What is sober on the mind? 10 secret desires in gifs


Here is an interesting folk wisdom - about the fact that I have a sober on my mind, then drunk in my language "! .. If you argue with it - yes, to come up with it on a preheated company (or for a clutter olive with a single monitor) - you can make a curious The idea of ​​personality ...

And the basic needs of the personality in the light of the glade begin to look something like this.

1. Together

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So, an animal is sitting inside almost every Tihoni, unsatisfied. In the sense of okay. Because after the third, you usually start to talk at once with three divisions louder. And others who usually torment you with their inappropriate noises, comprehends the fair Kara and sad karma.

2. Svet

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Glass and vocals - Gemini-brothers. And the empty of your glass, the insurmount of your soul sings. The products of the unexpected genre and content are populated from the depths of memory. More often fragments. But this is not scary. This is all Cha C-particular, Captive Captivity. The main thing is the feeling. And, again, the power of the sound. You can without ACKOP ... Apoca ... ah-no-no-cop.

3. Take off

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Any accountant in the depths of the soul dancing on the bar. Any sales manager - tear branded pants on the fence, carrying a pavement lilac. Any Director-General dreams to go swimming along and across the fountain ... It is even a pity that our souls are so deep that the fearless lady, chasing the rooftops on the roofs of garages from the purposeful Vladimir-Prokofyuych, is not trying to extract.

4. To love everyone

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Let out a few glasses of high-quality red on the presentation of something-like - this is often the right way to give the heart to all the developers of something, such, to inflate the high passion for the manufacturers of something, and at the same time serving on stage The group "Three Merry Baby" and by chance to get acquainted to the event, seen three and a half years ago. Soul - she is also wide and vast. It just opens not any. More precisely, not after the first.

5. All hate

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But actually, of course, if you look at a little more (and a little more accept), they are all some silent soulless Martians, these developers, manufacturers and consumers of something. And no one understands me. And my soul is exhausted. And not to sing with anyone. And I will go to the blizzard. Lonely, like an ox ... as a wolf. And you cry here without me, cry. Late. I'm not yours. And do not ask, and do not kiss.

6. Remember everything

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Veliko and inexhaustible you, subconscious. From the depths, you begin to cut the bizarre beings and substances. So you have remembered in an ordinary boring state that in the middle group told the cunning blond vitals to your suspended offer to give him a kiss? And never! And then the music turned out ... oh, and in the pioneer camp somehow on the third shift ... damn, and in the second year on the pedpartee! .. Pot, not Course, music, urgently stop inspired! Oh no, and on the first New Year's corporate, e-e ...

7. Climb into the past

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By the way about cunning blondes. And do not go to the FB, see how it is the same infection? Isn't it planning, finally, your enemy sailing past you on the river in the guise of the corpse with a sign "I was wrong" on the chest? Here from the subconscious, long-forgotten nicknames and surnames pop up, and by the morning you find yourself in the archive of records for 2008.

8. Puck

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Life is pain. All - Tlen. No one. Never. Always like this. And how many can you. There is no strength. And for what. And you Brute. Hug and cry. You can - birch. She is also alone. Like a wolf. And she does not move to the oak. And move - also worse ... He is oak. Poor. Just like me. Although I am alone. How much tears, it turns out in the tear glands, if you displace them with alcohol-containing liquids!

9. Income

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Who in the usual state can freely name all the prefailelites in chronological order and yield to apukhtin, of course, the flag in the hands ... but is the meaning? In the changed state, the meanings begin to shine and overflow. One freely flows into another, opening all new facets along the way. Intellect PARI, the desert is included with you, and the brain with the brain says.

10. Slept

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And this desire, apparently, is actually at the base of the pyramid needs. Because he wants to surrender right here and despite. Sweet and selflessly. And some it comes, bypassing all previous points. Still, of all the arts for us, the most important is - sleep! Healthy, by the way, reasonable - and in all senses sober! In what shots we are his tom, asks when in the third hour we begin to reflect on a quarterly report?!

P.S. By the way about reports. For the sake of scientific objectivity sake of scientific objectivity, this text was edited by the number of "agveli". So, with all the responsibility, we declare: what a sober on the mind is absolutely not accurate - so this desire to devote yourself to self-challenging work!

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