Legs, you are tired: where the varicose veins comes from


Varicose veins of the veins also did not draw life better. It's not particularly beautiful, hurts and makes you an unbearable partner for walking - after a couple of kilometers you start to whine that the legs are tired, the feet have swollen and your hunting home. Where does this rubbish come from? First, from DNA. Varicosis is inherited. Secondly, from your personal habits. Provice varicose veins can most innocent actions. For example:

Shave legs in your way

It would seem - well, a couple of cuts, completely tiny, what harm from them? And he is. Even small, but regular cuts can increase the risk of varicose veins - they confuse the microcirculation of blood and the veins have to strain even a little, but more than usual.

Ignore leg scrub

Minding the scrub (and then moisturizing cream) you massive legs, preventing stagnation of blood and improving microcirculation. It also takes fatigue. If such dances with a tambourine are not included in your daily routine - prepare for the fact that the legs will begin to swell.

Long stand

Varicosis is a professional disease of those who stand daily for several hours, as a resistant tin soldier. Cashiers, teachers, bartenders and all the rest, who are forced to save a vertical position for the debt, risk getting this taku much more. But the risk can be reduced, if not just stand, but to get there and go here, roll out from the heel on the sock and to extract all sorts of pretzel, until no one looks at.

Sit without getting up

Large hello to all office gallery. It is not enough that the many hours of sitting in the office does not effectively affect the figure, it also harms the veins. Musculatory legs - when it works, of course - acts as an additional pump, which makes the blood run faster and does not allow her to be stood in the legs. And if you do not move - well, I'm sorry. Gravity does not spare anyone. Choose what you like more - simulators, dancing or bike, but do anything.

Do not train your leg muscles

If not to train the muscles of the legs, it will begin to decrease in the amount. Free space is formed - very small, but sufficient so that the veins began to expand in it, twist and shook. Therefore, varicose veins so often overtakes athletes who have departed from affairs.

Train them too active

Especially dangerous in this sense, running. Just do not understand us wrong - run cool. But excessive hobby of marathons and other shock loads can lead to velvera microtrams. And because of this, the outflow of blood worsens.

Throw one's foot

Clear Clarissa Starling need dosage. When you sit behind the leg, the outflow of blood from the veins deteriorates and they stretch. And here it is not far from the varicose.

Wear high heels

Generally dubious pleasure. And if you need the last argument in favor of sneakers, moccasin, jockey boots and a temperate tanket, then it is: on high heels, the leg muscles are frozen in the same position and practically do not work. Even if you manage to go through 10 kilometers on studs, the blood circulation in this area will not improve. And blood stagnation leads to the expansion of the veins.

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