11 lessons who have rendered your daughter from Disney cartoons


When everything rolls out of the hands, you can count the "marriage of Figaro", and you can revise the Disney classic: and immediately get into such a kind and beautiful world, where everyone is fine. And everything is developing.

Cinderella It turned out to spread so much cases - and arrange a movement on the ball, and Rapunzeli had to get out of the dumb tower and deal with their destination. "I would go to the princess! - You think. - Let me teach me! " And they may, in our opinion, at least 11 useful skills.

Tiana - dreaming

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Without finding a saucer with a blue car, this enterprising girl not only was ready to go as dad Carlo, but also to develop his business. And she succeeded. Perseverance and love for their work - our everything!

Rapunzel - get out of the comfort zone

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It is of course - in order to get out of it, you must first get into it. But we are sometimes thoroughly zaku in low-spirited places, because we are afraid to change anything. Rapunzel risked and dried his brave nose towards adventure and uncertainty. And how would her life be enough if she stayed there?

Cinderella - COLLECTION WITH Ded Line

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This girl could engage in the scientific organization of labor. All entrusted withdrawn on time, then on the ball in the hard limit of the time, without any smartphone reminders. Maybe because the facebuck did not tupil? ;)

Snow White - open to communicate

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When you find yourself in a difficult situation, it is very important not to remain in psychological isolation. Snow White knew how to set up contacts with neighbors - from animals to the gnomes. The prince, for sure, also not just so past the jump - felt accumulated communication skills and charisma!

Bell - stand up for yourself

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Beautiful and from the baptized Gaston with alien values ​​confidently fought off, and the monster could have tamed. Yes, not every torn monster will turn into a prince - but in her case, the sheepnica cost the release.

Ariel - do not focus on the physical

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She has a talent, a dream, feeling and perseverance. And even when it takes part of the physical data, it remains like himself. And achieves his. Although, between us, it could certainly achieve more than this in-prince, so easily maintained on the home-grown hypnosis!

Aurora - not to lose hope

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"Never give up" - teaches us sleeping beauty. And if in the first cartoon, her story rather shows us that sooner or later there will certainly come a good time, even if you temporarily enchanted something and suiced - and you just need to wait ... then in the series "Follow the dream" she actively takes the circumstances in their hands.

Jasmine - choose fate

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She could choose from the mass of any suggestions of any, but her tired of these snobs seeking her hands. "I am not a prize that you can win!" - Very correct promise. She preferred to seek attitudes on their own terms - and choose someone you need, and no one to fit.

Mulan - Risk

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This princess gets the first prize in the nomination "Aventurism". Do you remember how she took and saved China? Something! She went to all the installations of the family and society - and won well-deserved love and glory. To "be warrior", it is not necessary to fight - but the courage will need!

Pokeshontas - Love Nature

11 lessons who have rendered your daughter from Disney cartoons 39326_10
How to appreciate, respect and take care of all living things, this girl demonstrates not only John Smith. And not just jumps from the waterfall!

Merida - appreciate the family

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The history of Merida shows how important their native people are important. She does not try to redo loved ones by his measure - and knows how to be a brave heart, but also to establish relationships, taking relatives as they are.


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