Dear, you have a spring exacerbation! 10 faithful signs


In the spring, everyone is constantly confused in a beard. In a long-pre-bearer, which has grown a joke about a spring exacerbation. Are you not funny? Right. And we are not funny. And no one is ridiculous.

Because what a laugh is there? Spring exacerbation is not a joke. This is a natural so sore, which must be survived. Here are 10 signs that you are unhealthy. Nothing. It will pass.

I want to work

The first symptom. A very dangerous state, which for some reason underestimate and the sick themselves, and their closest relatives. Because the symptom seems absolutely safe. Outside the window is a sun, and the windows are so dirty. Unbearable to look at it, you need to wash! What's wrong with that, right? Nothing bad. In addition to the fact that in the spring you want not only to wash the windows, but also throw away all the trash.

And now you are sitting on the floor in old sports pants and sob. Because in the pile of the hob, there was a letter from the boy who loved you. And your joint photo. You are 15 years old and you are beautiful as a fairy. And everything could be. But you thought you were urodna. And the boy refused. And from the same time everything went wrong. Everything!

I want to quit smoking

And also have coffee with liters, and beer - tanks. And it's time to stop there any nastyness. Especially at night. Nature is awakened, everything around is so fresh, so gentle, and only you are remembered, stinking tobaching. Enough to strive how much you can! True, one in such an adventure is terrible, so you need to collect like-minded people. It is necessary to tell everyone how it is harmful to smoke, drink, eat and generally live. From this dying. Painfully.

Minds, of course, are, because the exacerbation begins at all. The problem is that this episode is the shortest possible. Without beer boring. Without cigarette bad. Without coffee, it is not clear how to live, not to mention McDonalds. And the sun does not replace all these joys of life, it turns out. But you frightened yourself well. That is, harmful habits did not throw, but now you are afraid of die from them right tomorrow. On a beautiful spring day.

I want to change habits

Since harmful habits won with a crushing account, you will certainly need to arrange a match-revenge. After all, there are also useful habits! Some. Until you, but only for now! You will start right now right now, get up at five in the morning, to have a charging and shave the legs on time. We will become shorter, a good girl. With which nothing bad will happen. Never ever.

At this point you will feel that the spring exacerbation is not a fiction. It began. Not you, of course, and everyone around. Because they are angry some. Irritated. Do not want to buy sneakers and run with you in the park in the morning.

I want to lose weight

In February it was early. In March - it's too late. Now, it turns out, it's time. Unfairly arranged peace, yes? You have a tide of strength and energy. You do not need to stick yourself to kicks in the gym, and some kind of special motivation are not needed. You want to jump, run and wave a dumbbell. And you do not want to squeeze the cake at all. I want yogurt and cucumber. Why, why is it just now, when there is no time? But why?!

The first clinically expressed symptom. You really lose weight. Kilogram on one and a half, if necessary for ten. And if you need one and a half - then you throw off all five. And all with a chest. Therefore, it will immediately turn out to be, now we must lose weight in the area of ​​the ass. And then - how lucky. Maybe you will become the faithful adept of intuitive nutrition and nourged kilograms back in the first kebabs. And maybe you are playing any miracle diet. To make the results, to fix it. In general, fun and tasty will not work. Fun, however, will not be anyone. But some will be sad and tasty. Better than nothing.

I want to get drunk

And not in a stuffy club. And do not fit cocktails. I want to get drunk as in my youth, when there was no money at all, but the abstineent syndrome was not yet presented, but some drinks became friends with you. Semi-sweet "Arbat", bright "wedge", legendary "three axes"! Go all here, old buddies, let's fall. And necessarily in nature. In some secluded corner of the old park.

This is a normal sign. Because you are already a big girl and, of course, you can drink. Eh, good as, Lord! Actually, it will be good for you until you come back home. Because I used to meet my mother and her strictly frowny eyebrows. I wanted to become an adult at this moment, right? And now - no one meets. Even if there is a husband, children and cat - everything is already sleeping. And on the shelf there is a viskar. And the network has all the clips "Nautilus". And you are already adult. Therefore, now you interfere with cheap beer with expensive whiskey and how you should break through the subject "I am such an old, Lord, why am I already so old"

I want a dress

No, two. And shoes. And coat. And in general - you need to update the entire wardrobe. And maybe even change the image. Why, in fact, do not become red? Always dreamed.

Well, what can I say here .. First, rebel the hair, and then buy a dress for all salary. Not because the dresses will not suit the new color of the hair. Because the new hair color is not suitable for you, and nothing will repaint. That's it - grief. And the salary, lowered on unnecessary rags - not grief. So, trouble. Throw them out all the next spring. When the symptom appears again, "I need to throw off the trash!"

I want big and clean love

To pass! To fire! For passengers in the subway dreamed of beating you for a completely inappropriate in eight in the morning bliss on your face. And butterflies, butterflies to complete luxury! Otherwise it is not considered.

Here, the aggravation reaches the spring when medicine, alas, powerless. Everything now depends on the patient. From you, that is. You can sober in a slight form. Especially if you have immunity with last spring - when you sidura fell in love with the boss, which is simply by defining a goat. His work is such. And you can, alas, get serious complications. These usually lead random ties. But the worst thing is to hurt with children's diseases after twenty-five. Do not call the former. You already had a windmill.

I want drama and tears

On the gap of aorta literally. To pine from unbearable spiritual pain. In order for the look to be absent, so that there is a stuff stamp on the pale chel. In this state, you must come to visit the girlfriend and sad breath over the cup of tea. And when she asks "What happened?" We must answer that nothing happened, everything is fine, everything is ok. And immediately burst.

Very dangerous state. It is painlessly carry only women of creative professions. Writer, journalist, pathologists. Because this come up with a tragedy and believe it - to spit once. All others will also believe and run around with paper handkerchiefs, valerian and vodka. If you have a creative alkali - do not even think to start publicly suffering. I will enjoy evil and hysteric. Break at home. Occasion? Well, Johnny Depp Won married, for example. Gad. Traitor.

I want adventure

Much a lot of fun adventures. And better - a large spring adventure. For whom you are without regretful, you will throw all the life trash, acquired by unbearable difficulty. Which will change all your habits. And during this adventure you, of course, lose weight. Because you will fall in love passionately, and then you will suffer. Do not eat, do not sleep, but only drinking and throwing on someone else's moon. Pay your own and get out of this story updated and rampant. And the red wavy mane will be waving in the wind.

Ahtung! Terminal stage! Requires a dozen of Sanitars, a strait shirt and haloperidol. Well, okay - at least common sense. And then one girl really wanted adventures, and now sits without light, gas and water. But with goat and five kids. In eoposalia. Where no adventures do not happen, because there can not be drunk, smoke and shave, but you can only dive naked into the hole. Here is horror, yes?

I want to summer already!

To make it all over. To finally let go. To walk in the country in the old bathing suit, she was going to think about the cottage and thinking "Evona as I was ate in this spring." Be patient. A little bit left.

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