Our favorite roles of brilliant Alan Rickman



It is absolutely impossible to believe that today a magnificent British actor and director Alan Rickman passed away - he was only 69. We remembered the most favorite films with his participation. Rest with the world, dear professor.

Viscount De Valmond, "Dangerous Communications", Broadway

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The role that opened Alan Rickman as a magnificent actor. A play with great success was in London, then on Broadway.

Hans Gruber, "Strong Oreshek", 1988

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In the role of Village Rickman was always especially convincing. To take at least his first truly large role - an opponent is not someone, but Bruce Willis himself in a cult "strong nut." And these mustache with a beard!

Sheriff Nottinghamsky, "Robin Hood", 1991

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Again the mustache, beard and black chasis - well, who can be a more villain invader?

Colonel Brandon, "Mind and Feelings", 1995

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In the role of honest, principled and extremely romantic colonel Rickman is incredibly good. And for the scene, where he carries in the hands of an insensitive Marianna, you can sell soul!

Gregory Rasputin, "Rasputin", 1996

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It is necessary to possess the short courage, multiplied by the talent in order to take a chance to take up the role of Gregory Rasputin - perhaps one of the most odious characters of the Russian history of the twentieth century. Bravo, Alan!

Metatron, "Dogma", 1999

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They say that Alan Rickman agreed on this role almost immediately: the only question that was worried - the wings will be computer or mechanical.

Professor Severus Snape, cycle of films about Harry Potter, 2001 - 2011

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It is impossible to imagine anyone in the role of a professor of potion. Charismatic, apparent, but in its own way charming and very wounded. Beautiful, absolutely beautiful!

Harry, "Real Love", 2003

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Whether we are on the site of that secretary, we would also be seduced to the victorious. And they would be seduced!

Judge Trpin, "Suinny Todd, a demon-hairdresser with fleet-street", 2007

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In the films, Tim Berton is usually all good, and in the "Suinny Todda" everything is obscribted. And Rickman fits perfectly into the company.

Hilly Crystal, CBGB Club, 2013

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Do you want to look at Rickman with curls? You here! A film about the real person who discovered the club in New York, in which any groups could perform. Underground in the mass!

PS Look, but here you can pay

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