Master of a wide profile: why the multitasking is stupid


Lost keys and after an hour found them in the freezer? It was completely forgot to my patronymic, mom's birthday and what is the name of that red, which was still playing in this film, well, how is it there? Exploded, having heard an innocent question "Love, and where is my socks?".

This is not the first signs of dementia. These are the bitter consequences of multitasking.

Women's multitasking: We are prone to this?


I and the horse, I and the bull, I and the Baba, and the man. And the head of the sales department, and the household guru, and the mother of a pair of snotty noses, and generally a multiple potassium, in one hand laptop, in another vacuum cleaner, in the third pan, and on the fourth it would be nice to make a manicure.

Men are all somewhat easier - they work at work, at home - rest. Women are working out two shifts, first in the office, and then at the family hearth. And to whom, as not to them, know where we have salt, mop, soap, a gas bill for November 2013, a transformer machine and the very socks.

Oils in this hellish fire poured someone's assertion that women de head arranged completely differently, and they make 10 cases at a time - how to visor. Nothing like this. Scientists have long been trying to understand whether multitasking is possible in principle, and so far they are all converging in one: no, it is impossible. At least as long as we do not learn to imagine multi-core processors into the brains.

In 2012, researchers from the University of Utah to the United States tested the crowd of volunteers and found out that only 2.5% of people can perform several cases at the same time, almost almost! - Without losing performance. And from the floor, this indicator does not depend at all.

How the brain sorts things


It does not matter how serious the task is whether we are developing a nuclear reactor or lunch menu. In both cases, the brain works on full revs. Particularly try two small areas in frontal fractions. But as soon as the first task is added the second, each of these sites is focused on its task.

You can try to add and third task, but the frontal shares are still over. It seems to you that you are doing three things at the same time, but they are still two - something one will constantly fall out of sight. And this mode for the brain - if not an emergency, then definitely stressful. If you live so long enough, the consequences will be quite dramatic.

What threatens multitasking


You work badly and slowly. If you perform tasks in turn, everything about everything will take two hours. If at the same time, at least three, and this is another good result. Because the performance during multitasking falls in proportion to the number of cases.

With each switching with one task to another brain, it holshes a little, and you can't remember what you need to do with this carrot - put it in the printer? Clear? Remove in the wardrobe? As a result, after three hours you are exhausted, and the work is made something.

You all forget everything. Brain is not a circus juggler. With a quick change of tasks, all the information required is moving between operational, temporary and long-term memory. Because you do not need to think about the cooking algorithm, when you answer the working letter - but also you should not forget it too.

Naturally, part of the information is lost. That is, one day you can not remember at all, whether you shed a borsch and answered if the letter answered. And what is the name of the redhead of that movie.

You are grieving. Because the solution of several tasks at the same time increases the level of stress, even if these tasks are simple, as a stool. And in the end, at some point you find out that you are yelling a foolishness on the one who is trying to raise you still, for example, on a native child who can put the cartoons to him.

You lose the ability to concentrate. And for a long time. People who are accustomed to do a few things at the same time cannot focus on one thing, even if they do not have any other tasks. They used to be distracted.

If, reading this article (not so long), you checked a couple of times that there is going on there in Facebook, I went around cactus, looked into the window and poured myself tea, most likely you are a victim of multitasking.


She kills any creative gusts. Multitasking people are increasingly unprepared. Because a creative approach requires a mandatory concentration, and it is not available to them, because see above.

You start annoying people. Because you can not focus on the interlocutor. He tells you something that is so stirring, and in the meantime you wash the cups, pour food to Barsik, consider your nails or, that is not good at all, they don't go anywhere in the phone, from time to time I throw "yes I listen to you, listening to you."

Brain dries. Literally. Scientists from the University of Sussex noted that people, the years working in multitasking mode, decreases the volume of the gray matter, which is responsible for the processing of information and, ultimately mental abilities.

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