Why be lonely in 30 years is normal


    Why be lonely in 30 years is normal 39327_1
    You feel quite the people who have found themselves. You have interesting work and meaningful career prospects. You have a dream and you are closer to her. But why, damn, from each iron is hissing "And the watch is ticking ... and then it goes ... a poor thing ..." You do not feel a poor man! What is going on?

    Oddly enough, the grain of truth in whispers is there. But it is the grain that is like a pearl in a dung bug. Let's carefully won it to pass the rest of a bunch in the trash with a clean conscience.

    The situation is as follows: you have a body, and everything you herself in this life is installed on this body. That is without a body - it does not work. The body has strict requirements, an approximate period of expected performance and a bunch of fine settings, which - surprise! - affect not only how the body is subject to you, but also to what you can want. Want - this is generally a bodily option, ask even at the pyramid of the butter.

    It is clear that the strict requirements of all are approximately the same, and the thinner of the settings, the more options. But there are some things that seem to be quite invisible, but turn on and off regardless of our desire. (Remember what annoyance and inconvenience were the first two or three menstruation - they also did not ask you what plans for the coming days).

    These things, namely, our hormonal settings, something very different from our great-grandmothers, and something has not changed. Let's start with the fact that we menstruate incomparably more often than our Pramateri. 10 times a year. Like a nun. We menstruate incomparably longer than our Pramaiter: a female organism, having committed 12-15 gods, and after scumbering 5-8 people from these births, reliefly dumped into a climax for the fortieth year of life and "I - an old woman, leaving everything questions." And, moreover, now only especially upright slimming for women familiar with the effect of hungry amenorrhea, which only organisms of our straphers and protected themselves in particularly severe times.

    Why be lonely in 30 years is normal 39327_2
    Why are we talking about now? And then that our hormonal hours with you organisms now, in the present conditions, of course, tick, but tick very, very not as it should be considered. Yes, twenty-five years - really optimal for conception and tooling age from the point of view of the mileage of the uterus and ovaries. But thirty five - quite nothing. And forty two - quite acceptable. Forty seven - yes, difficult, but with good money, good medicine will reduce the risks to the average.

    But there are still women who simply spoiled on these watch. You can not want children at all and not to collect them to start. After all, children are no longer the only guarantee of safe old age. Moreover, children today are a pledge mainly spending. And there are women who plan to be that with time they will give birth to children. And those who just want to give birth from the most man, and no more from anyone.

    And here you have no children thirty. What do you really face it? Career growth is most likely. Self-realization. Weighted with a choice of a greater circle of partners (wanted - everything threw and cleaned the guy to Norway). Of these, the current minuses there is one - you gradually decreases the number of workers' eggs. If you often drink, sleep with umbrellas and ride a lot of contaminated regions - well, freeze several eggs. And then doctors do not recommend doing this procedure up to 34 years, because only after this age begins a noticeable decline in fertility. That is, if you do not unload the waste of nuclear power plants, you can not worry.

    It comes from the iron "Here I want to marry then, no one will take!"

    Think about it. The average man (if you come to the head to get married for the average man), wondered in the wonderful sense for women for 5-10 years. That is, just looking not to short, but a little up, business. You thirty-five, he is forty-five - what's the problem? Two hundred years ago, even the forty-five-year-old groom did not consider the brides in twenty-five, primarily from the reproductive considerations - those we wrote about above, and which have already changed much. Men, of course, is very conservative people in the mass, but the changes are hurting them. A twenty-year-old wife is beautiful, there is no dispute, but who will it be when they grow up? Will it be good with her when she keeps himself in a full person?

    But more important than one more consideration. Going married or the more referring to learn from the iron, just "in time" - a woman closes a lot of growth opportunities. Marriage in its traditional understanding is a full-fledged working employment. And the cultivation of children - and in general loading 24 \ 7. This is not social squat, "to be taken away", it is five to six years, which are completely removed from your resume, experience, learning. You didn't go to PHD, did not pass the exam, did not break through the project, did not build a business. And someone else did it. So you did not stay in the same place - you moved down. What promised to you in response? With your child, you at least guarantee the child itself, the status of a mother (and this is still something) and some calm of the relatives. In the project "Marriage" you are not guaranteed anything.

    Why be lonely in 30 years is normal 39327_3
    Marriage in order to be close to a close man, the marriage for simplifying property management is intelligently. Marriage for children - nothing will give you nothing. A decent man will not embarrass the absence of a stamp; dishonest will not embarrass its presence. The marriage for the check mark, in principle, it makes sense if the relatives are very worried and a lot of money wears grandmas, in order to remove the crown of celibacy from you. And then you will go for the box, and the maintenance will ask you fully. And children may also arise quite complete. And to look for a real prince with two children on the neck - honest word, harder than alone. On Daiting, it will be a whole problem.

    So what is bad to be one at the thirty years? The fact that a person wants sex and hugs.

    Well, this is not a question of family status, this is a question of the ability to enter into relations, and the presence of pretty candidates for relations in your environment. If your relationship is somehow anyway, it means that there is no chief of celibacy over you, just you are looking for something that the current relationship does not give. Well, if you clearly understand what exactly - and if not - it is necessary to figure it out, and not agree blindly on what "something does not roll." If there are no candidates - it is not necessary to change yourself, and the environment. It may take time, no one argues - but we have already said: you have time.

    Text author: Asya Mikheev

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