How many types of different types! Pics.Ru about where came from and what fashion classifications come from


To the question: "Who are you?" Answer: "Lena" is somehow anything. It is necessary to answer in such a way that it was immediately clear what is to deal with you, what to wait for you than to feed you and what to give.

Humanity has invented so many different typologies for this that you can get lost in them. Therefore, kind was the classification of classifications - the guide to all these infinite "humanity is divided into ..." and shares it with everyone!

Zodiac signs

What salt: All this porridge was brewed in Babylon. I looked at the man on the sky and saw all kinds of interesting pictures in it. In Babylonian, however, the constellations were formed 18. But already the 25th centuries ago, unnecessary cut off. It's funny that the imaginary points are associated with the mythical "body" real celestial bodies, which actually are each friend to his boyfriend well, very inclusive even on cosmic standards. It is only for our eyes they are neighbors. So the sign in which the Red Sun was at the moment when you were born, this is such a purely earthly convention. And nevertheless, this thing works! Somehow is so faithful and mystical way, how old the old Soviet body worked when the fistive strength is affected.

Options for who you: Well, here everything is aware. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Scales, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Fish. True, there is another thirteenth constellation. Name is a snakes. For some reason, horoscopes are usually silent about him. It seems that the nature is that even astrologers are afraid.

Where to look for yourself: Of course, in the corporate horoscopes from the Great and terrible sniper's accurate Alexandra Smilanskaya! With us, you distribute everything in yourself, what guessed and did not guessed: from the diaper to retirement.

Eastern horoscope

What salt: It is said that when Buddha decided to finally move to Nirvana, he decided to say goodbye for some reason with the animals. But of all one and a half or two million species inhabited land (or how many of them were then in its times), they were not lazy to appear only 12. For this, the Buddha gave each creature in the morning. What do people who have not appeared at all come up to feeding animals? It is believed that they predominantly born in the year of the sloth. Anyway, we have about the Eastern Horoscope for NG, when the shelves are filled with a red-gold interstitious trifle. What our western NG is also related to them, the question is also. The universe is generally full of secrets affordable except Buddha.

Options: Rat, bull, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, boar.

Where to look for yourself: Well, about your Dragon or horsepower, you probably have long been aware of this year - but it goes for you this year, you can check with our compass. If some promised buns are missing, you have three more with an excess month to implement them!

Horoscope Druidov

In which the salt: one of the fun misconceptions of my childhood, youth, such as "Beauty Iikuk" - that Druids it was such an ancient people. In fact, of course, the priests at the Celts. It is terrible, unoligious, and maybe even a tree-like, in the root of Ontils in Tolkien. They themselves love to communicate with green brothers - and everyone advised everyone. Especially with those brothers that you like direct relatives.

Options: Apple tree, fir, elm, cypress, poplar, cedar, pine, will, linden, hazel, rowan, maple, nut, jasmine, chestnut, ash, rhine, fig, oak, birch, olive. Confusing the amount of course. Remember it is impossible! Ourselves - and then with difficulty. Unless the association. For example, if you remember that everyone should ask you: where, they say, my favorite? And you only download your head ...

Where to look for yourself: You will laugh, but our horoscopist is subject not only to the Capricorn with Aquarius, but also all sorts of different oaks.


What salt: Sometime they were determined by such an interesting indicator as "what fluid in a person more". Now - according to strength, depth and speed of mental processes. Someone functions as a fast and powerful electronics, someone - as a fast and changeable wind of May, someone - as a weak and wounded Rosa-Mimosa, someone - as a reliable and consistent brake person.

Options: Sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic. Although there are no clean-therapy types, each in a rat mixture with something with something.

Where to look for yourself: Complete a serious scientific test that will determine who else in you. And to find out if you are happiness with cute, if you, for example, choleric, and he is phlegmatic, here is here.


What salt: If on the fingers - one is more deployed outside, into the world, others inwards, in itself. Extraversion and introversion came up with Jung, developed Aizenk, and then everything was picked up.

Options: It would say for convenience that exactly two are extroverts and introverts. But the ambush: a bunch of people is suitable for the definition of "ambiver". That is, it does not go out irretrievably in any dense depths, nor in the stormy seas of life beyond. What, if you think, it is quite natural, otherwise we would not crossed each other!

Where to look for yourself: How much of what you will tell you the good old uncle Iizenk. However, less old, but no less good baby will tell how to find and strangle the introvert - and what an ambush actually be an extrovert.

Types for Freud.

What salt: The "good" grandfather Freud composed a tough theory, according to which each of us along the way from the baby to the pensioner gets stuck on some stage of infancy. And there, figuratively speaking, sausages and sausages of others.

Options: Oral - stuck at the stage of breastfeeding. Wants from the world of love and affection, a gullible, indifferent and prone to dependencies. Aggressive subspecies achieves love and caress, biting. Anal - stuck on the pot. Or keeps everything in himself, bore and pedant, or vice versa, impulsive as it can hide anyone. Falleic on male type - breaks to success with overall. Fallic in female - tries to seduce the whole world. The coolest type is genital. It builds relationships with people and the world boldly and harmoniously. Of course, I want to be them. But the cunning grandfather Freud believed that there were practically no such in the world!

Where to look for yourself: On the cushion of psychoanalyst. If not sorry. And then the names are so unkind, and the decodes are even less affectionate! ..


What salt: This is citizens, almost religion. Her adherents learn friend in sacred vocabulary and slang. They began to build it on dichotomies, that is, couples built by Jack Jung: thinking, feeling, intuition, rationality-irrationality, extroversion-introversion. There is no God, except Jung, and Aushra Augustinavitut of his prophet: It was this woman in the 70s who broke every piece of this four more pieces - and decided that each of us had their own "halves" with which we are most convenient to interact . Because "jar" converge correctly.

Options: Stirlitz, he is the same administrator; Gorky, he is an inspector; Jack London, he is a businessman; Robespierre, he analyst; Hugo, he is an enthusiast; Driver, he is keeper; Hamlet, he is a mentor; Dostoevsky, he is a humanist; Zhukov, he is Marshal; Gaben, he is a master; Napoleon, he is a politician; Duma, he is an intermediary; Don Quixote, he is a seeker; Balzac, he critic; Hexley, he is the adviser; Yesenin, he is a lyrics. But the normal adept of religion is so, of course, not expressed. It will call a rotor or hexacy, maxim or stray.

Where to look for yourself: Fast and simple test is here. But if you wish, you can find longer and complex: you want 40 questions, you want to 60.

Larks and Owls

What salt: The fact that people have biorhythms named birds, already knows every chick. It is believed that the fry comrades are steeper from 4.00 to 11.00, and the Lord owls of the mountains turn together in the interval between 16.00 and 24.00. Recently, truth, opened pigeons. These cunning birds tweet and from 11.00 to 16.00 and from 00.00 to 4.00.

Options: Actually, the larks, owl and dove. But we believe that there is also a narrowder man! Is there really no such that you always want to sleep?!

Where to look for yourself: Well, where-where ... on the pillow. If you are on it, but on the clock nine in the evening - you can shutterly twitter. If on the clock fifteen zero-zero morning - yep. If the clock is not observed - well, kva! Although ... Despite the fact that everyone understands it is intuitive, but there is still a method of computing. Called the Hildelabrandt index. Wake up - and measure the pulse and breathing frequency. If their ratio is less than 3: 1, you owl, if above 5: 1 - Lark, and if 4: 1 - dove. And if you stuck to measure you - the sloth is exactly! And the year named after you in the eastern horoscope. Because your year is each! :)

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