35 ways to easily make a good deed


It happens that you are drunk from happiness, and you want to share with others. Or, on the contrary, you are sad, and you want to return the equilibrium into the world, having pleased someone else. And how I called around a single grandmother, which you want to translate across the road! Pics.ru knows what to do.

For the closest


1. Write " Love you »On the mirror swollen in the bathroom. The inscription will disappear, but manifests again when someone goes to wash.

2. Without a reminder, call the parents or grandparents and instead of discussing the topical questions, ask them about what they especially like to do in their childhood. Listen carefully.

Secret! From such a conversation, you can find out what to give parents for the holidays. Everyone loves pleasant memories of childhood.

3. Without a request, do something for your partner something that is usually not doing. For example, bring a cup of tea or cook him cookies to grab to work.

4. When gathering in a large shopping center on a car, ask a slavery girlfriend, whether it is not necessary to buy any supplies to it.

5. If you plan to go for a walk on weekends, offer to relatives or friends with children to capture their child with them.

Soul team

6. If you are going to arrange a party or start repair, even if you have a permitted time, hang on the general door ad: " We are going to make noise with ... by ... if we interfere with you, please call XXX. Apartment number x. ". Neighbors, who have heads or suffer small children, will be immensely grateful to you.

7. Buy a simple metal hook in the economic hook and screw it near a common door on the floor so that the neighbors can hang heavy bags on it when the door opens.

8. When you make a general cleaning, notice at the same time on the staircase.

9. If you are annoying illiteracy on social networks, instead of care with acid, choose some nice writer from Fritrents and offer her (personal message) to edit any of her story.

10. Make the effort of the will and refuse notifications to the post in the FB, where the political discussion flares up. Instead, see what your friends rejoice today, and share at least one of their records. ( Yes, at least share this our article!)

11. Remember the friend with whom I did not communicate for a long time, and write him e-mail. And even better - send a present paper letter.

12. Finally, look at the film about which your friend's ears drive you, and, no matter what he, tell her that the main character, really, sexuality itself.

13. Make a compliment by a random acquaintance. Universal Option: praise her smile.

14. Praise the work of a modest colleague to other employees so that he heard it.

15. Brought several beautiful ceramic cups to the office, which are nice to keep in your hands, and leave in the common kitchen.

Kindness to strangers


16. Wanted unfamiliar neighbors on the elevator of a good day before going out.

17. Skip someone forward in traffic, in line on the tram, for products, etc.

18. Hold the glass door to the subway for the next passenger.

19. Give your place in transport, and it does not matter - to whom.

20. Buy an excess ticket for one trip and once give it to a person who stands at the turnstile and can not find his travel.

21. If you see in the queue of a little child, which is about to get together, smile to him, a sickery, show the focus with the "endangered finger".

22. Did you consider some things in the store and decided not to buy? Do not leave them where it fell. Speak neatly into place. So you will help not only store workers, but also buyers who will look for these things after you.

23. In the restaurant, leaving the tip, write a good wish on the check.

24. If you order something on the phone, pronouncing all the words very clearly and clearly and totals not to be angry if the interlocutor gets unexpected.

25. If you liked a new service, a cafe or shop, spend 15 minutes and write a positive feedback on the Internet. Unhappy customers are always actively complaining, but they are usually satisfied. It needs to be corrected.

Secret! New institutions often track grateful feedback. Some give first customers gifts.

Contrary to weather


26. In the summer, always with you a few patches for those who run legs.

27. During the rain, offered a mocking neighbor to stop hid under your umbrella.

28. In the frost, there is someone easily dressed up to the metro for free.

29. Find out what you can feed birds, and replenish the feeders on the way to work.

30. In the cold, give concierge in the entrance of a warm plaid - they always blow out from the street.

Joy without reason


31. Buy a package of plastic eyes and glue them to advertising, pillars and walls on the street so that funny faces are obtained.

32. Having read the good book, put a bookmark or a postcard into it and leave the book on the bench.

33. Prepare good inscriptions on sticky leaflets and stick on mirrors in public places. " You look wonderful! " eg.

34. Put on the street is something funny, such as a rim with a hare ears. People will not show mind, but know, they rejoice.

35. Smile to a stranger. At least one person per day.

Secret! To make a smile applied adequate, it is worth practicing at the mirror. The rule is - first install the visual contact, then slowly start smiling, then take the look. When a smile arises slowly, it seems like you remembered something good or noticed something good in it.

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