism already after 80. You can abandon your personal life and with a pure heart to accept the ministry - in the monastery, in the hospital, in a charitable organization or fund. You can retake in a rustic house, devote yourself to creativity, go to the "solo" journey. Nurse grandchildren, nephews, neighboring babies. Re-married, adopt or even give birth to a child. Start breeding roses or terriers, stove pies or making clay dishes. You can do everything that wanted!

    The woman for 40 completes the "mandatory" life scenarios, children grow up, comes to the Career Zenith. There is still forces, there is already wisdom and life experience, the ability to understand and take their desires, feel genuine freedom. ... Just understand this can only go over the age barrier. In 20, the date "45" seems distant as the moon, in 30 - causes a chtonic horror. What? I really will appear wrinkles, my chest will be sought, a nightmare climax will begin with tides and pains?! The husband is poverty and goes to the young, the children will grow up, and the new will not be born again. Nobody takes to work, and before the pension is far away. Boyts, fractures, pressure, diabetes, oncology will come. I will become nasty and terrible grandmother-gossip on the bench, life will end! And what happens to the body really?

    Climax is a stage of physiological changes in the body of a woman associated with the extinction of the reproductive function. The greatest probability of its occurrence of 45-52 years. Symptoms of Klimaks in women depend on the age of concomitant diseases and genetics - "like mom". There may be a physiological climax, which does not deliver a woman of unpleasant sensations. And the pathological, when, because of the symptoms, a woman appeals to the doctor, as the quality of life is noticeably reduced. In order for this period to be easier, we must consult a doctor in the perimenopause. In the absence of contraindications, the doctor will prescribe a prophylactic treatment of climacteric symptoms. By world statistics, the beginning of the reception of hormonal drugs to the postmenopause period reduces the risk of severe manifestations of this period three times. At the same time, the life of a woman remains full.

    T. P. Maksimova, Clinic Rami (St. Petersburg), practicing doctor obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category. Mom of my peer.

    The fear of old age, the loss of beauty, childbearing function, mobility, health, meaning and goal in life is eased incredibly many resources. Women imagine, and imaginary enemies are invincible. And when you understand what is happening - fear is out, he does not tolerate clarity. Working on the article, I talked with dozens of friends and acquaintances to understand what lives after the 45 most ordinary residents of Russia. Not models, not stars, do not queen - those women who are going towards the street.

    You know, they live interesting! One bought myself on the 45th birthday scooter, the other learns to drive a motorcycle, the third, the fourth, the fifth and sixth play and sing in groups, the seventh teaches the eighth contact improvisation, the ninth - karate. Two are translated from English interesting books, one writes 2-3 books per year, one holds book festivals in Vladimir, one breeds the purebred cats in the Crimea, one opened the travel agency. A few after 40 were enrolled in universities, one in the honeycomb. Many travel, two moved to other countries. Many are married and happy in marriage, alone, some married, one couple adopted a child, one woman gave birth.

    Want to read what they say?

    As for women 45+, I can say with confidence that wushu classes is the best choice for them. None of those experienced in the youth of negative situations does not pass without a trace, it remains almost inconspicuous block, clamp. The critical mass of such clamps accumulates to mature age. Plus - a natural reduction in mobility, flexibility, a total tone. The technique of occupation of the Wushu allows them to start them from any moment, from any condition of the body. Beautiful, smooth movements, concentration on the inner sensations, visual control, the correct breathing allow you to very quickly go to the "resource saving" mode, but even partially restore many, sometimes forgotten, body capabilities. General recovery and rejuvenation of qigong methods is not a fairy tale.

    O. Deresh, Teacher Wushu, Coordinator of the Center for the Study of Traditional Military and Health Systems "Way", Feodosia.

    I always easily live with my age. I remember, for the thirty years gathered a bunch of guests, and had fun - and the girlfriend had a crisis and suffering - that's, life was over. Now she has in her 48, a five-year-old son, a second child, by age equal to the grandchildren from the elder daughter - and there is no crisis and in risen. Now I am 48, and I can safely say - the last 10 years were the best in my life. Perfectly at work - you know the price, the leadership also knows her work, and also forces remain for life. The daughter has grown - and now we are a friend. She has grown earnings, and expenses declined. An opportunity appeared on the surplus - for the first time in life - to travel as much as the soul wishes. Just returned from Vietnam, Oh, Sea, Beach, Pleasant Society - Daughter. Tan and grilled fish with Lemongrass, this is life. And to return to work - no suffering - she likes it. I lead the direction, talking to doctors about new drugs, smart people, interesting topics, the feeling that you bring benefits, and do not shift the paper. I would have envied myself from my 25, honestly!

    R. Efimova. Psychologist, analyst, farm-director of the company O + K, Moscow

    Forty five is the very time to live for yourself and by their rules. What did I do for myself over the past five years - from forty to forty five? Broke up with my daughter's father finally. Social conventions ended, our daughter became a twenty-year-old smart and beautiful young lady, ends the institute and lives his life. She herself decides how and when to communicate with her parents, and we, parents, no longer need forced communication. Is it scary to change work after forty-five?

    Scary. At night, all sorts of "suddenly" are given. But much stronger is the same love for yourself. And self-esteem. Therefore, after six years of work in the apparatus of the federal official, I once woke up in a cold sweat. I should not live someone else's life. It is not obliged to jump from each boss from each silence, jumping among the night to redo the document at a convenient time for it. I do not want my day to depend on his mood. This is only my life. I grew up and obliged to live only for myself. I returned to my favorite magazine. Yes, lost in money. But instead I found myself. I write again. I communicate with interesting people again. I'm happy again.

    O. Andreeva, editor, Moscow

    What is this husband an adult beautiful woman? First you love not a person, but my idea about him. Gradually manifests personality, it is interesting. We both turned out to be self-sufficient and creative. Many questions over time are solved easier. Threshold passed when a person is not familiar with you. He becomes native, the fear of being incomprehensible. Of course, there was wisdom in solving intrasday issues. We have less complexes, a permanent moment of mutual interest and growth is preserved. We love each other and children.

    N. Achilov, doctor, entrepreneur, husband leader of the Dramnot group E. Achilova, St. Petersburg

    Who would argue, not all my girlfriends all cloudlessly. Adults are delivering a nonsense chairs, parents become graffitable old men, physical capabilities weaken, problems with memory, vision, hearing, arise. Not everyone managed to find a job from the first time, not everyone is good with money. Several of my peers are struggling with cancer, somewhat survived heavy divorces, buried close people. But they are not despair. In our eyes, a new layer of society is formed - mature people of 45-65 years, who continue to be active. The medicine, fashion, cinema, literature, tourist business are increasingly oriented on them. They are competent, solvent, sensitively thinks and make decisions themselves, without hurrying to give way to young. The fall of life ceases to be a tiny gap between winter and summer. I am sure that my (and yours) daughters in 45 will feel full and beautiful.

    We were lucky a little less - the society was not yet accustomed, the Agemism (hatred for the elderly) would not go anywhere. But changes for the better are already noticeable. And they depend on us! The more beautiful, strong, stylish, active and self-confident mature women will appear around, the sooner stereotypes collapse.

    Ida on scooter, ladies!

    The text was supported by: Nick Batxen

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